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Giovan Lucilius

Giovan Lucilius
Resident City
Home City


Basic Information


Giovan Lucilius



64 (at death)

Birth Date:

12th Stars, 8228


178 cm | 5’10”








Former King of Miras


Mirian Royal Court



Wine | The countryside | Horses and pegasi | Generosity | Children | Listening to people | Forgiveness | Sunrises | Lively festivals and markets | Churches


Aggression | Loftiness | Firearms | Disregarding people's feelings | Excessive luxury | Animal fighting | Smoking | Secrets | 'The end justifies the means' mentalities


Hearty | Confident | Good-humoured | Persistent | Perceptive | Empathetic | Soft-hearted | Down-to-earth | Pacifistic | Sweet talker

Giovan is, by default, a friendly and personable sort who enjoys a good laugh, good company and good food and drink. For a king, he is surprisingly approachable, and his warm, uncomplicated-seeming manner has won him both popularity from the citizenry and contempt from certain circles of the nobility. Well-aware of this himself, Giovan has deliberately stuck to this approach throughout his leadership with the resolute view that a king should, first and foremost, be a servant to his people.

Giovan is a very aware person in general, and his ability to frankly discern and dissect both himself and others has long been one of his most – and possibly sole – useful skills. Politics and intrigue have never come easy to him; due to his firm morals and overly empathetic nature, he is unable to completely separate the people from a picture and cannot move with the distant efficiency and ambition of a great ruler. Instead, he combines his emotional astuteness and penchant for cajolement to steer people in subtler, more personal (and, he believes, gentler) ways. While this can be a slow and unpredictable process, and often he can give people a little too much benefit of the doubt, he finds it a more rewarding method overall and so determinedly sticks to it. Kingship and kindness will never be good matches for each other though and Giovan can be easily hurt in his pursuit of both. He has, at least, the resilience and now long-earned maturity to withstand this, so even knowing very well that his ideals of doing the best for everyone are unrealistic, he continues to pursue them with enough stubborn earnestness to make them as worthy a goal as any.


As the youngest of four royal siblings, Giovan was deliberately positioned from an early age to have as little contact with the throne and succession politics as possible, in order to minimise his potential risk as a contender. He grew up mostly away from the palace and capital, instead spending most of his time at the Mirian countryside estate he was to one day inherit. Although he still received the royal education and upbringing a prince of his status deserved, his tutors directed his focus firmly to the management of his land and local people rather than any ambitious pursuits. The royal family and its advisors had it all planned out: the oldest child and heir would be groomed for a world of politics, the second-oldest for the military and the third-oldest for the Church and scholarly circle. The fourth, Giovan, would be the royal family’s face and footwork among the common folk – not quite important enough to be missed at court, but definitely royal enough to give an impression of involvement and care to the populace.

Giovan, always a sociable type and at the time unaware of these intentions, took to his role happily enough and spent a relatively easy youth in the countryside, learning husbandry and traditions, hunting, jousting and paying courtesy visits to various townships and minor local nobles. Things were panning out smoothly, until one day when Giovan was 24 – word came that his oldest brother, the Crown Prince, had died in a hunting accident, and Giovan was to return to the capital for mourning.

He did so, but even after the funeral, he was not permitted to leave the palace. Eventually his third sister pulled him secretly aside and laid out the situation for him, which was basically a mess – their oldest brother, while kind-hearted, had not been a very competent politician, and their second oldest sister had not liked this. Overly encouraged by her supporters, she had orchestrated the accident which led to his death, and this in turn had galvanised a faction of the royal advisors to remove her from the succession – although smart, her ideas on how to rule were too harsh and dangerous to end well. The third sister was therefore being used to usurp the second’s position, which she went along with out of both necessity and her own desire to bring their sister to justice.

A long and ugly game of intrigue and politics played out. At the end, the second sister was successfully defamed and incriminated, but the third sister had not gotten away unscathed either. With her reputation damaged and exhausted by the entire thing – as a devotee to the Church, the third sister had never actually wanted to take up the throne – she renounced her position in the succession without warning. The title of Crown Prince came unexpectedly to Giovan and everyone scrabbled – Giovan to grasp this sudden, new, flabbergasting role, and the court to re-establish itself around him.

He was crowned at age 29, both due to the increasing infirmity of the previous king and to end any more succession struggles. Deeply wary of being influenced after seeing what had happened to his siblings and extremely aware of his own lack of experience in royal politics, Giovan shouldered his duties cautiously. Soon, he found that a combination of charm and talk while in public, extensive consultation in private, and then the firm adhesion to his own practical, civilian-oriented priorities that he had adopted in his youth, would get him through most situations adequately. He listened well, learnt constantly and made astute judgements of individuals and how to best navigate them. And gradually, laboriously, Giovan found his feet in governing and grew to fill his position as king.

His rule never was and continues to never be particularly ambitious or revolutionary. Instead, a steady stream of little achievements and improvements for the Kingdom has characterised it, as well as a solid maintenance of peace, and this has always been enough for both him and the people.

Current Story

The arrival of war in 8291 saw Giovan's pacificism come into direct conflict with the need to defend the Kingdom. Keeping to his people-oriented approach, he focused on defending his civilians and hamstringing the Empire through indirect means, such as sabotaging supplies and enticing treason from within. When Estraude hosted its Emerald Masquerade for all leaders to attend in truce, Giovan took the opportunity to finally speak to his enemy, Emperor Artur, directly - and was surprised to discover the desire was mutual.

The war between the Kingdom and Empire mysteriously quietened after that. But later that year, Giovan would die suddenly of seemingly natural causes - an undetected tumour, a subsequent stroke - thus leaving the fate of his Kingdom to his sons.

Additional Info
  • Giovan is a skilled and eager equestrian. He currently owns two horses - one for hunting and one for travelling - and one pegasus, all of whom he likes to look after himself when he has the time.

  • He hates being kept indoors for too long and will get up very early in the morning to go for a ride if he knows he has many audiences that day.

  • His Paladin magic lies mostly in creating shields. He is very poor at healing, which disappointed him a lot when he was younger.

  • When first getting to know someone he has an interest in, it is typical for Giovan to invite them over for a very casual, simple, one-on-one chat and meal to gauge for himself what they are like (and also note what their favourite foods are. It's little things like this that matter for individuals, he finds). This has been a frequent source of bewilderment for those who are not familiar with the king.

  • He is unpopular with certain high circles of the nobility due to his tendency to spend most of the royal treasury money on civilian projects. Noble privileges and military development have dimished since Giovan came to power, and while this creates sneers about how he is a weak and pauper-like king, Giovan himself solidly doesn't care. Noble life still seems padded-out enough to him, and the appreciation of the citizens to his investments in education, arts, infrastructure and disaster aid, is more important to him.



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