Audrey Lockwood


Basic Information
Audrey Lockwood
Birth Date:
25th of Harvest, Year of Beginnings
5’6 ft
Legion Captain / Bugravin
Koben Imperial Court, Koben Army
Humans' Mindspeak
Mystery Novels, Soft Music, Rainy Days, Sparring, New kinds of tea, Board games, Seeing new sights
Winter/ cold days, Unnecessary Cruelty, Being scolded, Elitists, Smoke/ Cigarettes, Owls, Coffee, Vibrant clothing
Adaptable, Well-mannered, Shrewd, Dauntless, Kind, Unconfident, Workaholic, Lacks Charisma, Private, Sensitive
Raised in an environment where refinement and perfection was the pinnacle expected of her and her sister, in order to survive Audrey had to be able to be mindful of everything going on around her. Anyone can be taught politeness- but the courts, she’s learned, require a keen eye and a good sense of judgment on when to speak, when to laugh, how to stir a conversation. And while this in practice has taught her what to say to please people, it also made so the impression she left on people to be unremarkable- unmemorable. A wallflower who neither garners trouble or attention. Perhaps that’s for the better to ease the stress she feels when constantly walking on eggshells, questioning her every move.
Despite her stature, Audrey is kind and fair to those around her, regardless of rank- seeing it as common decency. Her parents have always regarded it as a weakness and maybe so- along with how she wears her heart on her sleeve; A sensitive soul wouldn’t survive in the real world, after all.
And yet, due to recent events, she had to harden herself; No matter how wide-eyed she may be, there’s a quietness about her- as if trying to reign in her emotions. Dedication to her responsibilities is nothing new, and she is courageous still in the face of danger. Yet her workaholic tendencies only seem to have grown worse since becoming Burgravin; a desire and a near obsession to not have things fall apart and to better fit the shoes she was given.
Coming from a long line of swordsmen as well as nobility serving the Imperial crown, there was little time to be treated like a child in the Lockwood Household, especially as the daughters to the then Burgravin and Burgraf, Cerulean and Yanus. Audrey, at a young age, was made known what exactly her role was in the family: a spare to her older sister, Camellia. To play second fiddle, a shadow to her brilliance; The very notion of it should have offended anyone- but between the strict lifestyle she was subjected to, the dance that was interacting with other nobles and the lack of affection from her parents- The younger Lockwood daughter couldn’t help but feel relieved that the gazes she retained was miniscule compared to her sister.
And how could anyone look away from Camellia? Time and time again, she met their parent’s expectations without fail, was known in the social circles as a charming young lady, and a talented swordsman. In her parent’s eyes, she was the perfect heir, and for Audrey she couldn’t have been more proud.
One would think the environment they grew up in would stoke conflict between the sisters, but in a place where neither received the warmth of their parent’s love, Audrey and Camellia only had each other. It was a genuine sisterhood that made all those grueling hours of playing a role worth it. They shared their hopes and dreams, sadness and fears in the precious moments they had together.
Moments such as these, however, grew scant and few as they became older. As the heir, Camellia’s schedule only got busier- meanwhile Audrey joined the military. Her time interacting with people from different walks of life was eye opening- and in some way she was happy to be afforded the freedom to widen her circle from nobility. Still, whatever minute freedom she had doesn’t change a reality she and her sister would soon face: marriage. On her part, Audrey had long surrendered to the fact her’s would be a political one- and yet, for Camellia that was her worst fear: to marry without love. Maybe she would’ve been able to grit her teeth if there had been no one in her heart, and yet there was. And Audrey knew.
Like some cliche storybook, her older sister had fallen for a commoner- a local librarian who had reciprocated her feelings. When a wedding date for Camellia and her fiance had been set there was a sinking feeling in her gut- as if all those afternoons spent with her sister told her something was amiss. And sure enough, a month before the fateful day- she caught her sister in the dead of night, about to elope with her lover. Amidst her own hurt feelings, she knew of one thing: that she loves her sister dearly, and if this was what it took for her to be happy- then she’d play the fool and keep their secret.
Morning came and the household was in chaos at the disappearance of the Lockwood’s heiress. The reputation of their house took a blow, with one rumor to another circulating around the social circle for some time. It was only through Cerulean and Yanus’ level-headed thinking and diplomacy were they able to weather the storm without hitting rock bottom. Despite the heavy loss, the pair quickly moved on to the only solution they had, and just like that Audrey was to fulfill her role as the spare.
The drastic change didn’t only come in the form of her responsibilities but also with a new marriage partner. Ivan Bartlett, in her opinion, was a strange man- but one she doesn’t *dislike*. He was so different from her and yet she feels comfortable with, and somehow in the back of her mind- did she wonder is this how it started with her sister?
The seasons came and went as she tried to pick up the pieces her sister left while trying to the image of the family name. One such opportunity came when she managed to rescue both Prince Sigmund and Princess Marise in the Shackle Isles. And although her parents were ecstatic at the prospect this entails for their name, to her she’s just glad she can uphold their ancestry’s sworn oath to protect.
Current Story
Upon returning from the search for Iridus, Audrey’s mother's health started to wane- and although still sound of mind, the older woman knew she could no longer delay passing the Lockwood’s noble title to her daughter. Personal feelings of wanting her married before giving the title aside, she knew other things held greater importance. And as if fate immediately sought to test her, Artur’s passing sent the whole of Koben in a political turmoil.
Her loyalty then and now had always been to the Roenach family, the then royals. Business in Chalturne robbed her of the opportunity to intermingle with different factions- so when Sigmund’s death was announced, Audrey felt nothing but doubt upon learning of the news. Any form of disagreement was snuffed out, however, given her new situation. She couldn’t selfishly put into question what has transpired- not if she wanted to involve the people under her charge. After much deliberation, she choose to bend the knee to the new crowns; if given the chance she’d investigate this matter herself.
If Sigmund was alive, the last thing he needed was a council in shambles due to in-fighting. And if he was indeed dead, she’d offer her services to support Koben through and through.
Additional Info
Audrey was 23 when Camellia left.
Surprisingly, she has a high alcohol tolerance. Although is a sleepy drunk.
Her weapon of choice is a rapier, but she can wield most swords proficiently. Her secondary weapon of choice is a katzbalger.
The rapier she wields is customized in a way that she can attach a chain to at the end of the handle if she so desires.
Will tolerate drinking coffee on nights she has too much work.
Her family’s land is called Chalturne, they focus on trade (mainly with Song-lu) and cultivating orchards
Weak spot for small animals, especially dogs. Being around them relieves her stress
Through time she’s come to realize that perhaps she’s more angry than she thought at her sister’s decision
She sees as aunt as a mother-figure
In possession of Dragon Blood (Cragmaw)