Claretta Derosiars


Basic Information
Claretta Derosiars
Birth Date:
5th of Seeds, 8029.
Light Elf
Light Blossoming
Iridus' Favour
Fine wine, children, festivals, jewelry, fruits, animals with claws, delicacy food
Mess and clutter, bugs, liars, long-distance traveling, rude guests, that one filthy man
Direct | Serious | Self-disciplined | Loyal
Stern | Inexpressive | Temperamental | Withdrawn
Claretta is not someone who appears to be approachable. Her never-changing, unamused expression seemed to let the light elf distant herself away. If one ever get the chance to engage in conversation with her, they will find that she is actually an adequate conversanalist, but definitely no where near cracking any jokes. She prefers to cut straight to the point. Unpleasant encounters in the past made her intolerable to liars. Around those with unclearintentions that she could not read, Claretta tends to be more wary and impatient about those she suspects.
With the approachability topic aside, her professional behavior towards her work is definitely first-class. Responsibilities are always taken seriously by her. She opens up more to the frequent guests or those who were used of her stern expression. Claretta used to be a more approachable individual back when then. That warmer side of her had been guarded away, only applies when she's with her close family members or friends nowadays.
Beginning: Miras 8029 - 8167
The Derosiars couple moved away from their home in Delverne to outskirts of Miras city in order to spread the message of their faith. As the eldest child of the family, Claretta was in charge of looking after her three sisters while her healer parents were busy aiding the patients. Equipped with the bow and arrow made by a neighboring hunter as a gift, she brought games and led the other girls in adventures.
The lovely daughters of the Derosiars became subjects of many suitors. The second and third sisters, each found their new partners and moved away without much difficulty. However the family was in shock when their youngest sister, Melanie, requested to marry a handsome Amedran despite her age at the time. It was the first time the family stepped in to intervene a relationship, as they were concerned of her most sheltered young one to be mislead by someone who they had know the least about. The argument never end in mutual consensus, and Melanie chose to elope with the human. To where they were unsure, but the Derosiars assumed their youngest member had made her way to Amedra.
Claretta was one who harbored the most suspicoun towards the man.
Travel and Overseas: Amedra & Linhythe 8167 - 8192
A short gap of time had passed before the Derosiars decided to rekindle the relationship with their youngest daugher. They knew little about the man that Melanie left with, only the name and a sketch of the his face and the emblem on the bag he carried. As the eldest of the sister, Claretta volunteered to find her, seeing it as her chance to resolve the family matters.
With the vague clues that she was not even certain of the accuracy, she struggled at first. Her investigation traced all the way across to the other side of the ocean, and her concern grew. Still young and driven, she made her way to Linhythe under the help of glamor for a careful disguise. She spent years there, chasing after leads that eventually turns out to be dead ends. There was only so much a person could do in the completely new envrionment so far from home. In th end, she returned to home, defeated in her quest.
She never told her full story of her travels to those in Miras. The popular version of the story is that Claretta fell in love with the young Linhian shaman in the group. She left the eastern land heart-broken after the man become engaged with another one of their companion. If anyone tries to ask her the validity of this version, the inn manager would roll her eyes and scoff at the ridiculous tale.
Inn Manager: Miras 8192 - Pre War
Her return to Miras was welcomed warmly by her sister, Florine. She invited Claretta to join her family in Miras city, where Florine's grandson opened a successful inn business. Her sister thought the busy and lively mood of the inn could cheer up Claretta from her unsuccessful mission and the rumored love story with a tragic end.
Although she gladly helped out with managing the inn, her mind still flies to her failed quest whenever she spaced out. Time passed, and Claretta familiarized herself wih the the new life, and fallen in love with the inn. Attentive to both the business of the inn and the guests and their conversations, she tends to learn a lot of information and gossips in her work. While looking at her heavy guest book, her ears are eager to catch any small information from the empire, just for a hope to learn more on how the place with some of her past friends or potential cousins is doing.
Current Story
Unable to bring herself to agree with her fellow light elves' conquest, Claretta had sided with those who went under Teluria in hopes of restoring the land to the peace it once had.
The following events that obliterated the landscape of Delverne was devastating, especially knowing a few of her family members being within the borders. She had chosen to go against her kind, but the brutal result exceeded what Claretta had expected. Shaken, she follows the rest in the evacuation.
Additional Info
The Inn
The inn serves as half tavern and half lodging place. The food is prepared by hired cooks. Price for the room varies, and it's rather a popular inn in the city
Always in the background staring at her guest log, probably heard 100 years worth of rumors around Miras.
Wrinkles start to form on her face in recent years. Her sister complained that her tense expression isn't helping her keeping the looks at all. Needs beauty face care.
Aside from humans and half-elves that has a shorter age span, several of her past lovers were still friends with her.