Edrik Mehtar


Basic Information
Edrik Mehtar
Birth Date:
8 Sun, Year of Souls (8060) | Day 3 of the Month of the Crane, Year of the Incandescent Crystal Horse
6'1 | 185CM
Wood Elf
Antique appraiser/shopkeeper
Wood Blossoming
Snacks | Cinnamon | Books | Crafts | Old things | Letters from friends and family | Mysteries
Cold weather | Heavy clothing | Large bodies of water | Failure | Organized spaces | Menial Labor | Large social gatherings
Edrik is a thinker. He likes to consider things thoroughly and is certainly very careful to review all possibilities before making important decisions. Habitually, he narrates out his thoughts to help himself organize his mind, much to the amusement and sometimes annoyance of those around him. In fact, he is actually quite fond of "conversing" with the birds he feeds in front of the Sandman when he is troubled. Her understands that he is considered quiet eccentric by the locals who walk by and see him chatting happily with birds, but he doesn't mind others' opinions much. Edrik rarely make an exceptional effort to blend in and has always stood by the belief that one should remain true to himself except in the most dire of circumstances.
Patient, but also slow moving unless he feels the need for urgency. Content to move at his own pace.
Typically, he reserves judgment for when an individual shows their true colors and treats everyone with equal respect and kindness until then.
Small games of cat and mouse he enjoys, but he finds them tiresome in the long run and by nature avoids people he finds manipulative or pretentious.
He considers himself a man of his words, so he hates breaking promises and is always cautious before committing himself to anything. Edrik thinks that a man has nothing if he cannot hold himself to his own words, and stands by this view quite stubbornly. In fact, he can be quite stubborn about most things once he makes up his mind, only to be dissuaded if someone should point out the flaw of his logic.
Highly self-aware in terms of the extent and limits of his own abilities. He prides himself on his keen intelligence... As well as his ability to avoid confrontations. Past experiences has led the elf to invested considerable effort in learning to speak honestly and diplomatically so that he would compromise neither his character nor his friendship when conversing with others (which is another reason why he likes talking to his birds - they never get offended).
The elf is extremely driven as an academic. Edrik is always looking to expand his horizons - his motto is to always try something at least once.
- His thirst for knowledge has also proven to be a somewhat questionable moral compass - where must one draw the line in the pursuit of something greater than themselves? He has always been convinced that all of those who pass through Alva should in some way contribute to the growth of their world, should they find themselves capable. His membership in Vox has only affirmed this belief. Some would consider the sage fearless, and others reckless, but so long as he did not endanger others, Edrik considers all courses of actions fair game in his determination to make his mark on Alva.Though there are few things in his personal possession, he is fiercely protective of what he considers his. Encroachment without permission is not something he takes kindly.
Edrik is the eldest in a very close-knit family of five in Estraude. His father, a historian and part-time cartographer, has long studied the geography of the world and believes that the stories of the Gods are not just stories. Edrik, however, is much more skeptical, despite having began his studies and research under the guidance of a priest. He spent most of his childhood under the tutelage of a priest of Therras honing his skills in basic spells and memorizing tomes on flora and fauna until he grew bored of the priest's lessons, feeling that his limited application of elemental spells were far too lacking in ambition and that those with the ability to do so must push themselves to explore the boundaries of their power as a contribution to the general knowledge of magic. After all, it seemed too much of a waste to remain content sitting in the woods coaxing the perfect flower into bloom when there was so much he could accomplish...! A conversation with a sage who arrived in Estraude as part of a diplomatic party sparked the young elf's imagination and he became all too eager to seek the knowledge of the outside world. Impatient with his teacher's slow methods, he begged his parents to let depart home for an adventure. It was not until after Arya was born did his parents begin to give their son's requests serious consideration, especially as they both understood the importance of pursuing one's passions. On the condition that he would return home at least once a year and work to update his father's work while on his journey, he could go with their blessing. While hesitant to leave his young sisters, Edrik remained eager to see the world with his own eyes and departed after a year of preparations.
For next eight decades, he wandered throughout Miras and Koben, kept company mostly by his own thoughts and the notebooks which recorded his observations. He was able to fund his travels somewhat as a botanist for hire between bouts of apprenticeship under magicians of varying decree and renown, utilizing his knowledge with plants and such to find part-time jobs as he moved from place to place. Perhaps out of fears of his own uselessness in an arid, dessert city, he continuously postponed his travels to Tusa from a number of years until it remained the last unexplored frontier for the young man. After a prolonged stay in Estraude to share his travel stories with his baby sisters, he set off for Tusa with low expectations. To his surprise, he found a vibrant city unlike any other that he had seen in all of his years of travelling. Tusa's exotic culture drew him in and has kept the elf enraptured since his arrival. It was in Tusa that he met his latest mentor, an ancient half-elven sage by the name of Koya who had devoted his life to studying the flow of energy between networks of crystals around Alva. He introduced Edrik to his work and the two spent considerable time studying the crystal tower before theorizing the possibility of individual networks of life energy which existed in people that could similarly be manipulated or interrupted, and the dangerous implications if their theory were to be proven true. Before their study could progress much further, however, Koya's health began to fail. It was only then did the old man introduce Edrik to the organization of scholars called Vox, and laughed as he passed to Edrik the keys to the small antique shop called the Sandman he frequently neglected, on the condition that Edrik promised he would remain in Tusa to carry on Koya's legacy.
