A character's class determines their skill set in a battle. All characters must have a class, even if it isn't used, and it is advised to have an idea of what path they will take as they level up.
Types & Tiers
Classes are differentiated by four class types, which describe what sort of skills a character has, and three class tiers, which describe their power/skill level. These are:
Class Types
Fighters are specialists in direct combat. They generally have high strength and stamina but must rely on their bodies for their advantage.
Mages are specialists in arcane arts. They command magical forces to fight but tend to be less physically robust than others.
Healers are specialists in healing. They are capable of remedying damage to the body but mostly lack offensive skills.
Scouts are specialists in speed and perception. They are quick of body and of mind but lack stamina.
Class Tiers
Base tier denotes those with latent talent, but who have not honed their skills yet. Everyone in Alva will find an affiliation with one of the four Base classes, and choose their path accordingly if/when they decide to develop their class skills.
Intermediate tier denotes those who have refined their abilities and are now considered skilled. Intermediate tier classes are specialisations of the associated Base class.
Final tier denotes those who have attained the skill level to claim expertise within their Class type. Final tier classes specialise further or refine the skills of the associated Intermediate class.
When choosing a character's class, please note that:
▶ Characters cannot change class paths during the group plot. You can have a character who has changed classes in the past, but they cannot retain their old skills beyond the equivalent of Base tier.
▶ When a character levels up, they won't immediately have all the skills of the new class but will be able to start earning them. We don't enforce a rigid skill system to allow flexibility, but we do this on the trust that you'll be reasonable.
▶ Characters can have peripheral skills in one other class type, however only basic skills on par with Base tier are allowed. E.g. A Summoner may be able to hold his own in a bar fight, but he will never beat a Warrior at fisticuffs.
▶ At creation, an Intermediate tier character must be no younger than 18 and a Final tier character must be no younger than 25. These age limits will not prevent a character from leveling up but are imposed at time of creation. Please note that these are the absolute minimums for the talented, dedicated and trained - the averages are closer to 25 for Intermediate and 40 for Final. It is not unusual let alone under-achieving to be at Base or Intermediate in late life as class skills are not a life necessity. A reknowned scholar, for example, need never leave Base tier if their expertise doesn't require it.
Fighter Paths
Disciples have trained their bodies for speed and efficiency rather than brute force. What they lack in raw power they make up for with techniques that optimise their movement and a unique skill - Disciples have started to learn how to harness their internal energy to reinforce their bodies.
Ascetics are masters of movement, efficiency and manipulating their internal energy. Their training has given them fine control over their bodies, and the ability to not only reinforce themselves, but also project their energy in special attacks. The techniques of Ascetics are highly esoteric, and therefore vary greatly.
Champions have taken the path of the Warrior to its pinnacle, to become the most fearsome of true fighters on the merit of only their own highly trained bodies and weaponry skills. Many are skilled in multiple weapons, or are masters of their single weapon of choice. A Champion's skills in the art of combat are fearsome, both on the battlefield and in command.
Berserkers are the monsters of the battlefield. While they often possess less trained skill and technique than their peers, they have a formidable advantage in their brute force, stamina, animal instinct and sheer bloodlust. A Berserker in full battle mode is an uncontrolled and uncontrollable, nigh-unstoppable tank of a fighter.
Paladins are ultimate defensive fighters, having furthered the training of Knights to its peak. Their skills in battle are highly developed and, in addition to minor shields, Paladins are able to perform limited healing magics on themselves and others. This gives them great stamina, and makes them valuable comrades on the battlefield.
Mage Paths
The magic of Illusionists centres on creating fake images and other incomplete but misleading tricks to the senses. As these illusions have no physical effect on reality, Illusionists rely on the creativity and cleverness of their ruses to trap or avoid their opponents, rather than confronting them directly.
Sorcerers focus on the purer forms of magic, learning how to ply raw elements, energies and runes to direct magic in a number of ways. Intensive time, concentration and knowledge is required to manage such freeform power, but the range and flexibility of sorcerers is the most unbounded of all the mage types.
Summoners employ the powers of otherworldly creatures – known as familiars – by transporting them from other dimensions and manipulating them to do their bidding. While this grants them swift abilities, it is crucial that Summoners stay vigilant and strong-minded at all times, lest the familiar deviate from their will.
