Nienna Rafales


Basic Information
Nienna Rafales
Birth Date:
3 Harvest, 8273
(Day 1 of the Month of Otter, Year of the Lambent Gold Silkworm)
5'3" (160 cm)
Half Elf (Light)
Wreath apprentice
Circle of the Wreath
Elves' Mindspeak
Music (especially singing) | Traveling | Animals | Hugs | Gifts
Darkness | Conflict | Crying | High pressure situations | Reading
Spiritual, imaginative, sympathetic, forgetful, oblivious, curious, childish, impressionable, optimistic, playful, trusting, sensitive, fragile.
Tend to lose track of things rather quickly, though never too bothered as she believes things that are lost will return to her eventually.
Very friendly and open to conversation with strangers, though she is rather easily intimidated by outward appearances and expressions and has a harder time being in social situations with people who look 'scary' to her.
Has a rather childish sense of wonder and is easily awed (especially by feats of magic) and other displays of skill. Doesn't mind other people showing off.
Defensive of friends when she becomes close with them (even if the feeling's not mutual).
Not someone who tends to distrust others, and has a rather fragile heart so she is easily hurt when she finds out that she has been lied to.
Semi-religious and finds the subject fascinating, though usually too shy to bring the topic up given her lack of understanding of the topic.
Never one to turn away from a cry for help, though has no illusions about her own ability to help others. Just believes that it's always important to do her best, and if it's not enough, so be it.
Almost entirely too optimistic with her outlook on life, though at the same time doesn't take anything in life too seriously so often isn't too easily bothered or stressed...
Somewhat disorganized as a person but finds it more enjoyable to live by her whims rather than a more structured lifestyle.
Despite having experienced the violence and bloodshed of war firsthand, Nina hasn't lost her cheer! Though she has developed a vague distaste for violence as a result, her experiences have only made her somewhat more driven to improve her healing abilities.
Nina spent the majority of her childhood traveling. Her parents, both performers, were on the road often and the young girl never really had much of a place to truly call her home beyond the inns which they frequented in their journey through the lands. However, their constant travels allowed Nina the opportunity to see much of the world and at the same time, cultivated a very powerful sense of imagination in the young girl as her mother whiled away the hours on the road with endless stories of adventurers from long, long ago. Having lived a mostly sheltered life in the company of friends and family, and that of her parents' adoring fans, Nina's perception of the world may be rather different from the one held by most people. Her parents, aware of the blessings their child have been given in her easy childhood, constantly reiterated lessons of kindness and sympathy in that she should take nothing for granted and always be mindful of those who have been less fortunate. And though Nina has grown up to be a kind and considerate girl, her lack of exposure has left her rather... unaware of how others function in society. A chance encounter with some less-than-pleasant folks while she was alone opened Nina's eyes and left the girl feeling keenly aware of her own ignorance.
As such, she has decided that she should set off to find her own way in this world and make a change for the better in this world with her gift of healing. Her parents, while saddened by the thought of their daughter leaving their side, offered their full financial support and their best wishes. Shortly before her departure, her father passed to her a letter which she still has not read to this day, thinking that it was a thing meant to comfort her in only her darkest hours.
Unsure of where to start her adventures, however, she chose to settle in Song-lu for the time being, given its reputation of neutrality and its appreciation for the performing arts. The stirring rumors of conflict did not unsettle the girl, as she is far more preoccupied with exploring the city and its surrounding lands.
Current Story
Donning a disguise to conceal her half-elven heritage, Nina traveled extensively between Koben, Song-lu, and Linhythe. The proudest moment in her early days of adulthood may have been when she helped to foil a train robbery with Stitches.
Nevertheless, Song-Lu remained her home and she was present for both attacks on the city during Mutiny and Firefall. Seeing war upfront and in person inevitably erased some of her more romanticized notions about it, but also boosted her sense of admiration for the "heroes" of legends. Her dream of accompanying a hero to chronicle their journey never wavered, but seeing healers hard at work to help people in need (where she was only able to help in very, very small ways) weakened her desire to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a troubadour herself.
As a result of the violence and blood she experienced, Nina began spending some time in small clinics for the poor and needy to improve her healing basics and to help where she could, mostly in the form of physical labor. Due to whirlsprouts during Storm Tide, her workplace saw an influx of injured sailors (many smugglers) and the elderly healer in charge simply could not handle the number of patients who required care and sent a formal request to the Circle of Wreaths for aid. An elf named Karan arrived soon after, taking over much of the care required and Nina's tutelage. Once the job was completed, the healer requested that Karan take Nina with him back to Estraude so she could explore more options as to what kind of healer she'd want to be there and further her studies.
The two soon traveled together south and encountered an injured man named Rayne on the way to Estraude. They patched him up but then became caught up in the Whelcliffe/Orgo situation, finding their path now barred. Rayne, in return for their services rendered, offered the pair a lift to the Elven capital on his airship.
