Danzan Sansar


Basic Information
Danzan Sansar
Birth Date:
26th Rains, Paths 8275
170cm/ 5'7
Cantor Abbey Canon
Cantor Abbey
Humans' Mindspeak
Receiving attention/ singing/ freshly baked bread/ festivals/ mead
Children/ valski cuisine/ being ignored/ physical labor/ arrogance
Reserved/ cunning/ charming/ adaptable/ perceptive
Selectively compassionate/ persistent
Self-righteous/ hypocritical/ ruthless/ vindictive
Intelligent and charming, Danzan is a master at making a good first impression. He comes off as a benevolent and gentle person which is expected of a man of faith. In truth, however, he is a social chameleon adapting and changing his behavior depending on the situation/ person he’s dealing with.
His true personality can be summed up with a cold heart and a sharp mind. He generally has trouble feeling compassion towards those whom he doesn’t view as “his people”. A definition so vague it can sometimes only include the denizens of the Abbey, but can also stretch to his countrymen as a whole if the situation calls for it. If someone manages to become of personal importance to Danzan, he’s ready to do anything for their sake, but so far he’s only let his brother get this close. With that said, he doesn’t allow himself to be vulnerable even with his twin and his inability to connect with people on a level deeper than casual pleasantries resulted in him becoming a loner.
When it comes to achieving his goals, Danzan is ready to take risks and is not above taking morally ambiguous or outright evil actions as long as there’s a chance they might get him where he wants. Knowing that this kind of approach is not favorable for a man of faith, however, he tries his best to keep his malicious actions and intent hidden. On top of that, Danzan is a very unforgiving person and can hold a grudge for a very long time, waiting for a perfect moment to get back at the person who, in his eyes, has wronged him or harmed something he cares about.
Despite his aloofness and cruelty, Danzan’s faith is as sincere as it can be in a sinful man. He has a pretty firm idea of what is good and evil in his head and irregardless of his readiness to be ruthless, he strongly believes in his head that everything he does is done for a righteous cause. Whether or not others would agree with that view, however, is none of his concern.
The twins:
Danzan and Zagan were a consequence of an unfortunate crush their mother had on an unreliable man who deceived her with words of undying love. Abandoned, she suffered through humiliation and ridicule from her religious community and family and grew to hate her children long before they were born.Even though two bastards were an unwelcome addition, they were begrudgingly kept in the family and once old enough, made to perform chores, treated more like servants by their relatives.
While indifference from the family was tolerable, the boys’ mother was a nightmare. A single look at them was enough to make her snap and any hint of misbehavior was followed by severe punishment. The rest of the family closed their eyes on the mother’s behavior since the boys were a product of sin and hence deserved to be disciplined. What the woman hated the most in her children were their eyes as they reminded her of the man who disgraced her.
Calmer and weaker than his brother, Danzan always seemed meek and humble to the family and got a bit of sympathy out of it unlike his rebellious hot-headed twin. Always keeping his eyes to the floor and never speaking unless spoken to, he made people trust in his obedience. However, the child was not as docile as others believed. Not being monitored as much, Danzan made use of this to spite the family with minor mischief. When his misdeeds came to light, however, it was usually blamed on Zagan. The image of “the good twin” was even further supported with his aptitude for healing as it was perceived as a blessing. Despite the problems he caused for Zagan, the twins remained close as Danzan was the only person treating his brother with kindness and love.
As time went on, the boys’ relatives moved out to start families of their own and their grandparents passed away leaving the twins entirely under the ‘care’ of their spiteful mother. As Danzan grew up, his mischievous interests spread out and he started to pay attention to village girls, charming them with his carefree attitude and witty humor. Eventually a neighbor complained to the twins’ mother about one of her sons making eyes at his daughter. Not being able to tell the boys apart he couldn’t name the culprit and the woman decided to put the blame on Zagan.
That evening Danzan returned home to heart-wrenching screaming coming from the house. Rushing inside he found his bloodied brother laying on the floor with his face and arms covered in wounds, their mother holding a knife over him. The next thing Danzan remembers is his mother’s dead eyes staring up at him in horror as his hands gripped tight around her neck. Unable to treat his brother’s grievous wounds with his poor healing skills and scared of the villagers learning about his crime, Danzan set their house on fire and took off to Cantor Abbey with his dying brother in tow hoping the priests would save Zagan from an early grave.
The reception they got at the Abbey left a strong impression on Danzan. An elaborate lie he came up with on the way there was left unused, as both medical aid and shelter were provided to them with no questions asked. Moved by the kindness that was offered to him and his twin unconditionally for the first time in their lives, Danzan chose to become a seminarian at the Abbey. With his newfound faith in Aurea he hoped to not only repay for the mercy given to his beloved brother, but also for the sins that caused his suffering in the first place.
Current Story
The events unraveling outside of Cantor were not of much concern to Danzan. Naturally, the war and annexation of the North angered him, but only as much as any other commoner not directly affected by it. After all, he had his own life and personal goals to care about and mostly focused on preparing himself for priesthood in the indefinite future.
Then Delverne announced its claim on his homeland and his world shattered. As a devoted follower of Aurea, Danzan entertained the idea of joining Delverne’s side for a moment, but this doubt was short-lived. Witnessing the effect this conflict had on Cantor and its people and knowing too well that wicked people liked excusing their deeds with Gods’ will, he decided to stand firm with his homeland and finally made the decision to take his vows and become a canon of the Abbey.
Uncertain in his faith in Aurea, Danzan chose to look for a beacon among mortals and found one in King Silvan. Despite the Kingdom being shattered by conflict on all fronts, Danzan couldn’t help but admire the way the new king handled the cards dealt to him and responded to threats posed by the enemy. Inspired to take action himself, the young canon ventured out of his homeland to take part in the expedition to the Citadel of Crowns. There he was lucky to find an ancient artifact that he happily presented to King Silvan.
With the destruction of his home Danzan finally abandoned the remaining faith he had in Aurea. Looking to fill this void, he joined the search for Mareus and got a chance to witness the divinity firsthand. Filled with a newfound reverence for the goddess, but also seeing the destruction her awakening caused, Danzan decided to stay behind in Valsk and help tending to the wounded and misplaced.
Now that things have started to slowly go back to normal, the young canon decided to go on a pilgrimage through the Kingdom's lands to contemplate on his faith and find a new direction to take his future in.
Additional Info
Danzan was illiterate up until he started living in the Abbey. Putting a lot of dedication into learning, he has managed to fix that flaw.
He doesn’t feel remorse for his mother’s death, but regrets that he had to be the one to do it. The only person aware of the murder beside the twins is Luke Dearie - a canon that Danzan confessed his sins to before taking his vows.
Between the twins, Danzan is the skinnier and physically weaker one, but he is also taller and healthier than Zagan since he was given less arduous chores as a child.
Ever since he began worshiping Mareus his healing/shielding abilities began to manifest in ice-like visuals.
Upon discovering Rings of All Armies in the Citadel of Crowns and presenting them to King Silvan, Danzan was offered a reward. Being at a crossroads in his life and not knowing what to ask for, he humbly requested for this favor to be granted at a later time, which the King graciously accepted. In the meantime, he’s been given a token of regard and an invitation to be a welcomed guest at the palace until his reward is granted.