Dominus Salvai


Basic Information
Dominus Salvai
Birth Date:
27th September
Light Elf
Former Dominus of Delverne
Benevolent | Idealistic | Easygoing | Personable | Devout | Malleable
The leader of the Church of Aurea and of Delverne, Dominus Salvai is kind-hearted and lively. Known to leave the High Palace in order to mingle with his people, Salvai has become a regular fixture in the city of Delverne. He is always happy to chat, offer spiritual guidance, or merely listen to someone's problems, no matter how petty. He credits the practice with keeping him grounded through his long reign, although his actions are fueled in equal part by an insatiable need to connect with people.
He has gone so far as to preach acceptance of humans, which has fostered an era of relative tolerance in Delverne. Nevertheless, he thinks that dark elves, having lost touch with Aurea's cleansing light, are immoral and unworthy of a just world. This isn't to say that he hates or even dislikes them, in fact his feelings are much closer to pity.
Dominus Salvai was born Ezra Fortalianis, the only son of a pair of poor farmers. He was offered to a small monastery in the Delverne countryside when he was just shy of one year old. Ezra grew up as a bright, if not a bit absent-minded, boy, knowing little of life beyond the priory walls. His early years were carefree, and he found himself quite well-liked by his classmates and instructors. He was a constant source of infectious enthusiasm and optimism, something which did not go unnoticed by the prior. When he was 12 years old he and a group of other boys were sent off to live in the Praecelian Abbey, a larger monastery within the capital proper. The invitation was an honor, as the Praecelian brothers lived and taught within the diocese ruled by the dominus himself. Ezra did not know why he or the other boys were chosen, but would go on to enjoy living in the city immensely.
As his education resumed, he discovered to have a mild talent for healing, and as he grew he would often join the travelling priests who left the city to service the more rural areas of Delverne. Privately, he often imagined running into his parents on such trips. No such miracle occurred, of course, but Ezra was just as happy to meet the townspeople or deliver impromptu sermons to their children. He was encouraged to go on to a seminary, with the intention of becoming a canon- where he could live among the brothers at the abbey while still preaching the word of Aurea. At the age of 25 he was ordained, and moved back to Praecelian while he considered his next move. It was then that the Order of Cardinals predicted the death of the current dominus.
Twelve years before the death of a dominus, the cardinals of Delverne, without fail, are granted a vision of Aurea herself, instructing them to begin preparing a new dominus. They are tasked with choosing a worthy successor and beginning the Rites of Ascension, which takes twelve years to complete. The elves of Delverne consider this divine ritual irrefutable proof that they are Aurea's chosen people- how else could the cardinals be gifted with knowledge of the future?- and so the selection of a new successor is a time of celebration. The evening after the announcement, Ezra was approached by the abbot and sent to speak with three of the cardinals. Suspicious of nothing, as was his nature, he met with them. The following morning, he was informed that he would be the next dominus, an announcement which was incomprehensible to him.
Plucked from obscurity, Ezra spent the next few weeks being paraded about, an endless blur of travel and banquets and public appearances. Just when he was starting to accept the sudden appointment, he was whisked off to the Angel's Rest, a hermitage high among the Radiant Peaks, to undergo the necessary cleansing and education that would grant him the right to rule Delverne.
Upon ascending to the dominus position, Ezra chose the name 'Salvai', after a 3rd century saint who was known for healing the sick. His reign has been an unusually long one, marked (until current events) by peace and prosperity. He has strengthened ties with Miras, marking a gradual shift from historically stand-offish Delvan policy.
Current Story
Additional Info
- Still manages to go on the occasional mission to rural Delverne to heal the sick, although doesn't get to go as often as he would like.
- After he was announced as successor, several families attempted to claim him as their long-lost son, and the resulting controversy is still a subject of mockery within Delverne.
- He will sometimes drop by the classrooms of his old abbeys, although tries not to be too much of a distraction. His only regret from becoming dominus was the missed opportunity to teach the children of the monasteries as the monks had taught him and his peers.
- Even he is baffled by many of the ornaments and regalia he has to wear during certain holidays.
- Attempted repeatedly to smuggle stray animals into the priory, and then into the abbey, when he was growing up. He was unceremoniously caught every single time.
- Used to have a thick head of curly blond hair, appearing almost angelic.