Evellinestu Lex Coreum


Basic Information
Evellinestu Lex Coreum
Evin, Evi, Ev
Birth Date:
27 Flowers, 8205
5'3 | 161cm
Wood Elf
Artificer, Freelances sage/magecraft & magic research
Mareus' Favour
Magic, Studying, His Work, Cinnamon Rolls (the food), Dancing, The Ocean/seafront
Messy food, wasted time, having to sleep...and pretty much anything to a lower degree. Evin Coreum more like Ev-In-corrigible Curmudgeon.
Positive Traits
Energetic, Wily, Self-assured, Independent
Neutral Traits
Ambitious, Tenacious
Negative Traits
Prickly, Mistrustful, Critical, Callous, Pompous
Personality types
Enneagram: Type 8w7
Charming wit and verve mark Evin's speech and methods, for he is an articulate individual with many thoughts on most any topic. He takes pride and joy his work, and exudes this confidence as he goes about his everyday life. A free-thinking soul, Evin enjoys having options and prefers to make his own choices on issues-- manipulation and loss of control don't sit well with him at all. Evin insists so much on his own independence and ability that he inadvertently steps over other's interests, feelings, and will. Whether it be getting into arguments with others or overburdening himself with work and responsibilities, Evin's pride often gets the best of himself.
Evin is of the mind that conflict and contrary thoughts are necessities, and is prone to seeking them out. They sometimes allow needed boundaries to be placed, and air to be cleared... but this tendency of Evin's is more likely to stagnate his goals and damage his relationships. The problem is that while he seeks resolution by bringing conflicts out in the open, Evin lacks the tact and sensitivity to properly achieve peaceful or efficient resolutions. He sets high goals and standards for himself and those around him, and he allows for no excuses when they are not met. This puts pressure on people and situations he's involved with as a result. As an extension of his control issues, Evin has difficulty putting faith in others- especially wherever words or promises are concerned. He may enjoy his risks, adventure, and novelties, but this frivolity does not translate well to his social or workplace habits- Evin believes there is a specific time and place for such things!
All in all, Evin is a sprightly person who values his dreams and the feeling of accomplishment, but his self-absorption leaves him very rough around the edges.
Born in Belport to the Wood elf couple Aleksandr and Maeve Coreum, Evin was by blood and heart a child of the sea. His parents were both in the Miras Royal Armada, and took heavy pride in their positions. The Coreum bloodline had had a long list of elves who took pride in their work in military and seafaring, sharp eyes, and quick movements rather than their magic.
And so it seemed it would continue that way, seeing as how the young Evin quickly found a love for the seas, just as his father did. His parents (his mother Maeve especially) immediately set about educating him for maritime. Evin was often teased for his small and frail stature, thus he quickly developed a prickly attitude to stave off most attacks. He took to mental tasks with all the more vigor, and soon enough, Evin grew curious of magic. Although he kept it secret the best he could, it was inevitable that his parents eventually found out, and they reacted with disdain.
In spite of his punishment of doubling up on studies and grounding, Evin was already more of a mage than anything else, albeit a highly untrained one. He continued to pursue his interest in magic in the face of determents. Years later after puberty, Evin developed thymagea (See Beginner Mage section of here) from his lack of training. Unfortunate incidents occurred as a result. The condition was met with denial on the mother's part, simply perceiving the fits of raw magic as marks of her child's rebellion. Evin's thymagea flared another time, and nearly killed the young elf- he only survived due to the immediate medical attention of family friends visiting the home for the week.
Evin's parents were soon caught up in a search for a magic school or tutor. He learned from local mages and teachers in the city, and studied every chance he could. In Evin's mind, magic was not only his interest, but his passion and lifeblood. He sought out the counsel of visitors to the port, making good use of Belport's tourism to develop networks with mages of all backgrounds that came for food and entertainment. After a couple years of investigating, Evin finally got an offer to sail far off to Dirge (a southern Iadlish town with a population of wood elves, see more info here) with a small Wood elf family- distant relatives through marriage ties, as it turned out. There, he could attend a reputable school while working for his host family. Evin was intent on evading his parents' pressure to join the military through distance. They were not pleased, but consented nonetheless, passing this off as some phase.