Enchanters can fabricate false realities and deceive others to an artful degree. While their magic still lacks real form, leading to the view that Enchanters are not true mages, the way they can tamper with a person's surroundings, perceptions and even dreams makes them a difficult opponent to deal with, and experts at tricking, confusing and escaping.
Wizards are the purest of magic users, devoted to the art of shaping raw energy. Able to assemble the most basic elements of magic to build a vast variety of spells from scratch, the versatility of a Wizard's magic is often unmatched among their peers, though working with such fundamental and unbridled power still takes great time and focus to control.
Sages are a unique type of mage that specialises not in casting magic, but stopping it. Through their meticulous understanding of how magic works and the precise use of barriers and seals, they can disrupt and stem the flow of energy, thereby halting spells or even causing them to backfire. For this reason, Sages are often known as the mage's bane.
Conjurers are masters of commanding other magical beings. They are able to keep complex familiars with them for lengthy periods of time, tap directly into their abilities and harmonise wills near-seamlessly, thus utilising their companions with frightening accuracy and unity. To fight a Conjurer is not to fight a single person, but an army with a single mind.
Healer Paths
Acolytes are the traditional healers - they channel magical energy into a patient's body to combat wounds or illness. The focus needed to control the magic is high, but it is effective and makes their work fast among their peers. Acolytes are able to cast minor shields to protect themselves while healing.
Druids have attained a level of connection to the earth that allows them to tap and reshape its energy directly. A Druid's craft is relatively slow, however their access to this huge reservoir gives them immense stamina for healing. Many can also temporarily boost the physical abilities of allies, or their own, by calling on nature's protections.
A Cleric's craft is held to be the purest of the healing arts, and in turn Clerics also to be the purest of heart. They can unravel ills and regenerate the body with great efficiency and finesse, through refined skills in both channeling magic and directing it inside the body. Practitioners of an art with long history, Clerics make the most versatile and well-rounded of healers.
Exorcists practice a special form of healing; they banish sickness and injury by drawing it out and storing it inside their own bodies as converted energy. While they suffer the shadows of the ills they bear and are often sickly as a result, their technique gives them rare speed in healing, and a weapon - that energy can be released as bursts of destructive power, making them the sole offensive healer class.
Troubadours have honed their skills to become capable not only of healing the body, but also touching the mind. A skilled Troubadour can enrapture an audience, galvanise an ally, or debilitate an enemy. While their healing work is not as powerful that of their peers, the positive effect of boosted self-healing can remain, in part, long after the spell has finished.
Scout Paths
Hunters are the long range specialists of the scouts. They use their keen senses and skilful hands to take down an enemy or prey from far away, usually with weapons such as bows. Hunters are out of their depth in the close range and therefore avoid direct combat - where their skills shine is killing from afar.
Quick and dexterous, Thieves use their wits and speed to give them their advantage. They are specialists of the close range, and of the sneakier methods of getting their way. They are at a disadvantage if captured, lacking strength and stamina, so they rely more on evasion and hit-and-run tactics.
Rangers have perfected the art of dealing quick and efficient death with an arrow. With senses trained to pick up the slightest of signs and minds keenly attuned to their environment, they are excellent hunters, trackers and trappists. Many Rangers have learnt basic self-defense skills as contingency, yet many others simply use their forte - staying one step ahead of pursuers.
Rogues are the phantoms of the scouts. They are masters of stealth, secrecy and killing silently from the shadows, undetected and untraced. A Rogue does not have physical durability as strength, but a Rogue has speed, precision and a wide repertoire of deceitful techniques to make up for it - after all, the best time to kill an enemy is before they can resist.
Marauders are the boldest of the scout classes. Instead of silence and subtlety, they have honed their speed, cunning and penchant for dirty tactics to take battles head-on. Quick on their feet and quicker of mind, Marauders use chaos to their advantage rather than running from it. This skill in facing danger directly often makes them charismatic leaders.
Snipers are connoisseurs of their weapons, be they short-range arms that pack a punch or precise rifles. Most have pet weapons that they boost with new technology, alchemy or their own magics, and that they know like extensions of themselves. With both specialists and generalists, the Sniper class is versatile and valuable in many fields.