Tilia Belaire


Basic Information
Tilia Belaire
Birth Date:
21th of Flowers, Year of Souls
5'5 ft
Legion Army
Miras Legion
Humans' Mindspeak
Therras' Favour
Gardening, Sweets (usually fruits), Festivals, Hearing tales from another land, High places, Drinking with others, Days out in the forest
Con artists, Cold weather, Strong Perfume, Fussiness, Overly complicated things, Delvans, Aurea, Dishonesty
Cheerful, Self-sufficient, Tomboyish, Lionhearted, Short-tempered, Cautious, Cheeky, Resourceful, Short-sighted
Expressive in both positive and negative emotions, there is little pretense to who Tilia is as a person; A social butterfly with a sunny personality- conversing and befriending others comes almost second nature to her. Teasing quips and good-natured banter from strangers to close loved ones alike is a norm for her, for there’s little prejudice on how she treats others. Due to her upbringing, she’s used to being relied on- a responsibility she welcomes wholeheartedly. And yet, amiable warmth can quickly turn into scorching rage once her patience is pushed over the limit. While her temperament has improved, and is at least not as volatile as it once was a few years prior, Tilia is still one to lash out at the ones who have earned her ire. And while petty arguments are inevitable, normal spats such as those she is quick to forgive- somethings, however, she can never forget and with lingering bitterness, manners are often thrown out the window.
Quick-wits and improvising on the fly are skills she developed well considering her lack of foresight and bad habit of winging things. Her careless bravery and determination allows her to dive into danger with little hesitation, perhaps from a desperation to correct past mistakes. The past she still thinks wearily about, one that helped mellow out her bullheadedness and blanket her cheeriness with moments of wariness. Always thinking, anxious that things will come crashing down once again with one wrong move.
The eldest sister of seven siblings, Tilia was born and raised in Amedra. Besides her father being a former member of Miranian nobility, a life he gave up long ago, in every sense of the word her family was as normal as can be. In childhood, her only worries were how she’d win their neighborhood’s silly little contests, helping the family flower shop and escaping her mother’s study time. A known rascal who would get into tussles with the local boys, the one person she was inclined to listen to was her father; her idol and mentor. He had taught her everything she knew about archery- and while it had started at her own insistence, a fun little father-daughter activity where they can hunt prey in the woodland and hit targets, over time she realized she was good at it and wanted to keep getting better at it. She wanted to surpass her old man, something he found endlessly amusing. With this goal in mind, and a promise made with a dear childhood friend, she set her eyes on joining the Miranian Military as well, to become a Royal Guard like her father.
And train she did, be it through her own means or her father’s connections to bring her to Miras for a short while to observe other soldiers. Through this she learned not only about archery, but her father’s sense of justice- his loyalty to his king, and love for his home. Tilia didn’t think she could admire him even more than she already did.
It was at the age of 18, however, did tragedy strike. A soldier stood at their doorsteps, a broken bow in their hands- the only proof of her father’s demise while on a secret mission. The news caused her mother to become hysterical, something she would struggle with for a long time. As the eldest, she told herself she couldn’t afford to break, not with her mother in such a delicate state and not with her younger siblings' well-being on the line. Her dreams would have to be forgotten, partly because of the continuous urging of her mother- the anxiety of “what-if” she meets the same fate as her father. In the end, Tilia couldn’t say anything to that; her family needed her, not a soldier.
And yet, after years of taking care of her family, navigating them from stormy seas left in the wake of her father’s passing to a semblance of normalcy, Tilia just couldn’t help herself. Life was hard, yes, but they were able to get by- but the others in her city? The helpless and unfortunate who are constantly being trampled on by those with the means made her blood boil. After a chance encounter with a “respected” con-artist marked the start of her days as a vigilante. A thief in the night, helping others and becoming a thorn to the side for the corrupt. Perhaps her father wouldn’t approve of her methods- but this was her own sense of justice, as self-righteous as it was.
