

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Water Oriad
The Fintáni
+ Dutiful | Diligent | Empathic | Benevolent | Devoted
+/- Simplistic | Docile
- Shameless | Nosey | Overzealous | Socially oblivious
Fueled by her desire to help, Blue takes great pleasure in assisting others. If a task is given to her, she makes sure she completes it to the best of her abilities without taking any shortcuts or loopholes. This has led her to be very empathic, as she shares others' struggles and grows to understand them - a trait that has made her very popular with children and elderly people.
Her willingness to help can however be too much, as Blue sometimes butts in where she's not supposed to. Personal space has little meaning for her. Whereas some may see this as endearing, others can find her actions pushy, if not invasive.
Blue also has somewhat of a one-track mind. Managing delicate emotional situations isn't her forte, as she may not be able to discern subtle hints or cues that may suggest different feelings than what's currently being expressed. Her simplistic nature brings its share of troubles, but also helps her not to worry too much about why or how she came to this world. For now, she is trying to find her own pace and simply doing what she can to fit in this new world.
Blue awoke to the startled cries of children that were trying to pick up the seashells on her body. They ran off screaming and the oriad, confused and lost, decided to follow them from afar and eventually reached Nisalvini. Surprised and somewhat overwhelmed by all the activity, she wandered the streets aimlessly as bystanders looked at her curiously and whispered uneasily. Seeing people eat food they bought from the marketplace, she decided to imitate them - without paying. As she obliviously chewed, the shopowner cried out . Blue's mind kicking into high gear, she fled instinctively, barreling her way through the crowd trying to stop her. Sensing the citizens' unease and hostility, Blue decided it would be best to stay away from the city for a while and wandered off close to sea, where she could be at ease. Saddened and mildly dejected, Blue wondered what she did to anger the crowd and understood that the other beings saw her as something... different. To be accepted, it wasn't enough to simply imitate them.
While eating her newly acquired stash of food, she tried remembering where she came from, only to be met with empty memories. Frustrated by her inability to recall her past, she decided to sleep instead until she was woken up by sailors' cries. They were moving large crates off their ship, and Blue, eager to help, cautiously imitated them. The sailors were surprised, but not ungrateful as the oriad helped them carry their cargo. After observing her aimlessly walking along the shore the next day, the shipowner she helped decided to take her in, as he felt the oriad was in need of a home. Hesitant at first, his family soon warmed up to the oriad after she demonstrated her desire to help and learn. During the day, she would accompany the shipowner to the port and help out with physically demanding tasks. In exchange, she was given a home, an education, and a family. The shipowner's children would play with their newfound friend and named her "Blue", inspired by her body's color and the bubbly sounds she would make while trying to learn Common. The people near her home grew to appreciate her presence and consider her one of theirs.
Blue currently lives out her days peacefully helping out her adoptive family and the citizens with physical tasks. Whatever the case may be, the gaps in her memories are the only things missing as she continues with her daily life.
Current Story
With Nisalvini sinking underwater, Blue joined the expedition to explore the unknown water tunnels - only to encounter a mysterious being and be teleported to where the undines were.
And in the midst of her surprise, some of her memories returned: these creatures were her friends and could be trusted. A glimpse of her forgotten home.
Additional Info
Theme: Sunlight Filtering Through the Trees
-Blue is a very physical person by nature and likes to pat and hug people, as it more often than not brings smiles around her.
- Likes to eat in large quantities. Shipowner's wife's main complaint during the first few weeks was that Blue would "eat them out of house and home
[From the Beginning of the End interval]
A strange sensation washes over Blue. For an instant, she is acutely aware of all her surroundings - the miles of water encircling her, the sway of plants and currents within them - and the clarity brings recollections surging to the front of her mind. Turquoise water dazzling beneath the sun, bright corals and rock pools, the shadows of three people upon the sand... yet before she can pinpoint any details, her own reflexes cut the memories off. Instinctively, for some reason, she does not want to recall this. But despite the dread that warns her against chasing this memory, another part of her craves it - and seeks it, perhaps, in the smiles of other people.
There is blood on Blue’s hands. It’s nauseatingly familiar, just like the tightness in her throat and the uneven pounding of her heart. She knows this feeling too well. She knows the tearing of flesh beneath her fingers, the snapping of bones beneath her palms… and the icy realisation that no matter what she did, it would be too late. She wasn’t too late this time - her eyes keep wandering to Helena as if to check - but there was a time, once, when she was. She sees the shadows on the beach again, but this time they are no longer running, teasing, around her. Instead two of them are a dark stain of red upon the sand while the third - her own - stands frozen between them. How did I fail this badly? she remembers thinking. The image of her past friends’ smiles come back to her with a sharpness that is both painful and precious beyond words. How did we all fail this badly?
[Memory Shard 1]
Of the various knick-knacks that Blue came across while staying in Nisalvini, one that particularly drew her attention had been the long, sometimes twisty, sticks that people blew into to make beautiful sounds. They seemed to have all sorts of names - flute, horn, euphonium, cornu - but the music of all of them delighted her in a visceral way that she couldn’t explain. It was simply an odd and pleasant phenomenon, until one day when a kindly busker noticed her stare and invited her over. He handed her a spare aulos and guided her through the basic steps of playing it - and to the surprise of everyone, she soon began playing with remarkable fluency. A feeling of rightness and joy had seeped into her, along with the sudden memory of performing like this long ago, together with the sweet accompanying songs of her loved ones. Blue is skilled at playing musical instruments.
Aulos example reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tdWdsozcTI
[From the Fishing Mama RP]
There is a warm feeling against her back, like a lapping tide. The sun is low, dyeing the sea below her in deep purples and golds. She is talking, though she doesn't remember what about - it hadn't really mattered. The joy was in the company, not the words.
The voice that answers her has no words anyway. Her friend didn't speak like that. It was a blessing she could understand them at all - their voice of colours and sensations, magic and concepts, power and memories. She knew it was a blessing, and treasured it. She knew, in full humility, that she was an exception.
I am the most fortunate person in the world, she had thought as she'd gazed out over the rippling sea and all its life that day, soft and shy and happy.