Ernest Klimek


Basic Information
Ernest Klimek
Birth Date:
5th Flowers, 8160. (Brenthos the Albatross)
8'3" (without horns)
Dark Elf
Atros' Ascended
Used to be: sweets, cream cheese, colorful decors, fluffy animals
Used to be: insects, spooky forests, being treated as an outsider, whiny kids, bitter food
As he joined the fellow Atros ascended, all the traumatic memories faded away. No longer troubled by the past events, Ernest was able to lose the fragile side. He smiles without care, for there wasn't any reason behind anything.
Ernest had been known as the one always with his head in the clouds, smiling around others at all times. He is a man with a creative mind, excited of his many amusing ideas and pleasant imaginations, making him a surprisingly good fit when taking over his father's confection business.
He tends to shy away from uneasy confrontations, whether if it means he'll have to awkwardly force a switch of conversation subject or physically walk away from the spot. In the past ten years of his life, a traumatic visit to the forest planted the apprehension in his attitude. He grew constantly distressed that something will take him back while he least expect it.
Ernest was born between a short-lived romance between Eryk Klimek and Glenna Duff. Ernest spent his early childhood in the quiet rural town, observing his father run the family property and business. His years of living amongst the sweet scent of milk toffee ended when the Relan woman finally put an end to her troubled marriage. The Relan woman did not grew any attachment to Bratkowice, and quickly parted way to return to her homeland with her child. Ernest followed his mother back to the elvish state abruptly.
At first he relied on fitting himself into the new home by bribing other kids with the sweets made from his father's recipe. Ernest found his new place at a workshop next door, under the apprenticeship of a glasssmith. He couldn't understand why his mother wanted to return to a place with such a rigid social hierarchy, but he grew fond of the beautiful bioluminescent mountainside.
Meanwhile his father found a new love and married a Bratkovan human. Eryk paid fewer visits to Reluir, leaving his first son slightly bitter about the arrangement, but Ernest still paid the family visits whenever he got traveling errands for his workshop. The new family somehow grew to accept him as that one weird cousin who occasionally visits.
On year of Souls 8292, a strange occurrence happened after the Spectre Day as citizens disappeared into the Molvahain forest, including the visiting Relan and the old dark elf who owns the sweet shop. A citizen that volunteered in the Serdar's call managed to find Ernest dazing alone in the woods. He returned safely along with some lucky others, but they never managed to find the old elf.Since the war broke out, the Klimek struggled alongside other Bratkovans from the magical sabotage of crops. Ernest's step-brother joined the military but never managed to return.
The Klimek's lacked suitable members to take care of the business and farm and Ernest needed a rest after the dreadful experience, he agreed to help manage the farm instead of returning to Reluir. Managing the confectionery helped took his focus off from the unpleasant memories. Regardless of him still anxious about the forest, he committed himself to help the rest of the Klimek until the trouble is over. Perhaps he can hopefully gather enough courage by then.
Despite the unease amongst the Bratkovan neighbors caused by the Relan's recent aggression, Ernest's closest family members spoke out to protect Ernest's place in the community regardless of the identity of his mother's side, much to his surprise.
Current Story
On a night when his human family wasn't watching, Ernest slipped away. Unconsciously following Atros' army as it crosses towards the citadel. Following the clash between Aurea and Atros, the ascended seeked deep into the ocean for Atros's spine.
Additional Info
Klimek Confectionery
A family-run sweets shop famous with their secret recipe of fudge and other dairy made delicacies. The business that started off when the past Klimek's took a twist of their own dairy farm. The fudge they sold was one of the few best quality confections around the area when they first opened the business.
His illusions usually consist of reflective surfaces of glass shards.
Doesn't understand why, but he found candy wrappers in his pocket since ascended, and decided to just keep them there.