Upon arrival, Nina was accepted as a new member of the Circle of Wreath. It did not take long for her to realize that reading and research did her absolutely no good, and she once again became wracked with doubt over her own abilities. Nevertheless, with the brewing war and determined to never again feel helpless in the presence of anyone who might need her help, Nina plowed on and committed to her studies. While on holiday, she briefly traveled once again to Linhythe to bid farewell to her mother, who was leaving Koben for good and making her way to Amedra and there, she reaffirmed the path she'd chosen.
Having made up her mind to become a Cleric, she returned to Estraude to ask Karan if he would like to become her teacher so that they could travel and do what they did on their way to Estraude as she felt that had been the most educational experience she'd had as a healer. After training for a few months with Karan, she accompanied him and the rest of the Pristis crew to Nisalvini as part of Estraude's effort to aid the sinking island. Convinced that she had won the mask of Mareus' breath as a sign of fate, Nina decided to dive down to the island as it vanished from view. However, she gradually lost that conviction and panicked once she found herself surrounded by the darkness of the ocean's depths and soon after found herself washed ashore near Valevo, where she stayed to recover and also help the survivors from Nisalvini who had washed ashore.
Not one to be shy in the presence of strangers, she soon became friends with a local woman named Tyra and her family. As Tyra seemed to be struggling with her pregnancy, Nina took it upon herself to monitor her health and promised that she would give birth to a healthy baby. As the days passed, Nina began making plans for traveling back to Estraude to resume her studies under Karan after Tyra gave birth but then found herself dragged into the events unfolding in Cantor before any of her plans could come to pass. Determined to help those who had offered her shelter and care in recent weeks, she joined their efforts in locating totems of protection under the guidance of Elen and while successful, found herself trapped underground... once again, in darkness.
Days blurred into each other as she was given only but one way forward - to continue underground in the presence of the mysterious golems into Telurea while seeking out Therras. It was in the company of a kindred spirit, Anya, that Nina at last found some relief. The two girls soon found themselves under the watchful eye of Tyr, Tyra's prickly brother, as they journeyed north, full of hope to find the earth father at the end of it... and to become free from Tyr's ever-judgmental gaze.
After witnessing Anya save Tyr from being crushed by a boulder, Nina became convinced that Anya must be some sort of super special being, and whatever ballad could be written about their journey must feature her new best friend. While humming out possible melodies for this epic song (and also searching for clues as to how to actually wake up Therras), she found a lonely root baby in the forest. Asking the others if this could in fact be Therras reincarnated, she was met with a resounding "no" but she decided to keep the creature in her company anyways and named it Yggdrasil (Yggy for short).
As it turned out, Yggy would not be her only new friend from her time in Telurea. A song played on an ancient lyre awoke a sentient golem in the ruins deep beneath the earth, and Nina found herself mistaken by it for its guardian from eons past. A brief vision shared of its memories was more than enough to convince Nina to befriend the golem, as she could not bear the thought of abandoning it to the dark and lonely ruins once again, and with Tyr's suggestion, bequeath to it the name of Aegis (nicknamed Eggy).
With the golem's aid, she and the rest of the refugee eventually found their way through Telurea and arrived at their intended destination of Delverne, where as Nina understood, Therra's child was waiting to be reborn. Feeling conflicted as this was the home of her mother's family, Nina found herself deeply drawn to the beauty and people of Delverne and spent much of her time immersing herself with the Delvans while the mission progressed. Could this have been her home, had her mother stayed here?
It did not take long for her to realize the reason behind her mother's departure, but even so, it did not dull the pain she felt as she watched Delverne's destruction from the skies. Feeling she'd made a mistake somewhere along the way, she confided in Leo, the only other half-elf she knew, and asked if they'd done the right thing. If it was indeed the right thing, then why did it hurt so much? Finding some solace in Leo's steady reply, Nina swallowed her doubts and instead found herself being pushed forward, once again, on a path seemingly chosen for her by the Gods as she and her companioned journeyed to confront the being known as Dunor.
Additional Info
Scared of total darkness so her hairpins are enchanted to give off a soft glow on command.
Intrudes often in other people's personal space. Or really, just like to give hugs a lot.
Vegetarian and a cheap drunk... Can't handle alcohol at all. Actively avoids drinking for this reason.
Sings a lot! She has the habit of humming when she's walking around or doing chores, and never shies away from being asked to perform in any setting.
Ambition is to one day go on a grand adventure with a hero and compose a ballad to retell their story to be passed down through the ages.
Used to write to her parents regularly but hasn't had the chance to send anything since going underground. She's switched instead to keeping a diary.
Hair is almost always in a braid or ponytail...! Before her journey through Telurea it reached to about her hips when completely loose, but is now only about shoulderblade length.
Received a magical birdsong flute after spending some time with a granny in Linhythe over the holidays.
Peripheral affinity for manipulation of Lumether.
Won the Mask of Mareus' Breath from the church raffle during Pera'lan.
Took from Telurea a dragonrider horn.

Gueniévre Favreau
Half-sister (unaware).

Anastasia Umbrius
Considers her a sister from another mother.

Elentiya Linden
Worries about her overworking...

Karan Avasarala
Senpai (please wait for me)

Leo Binici
Looks a bit scary but is in fact very nice. Seems to be injury prone, though...

Nice Espadas
Lady knight who will always Protecc you.

Ryanna Geist
Watching her fight with Tyr is funny. Fiery spirit, but gentle in a way.

Tilia Belaire
Onee chan to visit in Amedra some day.

Tyrsten Tyrstenssen
Kind of like a clam... hard on the outside but soft inside his shell.