Evin learned his magic in Dirge, and was overall undeterred by locals' hostility to his foreign self. Visits to other cities and towns of Iadlain made Evin just as weary and paranoid as the natives themselves, ironically. He quickly found people to be vicious and cruel. Experiences in Iadlain soon led the wood elf to feel that he needed be far more competent if he wanted to stand any chance against this competitive world.
The young elf's education for the next few decades was intense. Evin insisted that he must learn his craft, and learn it exceptionally well- a pipe dream, perhaps, but one he was determined nonetheless. He studied hard and made the best of his circumstances and networks. Wanting to escape low pay and military work pressing upon him by his parents from afar, Evin set south for Estraude to study and work in what he had hoped would be a more welcome climate. The people were welcome, but the climate itself was not. Evin could only last a year of Estraude's natural environment before he finally returned to the Kingdom.
From there in the Kingdom, Evin worked around in the port cities, sometimes reaching further inland. He'd learned how to strike business, selling his magical services when and where he could. Evin participated in the scholarly world, and even assisted in magical research projects at times. A blunder would be made here and there in the midst of his business travels (usually due to his prickly personality), and on a few occasions, Evin resorted to shady means such as threats and blackmail to save desperate situations. True to his form, however, Evin preferred to stay out of unsavory practices- he was working too hard to allow any chance of a slip-up, after all.
Current Story
After a few mishaps and an accidental teleportation all the way across the world, Evin has born witness to much chaos in recent years. He is most recently known to have assisted in efforts to find Therras and his God's Child. He'd been thrust underground, seeking to reawaken the very god he had thought all this time to be shunning him.
Additional Info
Evin is physically delicate as a flower. He knows this, too, and is, as a result, a physical coward.
His elemental preference is water.
Evin's hidden talent his ventriloquism, born and developed from his snarking tendencies (saying unpleasant things without getting caught). Nowadays, he uses this in many creative and deceptive ways, but primarily for discreet spell casting. He's also decent at imitating or making animated voices! It makes for very colorful conversations.
There is always a metal adornment on Evin's boots that are enchanted with a levitation spell. He can't levitate more than three feet off the ground, but he can move mid-air. This enchantment lasts for no more than a minute or so before it wears out, and it has very little use outside of gaining some extra altitude when he's angry and trying to yell at someone without standing on his toes. Yes, he dislikes his height (or lack thereof) that much.
He's learning Xechasei, but at this point can only speak a few key words and phrases. He can vaguely comprehend the gist of Iadlic Canan from his days in Iadlain, but holds no fluency in speech or writing.
Evin is undeniably envious of Shamanistic magic users- Shamans and Druids make darned good money off of their enhanced plants and herbs, and Evin would jump at such a chance.
Evin believes that Therras has outright denied him his blessings, based on both his poor earth magic as well as his similar state among family and home.
He's visited Valsk once in his life. Never again.
Due to his risky experiences early in life, Evin associates his practice of magic with breathing. This mindset, however, often results him him overworking himself. It's not a rare occasion to catch him fast asleep when he's at home after work. He hates it every time, of course.
Evin's childhood learning of seafaring skills and knowledge (such as hydrography, astronomy and navigation) remained an interest of his, so he knows a bit of it still. He does not know enough to navigate a ship, but it at least makes an interesting topic of discussion on occasion.
In spite of the general hardships in Iadlain and his time in the Kingdom, he still looks fondly over the place that so mercilessly forced him to improve in his magic. He does not speak of this, however.
He refuses to fall far into the Nisalvini fashion on the premises that he would look like a twig wrapped in cloth.
Evin likes to wear flashy clothing (such as the one on his app) when and where he has the chance. In fact, most of his money goes to his work and clothes, while any other spending areas are dealt with great frugality.
His (old) staff's design is inspired by the marks on the halo of Mareus. (see old app art)
old app art, 2016-17: sta.sh/0107vzbnk153