Character Creation

As we have entered the final arc of our plot, we are no longer accepting new applicants! Existing members may continue to create characters via tokens.
Read on for instructions on how to create one and how to add, switch or remove characters as a member.
Creating a Character
Every member is allowed to have four main characters and an unlimited number of side characters. That said, please be reasonable about how much you can handle!
Of the main characters, you may start one as a Final tier class and one as an Intermediate, but otherwise they must start at Base tier. You can of course go lower than these allowances (e.g. have a Base tier character instead of an Intermediate one) but you cannot, say, start two as Final tiers.
A main character is a character that you will be using for everything - roleplay, event participation and EXP leveling. Preferably, your main character(s) will be what you use for the majority of your group activities.
A side character is a character that you will use for roleplay only. Side characters won’t be able to accrue EXP or level up, and may not participate in events. As the name suggests, these are supplementary characters to your mains.
An oriad character is a character of the new oriad race. They are considered equivalent to main characters and are able to accrue EXP. First Oriads will also be able to gain special memories via group plot. For other oriads you are in control of their memories, with consideration for their lore as revealed
To submit a character, please use the below templates (both art sheet and description). Extra information about some of the fields is also provided.
Minimum age of 16. See the Classes page for class age limits. If elf, please also specify what age they appear to be.
If half-elf, please specify the elf heritage in brackets. If elf of mixed blood, put in which side they identify with most, which is usually related to where and how they were brought up. Details about the mixing can be specified in brackets.
If they are in a guild or special organisation as per the Occupations page, note that here too.
What city they live in, or identify as belonging to. This can be changed later if they move.
If neutral, pick the side that their city belongs to; it is mandatory to list an allegiance whether or not it's strongly felt. Allegiance does not need to match with the city's but mismatch should be explained.
Up to 500 words. Please be detailed enough to give a good feel for your character, and make sure to include both strengths and weaknesses - avoid Sues or Stus!
250 - 1000 words for mains and sides, <500 words for oriads. A description of their life until now - this should give us a picture of how they became the person they are now. Oriad histories will begin from their awakening.
MEMORIES (Oriads only)
An oriad's past life. Mandatory, but does not need to be filled if the oriad currently has none.
Any other factoids you'd like to share, including info about magic or fighting abilities.
People your character has a relationship of some sort with, be they other characters in the group or your own NPCs, such as family.
Pets and Mounts
Characters can have pets and/or mounts, which can be regular, fantastical or of your own creation. Pets/mounts should be put on the Pet/Mount Reference sheet below to be accepted into the canon. If the creature is fantastical with no existing in-group ref or is your own invention, then you will also need to submit a Species Reference to the Flora/Fauna folder in the Resources gallery. If creating a new species, please consult the relevant region mod before you start, so we can tell you if it's acceptable before putting too much time into it.
Be sensible about what sort of animals you pick! Animals that are not tame should not be kept as pets or mounts (unless doing so is legitimately dangerous for the owner). Species which are considered wild in the real world should not be used, and invented species should be domesticated or at least tameable. A mount in particular must be a domesticated and domesticable animal - see this vid for an explanation of what that means. If you’re using a fantastical creature that already has a reference sheet within the group, please stick to the existing canon.
The templates are below. For the written portion, refer to the description of the image template.
Managing Characters
Members may add new characters, switch the main/side status of characters and remove characters (e.g. for inactivating or character death). Instructions for each are as follows:
Adding a Character
Either note the group with a link to your new app, or submit directly to the Citizens gallery. If noting, please include the name and city of your character in the note title.
If your app was sent in via note, you can submit to the group gallery once it's been accepted; if it was submitted straight, it will simply be accepted (or not).
New characters are now only accepted via character tokens.
Please allow a few weeks for your application to be assessed, as mod availability varies a lot. Once this has been done, it will be either accepted, rejected or given corrections to complete in the following week.
As ever, we do not do application checks.
Switching Mains & Sides
Note the group for approval, with reasons for why you want to switch; this can be done at any time. If you want to switch in a side character, you will need to beef up the description if it's not up to par with the standards for a main.
If/when you’re given the go-ahead, switch the application templates for the apps to the right ones and inform the mod dealing with your case that you have done so.
The applications will then be moved by the mod to the right galleries - switch made!
Switching out a main is irreversible, i.e. they cannot be switched back in later.
You cannot switch a lower tier main character out for another with a higher tier. E.g. A Final tier side/new character can only be switched into the slot of a main who is Final tier. You can switch in someone of a lower tier, but if you do they cannot suddenly adopt the tier of the ousted main.
EXP earned by the previous main is not transferable. You have to start from scratch for levelling.
New characters may only be submitted through character tokens. If you want to switch an existing main with a new character, you'll need to have a token ready.
Removing, Demoting or Inactivating
Note the group to let us know what you want to do and why.
If you are inactivating, update the app to make it clear the character is inactive. If removing, delete the app from the group. If you're demoting, change the application template that the character is on and note the group to have a mod move it to the appropriate gallery.
Removal or demotion is irreversible.
Inactivation is reversible but inactive characters cannot be used in the group. If the mods notice you have put your character or self on extended hiatus, we may take initiative to inactivate your character(s) for you.
We request that dead characters be inactivated in preference to being removed (inactive character apps will be moved to a different subfolder), or a reference of some kind is left as a courtesy for people who interacted with the dead character. Inactivation from death is irreversible.
Again, you cannot transfer EXP earned by the removed/demoted character to another.