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Aud Othilie Martelli

Aud Othilie Martelli
Resident City
Home City


Basic Information


Aud Othilie Martelli




Birth Date:

8th Harvest, 8264


5'5" (165cm)




Half Elf




Regent of Belport






Confident | Brave | Vain | Responsible | Competitive | Unsentimental | Impatient | Honest

Aud is the kind of person who speaks their mind, rarely ever content to stand back and be quiet when something is going on - usually she's that impatient person near the center of the crowd who wants things to get moving instead of wasting time with long discussions when everyone already knows what is going to get decided. Occasionally, when the stakes are really high, she manages to keep her mouth shut, twisting her fingers behind her back or tapping a foot impatiently on the ground while she looks like she's about to burst. Coupled with her confidence, this impatience has led her to make mistakes, although those who know her can tell what's about to happen and head her off. She's not a difficult person to read. A few particularly humiliating mistakes later, she's learned to heed people's advice more carefully, to stop and think about what she's doing if someone suggests she shouldn't do it.

She loves to compete, and can be quite rough if the rules of the game allow for it. It's important for her to win without cheating, but she really hates to lose and if she can stack the odds in her favor and still nominally toe the line she will. She's confident in her abilities, and brave in the face of danger. However, she's also vain and spends time and energy on looking her best in any situation, tending to place her self-worth in her appearance and her performance as viewed and appraised by others. Consequently, she absolutely loves getting compliments, and thinks she has done something wrong if she gets none.

Thinking of herself as rational and down-to-earth, Aud's tendency to be unsentimental and honest can make her seem downright rude. Some learn to value the honesty, but more often than not it puts people off, and rumors have it this is why she hasn't found someone who will marry her. Her father hired someone to help improve her courtly behavior when he decided to retire, and they're still on lesson one: When you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.


Aud was born in Belport, daughter of a plucky young captain and her refined, significantly older Mirian husband. As the firstborn child, the little girl quickly learned to shoulder responsibility and to claim her due, and her parents made sure she had the best tutors available. Aud's brothers were born when she was three, and they would have the biggest arguments over the smallest things all the way through childhood. They were also inseparable, and if they were fighting one moment, they were best friends the next. Her best memories from her early life were how they'd be exploring the grounds of their father's lands on the southern Mirian coast, or the city of Belport and its surroundings, depending on where their parents' whims took them. Other than the lessons on various subjects including courtly manners and history, which she attended dilligently but did rather poorly at, the children were given a very free reign over their lives.

When she became a teenager, she was allowed to go on her mother's ship for extended journeys and traveled with her to see most of the known world. Not one for allowing idle hands, Aud's mother made her work just as hard as any of her deckhands. It was during one such trip, her mother stuck for weeks in Song-Lu haggling with a particularly stubborn merchant, that Aud encountered her first ascetic and felt like she finally knew what she wanted to do with her life. She pestered her parents for months about getting her an ascetic tutor, until they finally relented after her quite disastrous debutante ball where it became clear the girl would need some other venue into high society. Her lineup of tutors changed, ladies and gentlemen replaced by veteran soldiers and tacticians, and a venerable light elf ascetic from Delverne. Finding their subjects far more interesting, Aud became a successful student at last.

The next few years kept Aud quite busy, first with her studies and then with her duties as she joined the armed forces. Her father bought Aud a pyre dragon when she got accepted into the flight regiment. She showed great aptitude for both aerial combat and handling her feisty mount. She made friends, too, who appreciated her candor rather than fearing it. To the great relief of her parents, she was turning out well after all.

Like many of the younger soldiers, Aud felt excited as war was finally declared in 8291. She would later realize how naïve they had been, but right then and there all they could think of was that their abilities would finally be put to the test. In their minds, there was no way they could not succeed. However, the Empire acted quicker than anticipated, launching attacks on Amedra and Belport that they defended against with mixed success. Bloodied and somewhat shell-shocked by their experiences, Aud and her compatriots were on shore leave in Belport when the Empire struck again just a few months later. Enemy forces swarming up from the sewers, the defenders were taken completely by surprise and were left no choice but to run or be taken captive. As decurion, Aud took charge of her decury and they did what they could to defend the evacuating ships, but it still felt much like leaving with their tails between their legs.

It wasn't until Aud returned from the Kingdom's counterattack on Linhythe that she finally learned the fate of her family. Her father was at the estate in Miras, naturally, but her mother had been captured on the docks of Belport along with the little sister Aud barely knew, and her two brothers were heading to help out with the construction at Valevo. Electing to stay with the flight regiment, Aud was recruited to participate in a highly dangerous project that would change the nature of this war forever. She could tell no one what had caused the injuries that put her in the infirmary, but when she finally beat her cinden mount into submission, pride burned in her veins far hotter than its fire on her skin.

The cindens were weapons of war, and their riders were those brave (or insane) enough to bring them to heel. Staying in control was a constant battle of wills. A single moment’s hesitation could be enough. Additionally, all knowledge of their use was veiled in useless, cryptic fairytales, so Aud and her fellow pioneers had to make everything up as they went, and there were many who did not make it.

Their sacrifices were not in vain. When they were finally revealed, unleashing death on the unsuspecting city of Koben, the world learned that the Kingdom did not play around. Although they, in turn, learned that the Empire had more tricks up their sleeve than anticipated.

Aud never saw Koben's response; recognized for her skill at handling the fierce beasts, she was hastily called back to bring some of the new cindens back in line, and help instruct their riders. Barely a month after Firefall, the situation with Delverne had escalated, and she was given the honor of leading Miras' retribution at the head of this new force.

As the debate about these controversial new weapons heated up, a restless unease was infecting the cinden dragons, and one of them managed to break loose, going on a rampage as if to prove Silvan’s critics right. This unease only got worse over the summer, as though the scream of the Ley Elk had awoken something in their already hateful minds. Aud had to kill her own cinden when it rebelled against her only a few short months later.

Having some concerns about Belport's loyalty after certain recent events, King Silvan wanted someone to bring the region to heel once more, to ensure the Kingdom would not fracture further. Puzzled at first to be summoned before him as the new year approached, Aud accepted her assignment without hesitation. As Regent of Belport, she would keep the region on a straight course.

Current Story


Additional Info
  • She's the Contessa of Maravietti, a small castle town on the coast of Miras where the river Silene meets the ocean, and its surrounding area. Maravietti is most famous for its signature Maravinelli pasta, and its sweet white wine

  • Her arms are a silver swan's wing on a field of green with three gold coins along the lower edge

  • Is a cold-aspected ascetic, which was very handy when dealing with the cinden dragons

  • Likes flowers, but can’t keep any plant alive for more than two days

  • Has a small dog called Sharky

  • Her voice is deep and commanding

  • Was promoted from Optio to Centurion for her excellent execution of the attack on Delverne

  • Has burn marks and dragon teeth scars on roughly one third of her body

  • Has a tattoo of an anchor and a compass star surrounded by two swallows on her left arm



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