Caleb Lir Nereus


Basic Information
Caleb Lir Nereus
Crableb, Crab Bro, Pastry Prince
Birth Date:
19th Thawing 8262
Arcanist Researcher
The Arcanists
Humans' Mindspeak
Ochi Simera Mareus
Aurea's Favour
+ Analytic | Rigorous | Honest | Kind | Proper
- Blunt | Prideful | Stubborn | Conceited / Overambitious
Caleb is a very matter-of-fact and rational man, resulting in a very straight-laced - if not stiff - attitude. Years of proving himself in academia have inflated his confidence and ego, making him a very ambitious and prideful man. This also leads to situations where he acts condescendingly - often convinced that he is the one to possess the right answer.
Despite all this, he is known to be very kind and protective to the people closer to him. Willing to put himself in harm's way if it means he can help them, Caleb can sometimes go against his own temperament by acting irrationally - and more true to his feelings.
Only son of the wealthy Lir Nereus family, born of an alchemist mother and a Wizard father in Nisalvini, Caleb has proved his magical prowess at a very young age. Excelling at school, he had a great affinity with magic and pursued this route, much to the happiness of his parents. He found joy in learning new things and that was all he needed to be a happy child.
His family and he were immensely devoted to Mareus - as was the whole Lir Nereus lineage. They prayed to the goddess daily, and Caleb soon associated Mareus with safety and happiness. Following the family tradition, the Mareus halo was tattooed around Caleb's right eye at age 10 by his mother. This peaceful life continued up until the age of 18, but it was not to last. Caleb's mother traveled to Estraude by sea, only to never return. Her cause of death came weeks later: she had drowned at sea, confirmed by reports of the missing ship.
Caleb's father did not cope well with the death, and would lock himself up in his room to do intensive research on necromancy. As for Caleb, caught between his father's apparent grief and his own shaken faith towards Mareus, was stricken with depressive episodes. Plagued with uncertainty, he wondered why the goddess he'd loved would tear apart his family this way. Initially planning to be a Wizard just like his father, he later decided to pursue Conjuring instead. He knew his father's search to revive the dead was fruitless, and so devoted himself to the discipline that ressembled it the most - summoning lifeforms from other planes of existence. If familiars were spawned from other dimensions unknown to humans, being a Conjurer meant being able to understand secrets that the world hides. Would it ever bring his mother back? He didn't know, but he had to try.
He applied to pregistious magic schools in Nisalvini, read up on complex studies about summoning, met and debated with experienced conjurers. During this time his father would deteriorate at an alarming rate, drowning his sorrow in alcohol, helpless in front of the impossible return of his loved one. Caleb would be there for his father as best he could, trying to ease his grief. His father would then slowly wither away after a few years, finally leaving him to reunite with his wife.
As such, at the age of 23, Caleb inherited all of his family's wealth and set off for Miras, joining the prestigious Academy of the Arcane. In no time flat, fueled by his ambition, he became a skilled Conjurer, earning the position of a reseacher. His success unfortunately inflated his ego, leading to him to a rash decision; he wanted to prove he could tame a familiar with power that far surpassed his own. The cost of his ambition was his left eye, which was replaced by a blue scar, his right eye miraculously spared thanks to the Mareus tattoo. Caleb had slowly regained faith in Mareus after multiple years (having nobody else to rely on), but this incident was proof for him that maybe She was truly watching over him - just as She had once watched over his family.
Current Story
With the rise of Aurea and Atros, Caleb departs on the mission to awaken Mareus.
The plan is a success, and he is witness to the grand awakening of his Goddess. He devotes everything to Her, fighting valiantly at Her side against the Generals.
Claiming victory over Ursus and Velegor as he had promised Her, he receives Her acknowledgement in the form of a forehead kiss from Maraenel, Her very own daughter.
Those events only further reinforced his unshakable belief: Her will would always be his command.
Additional Info
Theme: Dream of the Shore Near Another World
- Has the Mark of the Citadel and the Astatochromia enhancement
(Their eye colour will constantly change in reaction to surrounding magics (and optionally, their mood). The character will also be able to see a faint coloured aura around those who have God's Favours.)
- The tradition in the Lir Nereus family is for a mother to tattoo the Mareus halo on her son's right eye at 10 years old. Mareus being the goddess of nurturing and fertility, mothers are considered to already have Mareus' blessing. Having a mother give Mareus' symbol to their male child is passing on their blessing to them.
- Caleb's scar is cool and smooth to the touch, similar to the texture of a pearl. Since he can't see from that eye, he assumes the mineral-like substance is his own flesh hardened into some other substance.
- He is very devoted to Mareus, and prays to her daily. The sign for the Trinity is left shoulder, forehead, right shoulder.
- Caleb has a high affinity with a dimension, a bottomless ocean rich in Marether, and from which aquatic familiars are summoned. He carefully notes all results from his summonings in his journals.