Arlengwyn Aethril


Basic Information
Arlengwyn Aethril
Birth Date:
30th Seeds
163 cm (5'4")
Light Elf
The Arcanists
Iridus' Favour
Tomatoes | Reading | The taste of mint | Learning new things | Change (both the transforming kind and the money kind) | Needlework | Investigations | Bread | Space and freedom | First-hand experiences | Challenges
Okra | Monotony | Propriety | Restrictive clothing | Litterbugs | Doing things she doesn't feel like doing | Narrow-mindedness | Expectations | Apologies | Paintings with the sun in the wrong position to the rainbow | Reading between the lines
Bright | Enthusiastic | Wildly eccentric | Impulsive | Obsessive | Enquiring | Arbitrary | Inconsiderate | Irresponsible | Blithe
Gwen is basically a nutcase. She is a person of extremes and impulses, constantly careening from one strange obsession to the next with little care of how this affects her or anyone around her. When interested in something, she can be an extremely fast and avid learner, and is entirely too proactive about experiencing every nook of it. Conversely, if a subject doesn't interest her, it is near impossible to make her do anything related to it. She is carefree to the point of irresponsibility, giving no thought to consequences, hardship or the feelings of others, and this makes her a combination of invincibly happy, horribly insensitive and stupidly reckless.
While she can be fun to be around for a while, Gwen's frivolity, endless energy and selfishness often wears down anyone who happens to be with her, and for this reason she has no proper friends. Fortunately (or unfortunately), she has never cared about this - her head is too far in the clouds and her mind is too distracted by whatever her latest obsession is to care about these lifely matters.
Gwen was born and raised in Delverne as the youngest daughter of a large and loving light elf family. Her parents, both supportive and retiring people, raised all their children with a gentle hand and encouraged them grow into whatever they wished to be. With the strict traditions and expectations of their surrounding society already providing more than enough direction for them, this overall worked out to be a good balance and all of Gwen's siblings grew into healthy, content and independent adults with a strong sense of filial piety. Gwen herself grew up like this too, to an extent, but for whatever reason, Delvan society failed to make an impression on her. Her behaviour and interests deviated wildly from the norm and, though this became clear at a very young age, her parents did not have it in them to force their daughter onto 'better' paths. Thus Gwen was left to chase her desires with unrestricted abandon, which she blissfully did. After some time, Gwen's siblings, who were somewhat less soft than their parents, tried to school their sister into becoming a more 'normal' and respectable person, but all their attempts failed in the face of her unstoppable eccentricity and lack of caring.
Eventually, they all grew a bit resentful and avoidant of Gwen, finding her both embarrassing and ungrateful to their otherwise very well-reputed family. Gwen's parents continued to love her dearly, though they did sincerely worry about her bizarreness, strange obsessions and general disregard of proper, worldly things (like advancing her class, getting a job or finding a partner). After letting Gwen live at home and pursue her fickle interests for 50-odd years, her parents finally, gently kicked her out a few years ago, telling her it was time she learnt to live on her own.
Gwen, never really put off by anything, took to this happily enough and moved to Miras, where she found a small apartment to live in. Due to her lack of useful skills and education, she worked many part-time cleaning jobs to cover her rent and food (or just her rent, if there wasn't enough for food), particularly window washing, gutter cleaning and any other unpleasant outdoor job that her fellow cleaners don't want to do. Mirian government support, trash-digging and gleaning restaurant leftovers also helped her get by, and often ended up very necessary due to her blowing her income on impulse buys and hobbies. Like always though, Gwen didn't mind any of this at all, and cheerfully scraped out her shaky living like this.
Current Story
An eviction from too many missed rent payments, move to Cantor to stay with a friend, forest expedition and huge argument later, she enrolled in the Academy of the Arcane to finally, properly learn magic and prove that she is not as useless as she has been so far. With her obsessive focus on her studies for the first time in her life, she learned at a voracious pace. Her carefree student life ended with the rebellion of the Academy in the wake of the Kingdom's civil split. Caught up with the energy of her fellow students, she joined the riots without thinking and ended up a fugitive and Arcanist within West Miras. She took her new risky but exciting life in stride, running a multitude of illegal errands for the Arcanists' cause, going wherever the wind took her (or rather, wherever the authorities chased her) and living day-by-day.
Going with the flow, she ended up in Cantor and then underground Telurea. The idea of returning to Delverne as an enemy grated at something she couldn't - or rather didn't - want to put her finger on, however, so she abandoned the quest for Tharoneos just before its final step. Stepping through a portal in Riag, she was transported beneath the sea and then above it. Currently, she pursues Iryneia instead - and she finds the deity of wind and freedom much more to her liking.
Additional Info
Gwen actually has a staggeringly good memory. While she loves reading, she hardly keeps any books because she memorises so much of what she reads. Sadly, she usually doesn't use this skill for anything productive and has instead accrued vast amounts of very useless knowledge.
Gwen has a history of bleaching and dying her hair, which has somewhat ruined it.
She has an assortment of dumb, self-done tattoos on her feet and ankles, from the time she got really into tattooing and wanted to experiment with it herself.
The gap between her teeth was caused by on old habit of holding a pencil or spoon there when she was a child.
She enjoys knitting and needlework, and likes to make her own clothes.
She loves tomatoes and minty foods. Sometimes, when money is tight, she will eat just tomatoes for days. (She used to grow them herself, in her room.)
She got really, really into pigeons while living in Miras. This is very possibly related to the fact that she regularly competes for the bread that gets thrown to them in Miras' public parks. Worthy rivals, those pigeons.