General Rules
Be kind, respectful and appropriate at all times. Respect others’ wishes and boundaries, listen to the mods, and do not discomfort, harass, insult, bait, or act hurtfully in any way to anyone. Do not spam the group (with advertisements, chain mail, repetitive comments, image dumps, etc.) and do not be demanding or aggressive to its members. Treat everyone patiently and supportively. In short: be nice, be considerate.
Use healthy communication. Let people know your needs and limits, and acknowledge theirs. Do not lash out, get defensive or be overly critical. If you have an issue with someone, either explain it constructively to them so that they can fix it, or note the group or a mod so we can help you resolve it. If someone brings a problem to you, listen, be open-minded and make an effort to improve things. Any severe transgressions should be reported straight to the mod team.
Don't bring too much negativity or personal troubles into the group, especially in the chats. While we understand a need to vent or seek comfort, and many people are willing to help, remember that such topics are often off-putting or uncomfortable for others. We are all here to have fun and want the group's atmosphere to stay relaxing and positive. If you need to talk about troubles regularly or extensively, please do so privately.
The rating of this group is PG-16. Blood and implied/off-screen mature themes are acceptable, but appropriate filters or warnings must be placed if they are a main focus or include uncomfortable imagery. Overly explicit, gory or NSFW content is not permitted - please keep that private.
Please read all the information journals! All of them are relevant and important for you to understand. The linked literature and Alvapedia resources are not mandatory reading, but are considered canon and should be read if relevant to you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask the group mods.
Roleplay Rules
No godmodding of any sort! This includes:
Power-playing (i.e. controlling or forcing things on someone else’s character without their permission - including deciding outcomes for another character)
Meta-gaming (i.e. having your character know or be capable of things that they realistically should not)
Generally making your character too overpowered or invincible.
Do not enter a roleplay without permission from its participants, and do not post out of turn unless this has been agreed on. Making an honest mistake is ok, but keep in mind this is not good etiquette.
Be legible. Use appropriate English spelling and grammar and keep your replies easily readable to others.
Respect the existing canon, of both the world and the characters. Do not create a scenario that is out of place for its setting (if in doubt, ask the group or relevant city mod), and be considerate about what your roleplay partner(s) can or can’t do whilst staying in-character.
Chat Rules
Arcem Alva has a Discord chat for members. Any member, active or not, is welcome to join. The rules are as follows
The chat is for existing group members only! Please note also that we are currently private and are not accepting new members. Any other enquiries can be sent via group note.
When you first enter, you will end up in the 'Waiting Room' channel. Please ping the mods (using @ Mods minus the space) with a link to your dA profile, and wait for one of us to add you for access to the rest of the server. Please refrain from chit-chat in the waiting room.
Don't DM (direct message) people unless you have permission. In particular, don't DM mods for questions. Use the questions channel or group notes for those.
Be nice in there! While we're happy for you to get comfy, don't treat it like a personal space where you can completely let loose. It's still a public setting and everyone is responsible for keeping it safe and pleasant for everyone else. Don't trash-talk people or the things they like/support as banter, and drop topics if they're making others uncomfortable (e.g. politics, health issues, death).
As always, the general group rules and rating apply. Keep explicit talk in private.