Reality, of course, slaps her hard with the rapid changes happening in Alva, and more importantly, Amedra. Sending her family away to Cantor, and closing up shop to join the military were actions not born from the desire of following her dreams but to cement how she can properly protect her home. These actions, however, drew the suspicions of Delvan Templars, who at the time were in Amedra detaining the common folk left and right. If it were not for the actions of her paternal family, she was sure it was only a matter of time until they discovered her own crimes.
Shortly after becoming free, she joins the Miras Military. In her short time as a soldier, however, after witnessing leaders' decisions, she wonders if this is truly the life for her. Would she be able to devote herself to their cause? The passing of King Giovan hurt, but not so much it would move her greatly, not like how her father would no doubt have grieved. Could she put her fate in Silvan? And now Celestina and Vinicio? The uneasiness plagues her- but when the time comes, she’ll be sure to make a decision for the sake of her loved ones…
Current Story
After the split of the Kingdom, Tilia sides with Amedra. Despite her feelings of somberness, she masks them with sunny smiles and cheeky quips. Days were filled with performing her tasks as a soldier, entertaining Princess Marise when she chooses to seek out a sense of normalcy, and making sure her family is taken care of when she inevitably has to leave once again. At first, her work led her not too far from Amedra itself. In the Citadel of Crowns she acquired a special item- one for all intent and purposes, she couldn’t use but something compelled her to take the splendid halberd regardless. Strange, but stranger still is the ringing inside of her head that slowly became more prevalent almost in tandem with Aurea and Atros’ awakening.
Whispers of trying to make contact with the other three Gods of Alva sparks a hope in her; Three. That means a chance to make contact with Therras was within the realms of possibilty. Bitterness still lingers at events in Soloros- her own companion’s betrayal. An action she could have prevented. The desire to atone for her own shortcomings drives her to join the campaign going to Soloros, where the key to summoning Therras can hopefully be found.
Through what she considers a miracle, He emerges from the earth unlike any mortal depiction- and yet he refuses to move, her prayers fell to deaf ears (‘Why? You answered me before!’)
It soon came to light that Tharoneos was needed alongside Therras and so her journey leads her further underground. Telurea yields information of a lost civilization, one she doesn’t quite understand, but acknowledges is important to their cause. And through this did they discover what it was they needed to do, Delverne was the key to Tharoneos’ rebirth.
From Telurea to Delverne, the deception and battles all led to Tharaneos' successful return. Even for Tilia, who was not religious or reliant on gods, was moved- for the sins of the past was finally corrected. And as he shared the tale of old gods and their own mistakes-
She realizes that her -their- work was not quite finished. And as she stands with others against Dunor, the Queen of Eels and Diamonds, she wonders if after all this- the world can become a bit of a better place.
Additional Info
The Ophyr she met in Soloros is still with her, her name is Fionna. Since being teleported, she considers her a good companion- although, as an accidental owner she wonders if she's doing a good job caring for her.
She initially wanted to be a healer so she could work more with flowers. Sadly never showed an aptitude for controlling ilether. As a result, however, she knows simple medicinal brews made from plants.
For someone who enjoys drinking, her alcohol tolerance is pretty low. A noisy drunk. Noisier than normal.
Knows flower language- uses it as a sales point when enticing others to buy from her shop.
Knows the streets of Amedra like the back of her hand, from alleyways to secret spots- she’d make a wonderful tour guide if given the chance.
Above knowledge was mostly honed from her vigilante days, when she requires a quick escape route.
Very good at memorizing maps
Knows how to pick locks, a trick she learned in her childhood days
Because of her knowledge on plants, she makes numbing agents using them and tints some of her arrowheads with them.
Resigned to being called “Tilly” now by others. At least in current times, it’s used in a non-condescending way.
Current owner of the Blade of the Conquerer.
In possession of documents from the palace war room.