After explaining to Edrik that Vox was a secretive network of scholars and experts of their own respective fields who contributed to the great library of Alva, Koya spent his final months familiarizing Edrik with his expected duties, which included overseeing the daily communications of members around Alva as well as maintaining the shop (and the vault that lay hidden under it). He drilled Edrik on the importance of the organization's mission until he passed, never ceasing to stress the importance of their secrecy and neutrality, especially signs of the countries' hostility began to show with increasing frequency. Edrik, overwhelmed with the information before him, was only too happy to follow Koya's instructions in order to have access to what he considered the ultimate temple of knowledge. The magnitude of his duties did not dawn on him until he grew more familiar with the organization's history, laid plainly before his eyes through the words of past members, and came to understand that he safeguarded a a great secret. Though few realized its existence, the Sandman concealed a treasure trove of knowledge and wealth passed down from previous generations of scholars.
Ever seeking ways to maintain the stability of their way of life, he maintained regular discussions with his counterparts until shortly before the explosion of the Crystal Tower in Tusa. Left with what could only be described as a total blackout in terms of direction, Edrik had to make the decision as to how to proceed both for himself and Vox - or at least, the Koben half of it. He took it on himself to travel once again to reach out to the members of Vox - a strange experience for many, as they had not all met the eccentric elf in person before - before returning home to find the shop unexpectedly in the attendance of a young half-elf...
Current Story
Afer making his acquintance with Ae-ri, he discovered that she hailed from the family who had originally funded the Sandman and was there more or less to oversee his work and collect dues which he had neglected. The two began a quite complicated relationship as she was both his overseer and student at the same time, and constantly reminded him of his responsibilities as a Speaker while he was far more interested in other means of occupying his time. After aiding in the effort of restoring the tower, Edrik suggested that they should return to Ae-ri's home for the end of the year so that they could report on their progress that year and for her to spend some time with family.
After the New Year, however, their travels were delayed by weather and the attack on Song-Lu. While helping to protect some locals, Edrik became somewhat seriously injured and remained in Song-Lu to recover. During that time, the Southern Federation formed and it became not only incredibly difficult to cross back to Tusa to attend to the Sandman, but also for Edrik to return to Estraude to see his family. While waiting for the situation to develop, Edrik opened a new shop to continue honing his practice while hoping to find more of the order's members to find means to re-establish, once again.
The appearance of the Citadel as well as continued strange phenomenons have since kept Edrik occupied, and he's neglected some of his other duties regarding Vox or rather, left much of it in Ae'ri's capable hands.
Additional Info
He comes from a family of 5 - he has two younger sisters named Serah (173) and Arya (141). Arya gave him the light scar on his cheek when she was younger and he was trying to teach her magic. It backfired on him, literally.
Hobbies include cartography, crafting, cooking, reading, chess, bird feeding, and landscaping.
The coat, which he used to only wear inside of the shop, is a kind of relic passed down from Koya. It's spelled with a lot of protection spells which he takes care to renew from time to time. However, since leaving Tusa and the shop unattended he took to wearing the coat less and less until the appearance of the parade in Song-lu. Now he is almost never seen without it.
He doesn't know how to swim, and is actually quite terrified of water if he doesn't know how deep it is. He knows it is irrational to refuse to learn how to swim, but hasn't talked himself around to doing it yet...
He is always hungry, so he is constantly snacking. Edrik is almost never seen without some kind of food on him.
Hair is dyed a dark purplish/black color (naturally chestnut brown). Green streaks have appeared in it due to blossoming, which he'd found a bit of a conundrum.
His gloves are also spelled to protect him from magic and he always wears them when working with unknown artifacts. A gift from a family friend.
Actually isn't super familiar with Vox despite his position - he only knows what he has read from books written by his predecessors, which do not provide what he consider a whole account for the organization's history. He is even less familiar with their protocols as his knowledge on that topic stems from his discussions with his counterparts pre-blackout.
The Sandman is located on the edge of one of the wealthier districts in Tusa and does conduct business from time to time, though Edrik is seen more frequently by locals to be feeding birds absentmindedly with a book in his lap in front of the shop than speaking with customers inside. Nevertheless, Edrik has upheld Koya's reputation as a capable and learned man who is fair and honest in his dealings. Financially speaking, Koya left Edrik with a considerable amount of fortunes and the shop is maintained with that fund than through business transactions. However, Edrik has been unable to return to the shop due to the formation of the Southern Federation. What had been intended as a short visit to Song-Lu turned into a prolonged stay at Ae-ri's family residence. He has since then opened a new branch of the Sandman to continue with antique appraisals while establishing some local roots to aid with information gathering in the business district of Song-Lu.

Blayne Cavanaugh
A recent friend met while investigating the mysterious happenings in Song-lu. Finds him rather endearing, though considers him a man perhaps too ruled by his emotions.

Song Ae-ri
Student, assistant, and above all, his closest companion for the last few things. His thoughts about her are a little complicated, but he's very content with where they stand and only wish for her to stay by his side for a few more years.