Gisal Gill'losa


Basic Information
Gisal Gill'losa
Birth Date:
28th Flowers, 8295
5'0" (152 cm)
Dark Elf
Relan Church
Baking | Pink things | Fresh snow | Sugar | Flamboyance (in others)
Decisions made for her | Turnips | Her stature | Acting hastily
+Altruistic | +Sympathetic | +Observant | +/- Quiet | -Nosy | -Impatient | -Ignorant
Upon first meeting, Gisal is kind, well-meaning, and genuinely interested in the people she meets. This translates to having a penchant for indiscriminate chatter, which can be equal parts comforting or annoying depending on the context. For the most part, though, she keeps to herself.
Gigi is a happy wallflower, for it gives her the best angle to observe from. She loathes being confrontational or sharing her annoyances with others, but does so far more often than she'd like due to her pent-up emotions. This results in a vicious cycle of concealed feelings for the sake of trying to be pleasant and regretful minute decisions.
Spending 60 years of her life in a convent has made her more attuned to the plights of others compared to other nobility, but Gigi puts perhaps too much confidence in her limited experience. This isn't so much out of naivety, but a deliberate decision for her own comfort.
0-16: Childhood
The firstborn between an Bhan-Iarla Ridir and a fellow well-liked Ridir, Gigi's father died in service a few months before her birth after overzealously chasing a troupe of bandits too far into the Molvahain forest. A living remnant of her father, Gigi was well-loved by her mother when time could be spared and overall blessed with an uneventful childhood.
Sent to a church-run school for other well-to-do children, she failed to inherit her father's charisma and was a quiet child. Often overlooked by her peers due to her mediocrity and bland appearance, it was easy for her to cozily tuck away with her passion, books. Once in her teens, it was time to follow in her relatives' footsteps and arrange a squireship, but Gigi was reluctant.
Luckily for her, one of her classmates from a neighboring Bhan-Iarla family of mages, Arabella Rolach, was seeking the path of knighthood. In an act of compromise and cordiality, the families 'switched' daughters, so Gigi went to study under the Rolach heiress Siobhan, a powerful conjurer, and Arabella became a squire for Gigi's mother. An unexpected break from rich family traditions, but excellent politics.
17-33: Conjurer mentorship
Gigi took to Siobhan's soft, kind charisma like a fly to honey in hopes that her charms and talent would rub off on her. Meeting another heiress was as reassuring as it was terrifying as she witnessed the other girl's ordinary and extraordinary traits, only to spend her nights wondering how she would stack up. These comparisons took a toll on her, and Gigi decided that perhaps the best path for her was one where no one could compare her to anything.
A path very, very scarcely trodden.
Gradually replacing her wardrobe with bold colors, then pastels, and finally shades of white and yellow, Gigi finally began turning heads. Whether good or bad, to hear people utter her name and recognize her as an individual was a glorious thing. More! Given a hair dye made by a new friend she'd met at the edges of town, her grey locks turned a sunny blonde. Servants whispered of seeing a white sun tattoo on her arm. She blocked out gossip with her summoning lessons. Briefly, she had found bliss. Then a gracious dose of reality was delivered by Arabella. This was not the way.
Fair or not, she knew damn well she had a duty to fulfill as an heiress, and it didn't include embarrassing her family. It was time to lay low for a while.
34-85: Church of Atros
Entering the church with a shaved head and a heart seeking forgiveness, Gigi became a sister of the Church of Atros to rebuild herself. The nuns' way of life took some getting used to, but humility was a good look on her. Eventually finding a new summoning mentor within an elderly nun, magical education was a happy distraction from the more mundane everyday tasks. Through being a sister, she also gained a newfound appreciation for her role as an heiress. Here at the church, she was surrounded by strong women leaders from all backgrounds, and it was inspiring to be in such good company. After a few pleasant decades, she's become a bit bored and has taken more interest in her conjuring, studying physics and hydraulics in her spare time to better understand her familiars.
86-: Current
The Gill'losas hadn't attended the banquet Queen Morven was poisoned at, which helped keep them out of suspicion by the other houses. Like the others, in fear of the worst they gifted the crown princess a serene lake cottage on their land.
A few months later, Gigi conveniently got herself involved in several church volunteer projects to avoid attending the Emerald Masquerade, to her family's chagrin. She couldn't escape the Relan ball held for the princess that summer though, but she didn't mind spectating the romantics. Among her own family, Lorna's engagement sparked talk of arranging her own once things become peaceful again. She feels indifferent, but hopes the lad ends up agreeable enough.
Upon Reluir breaking off relations with the empire, she stayed with the church and helped tend to the injured, feeling frazzled and not as useful as she could be. When Iadlain used the dreadful Adabrene poison on their old cities during her birthday month, she and a few sisters trekked over and spent the summer on relief efforts. While it was rewarding to help, the horror of war and conquest complicated her moral compass. The massive creature summoned with mysterious chests was so ridiculous it was hard to accept at first; the destruction it brought was no easier, and soon it had simply disappeared. With a few other members of the church, Gigi went on a brief but dangerous stint to gather wraith crystals. While the Relan citizens have her heart and allegiance, she does wonder what the Queen's end goal is with this painful war.
During World's Wrath, Gigi agreed to leave the convent in a few month's time to go home and shadow her mother and focus on her future as Bhan-Iarla, something she's been anxious about for a long time. She left in the summer, but after only a few weeks her family estate was infiltrated and taken over by Red Torcs. Her family was imprisoned, but after injuring the guard, Gigi managed to escape. Though she's yet to reunite with her family, when she does she intends on disinheriting her title, no longer able to support Reluir's monarchy and the way it treats its lower class.
Current Story
For the past month-and-then-some, she's stayed at a trusted friend's. Her time there was wrought with worry, reflection, and reunions, but with the massive Incident returning with a vengeance, she's ultimately decided to travel to Iadlain as a refugee. While the Iadlish are also undergoing their own hardships, the guilt of freeloading during these excessively tough times was too much to bear. Currently, she's trying to assist the Iadlish survival effort however she can while adjusting to culture shock.
Additional Info
Gill'losa info:
Their land is called Dia Uinneag, translating to "God's Window", named after the large lake in their region (now one of...many)
Their land is in northeastern Reluir, bordering Bratkowice and the sea.
Uses a censer and staff for her summons, making smoke patterns from incense or dry ice.
Views humans and half-elves as tragic, working their tails off with their shorter lifespan.
She doesn't know how to cook much, but her fellow sisters taught her how to bake. It's her favorite chore, and she enjoys making tiny sculptures of people's faces with spare dough. The orphans seem to like it.
Loses her patience around most children. When she had to teach them, there were many, many snack and nap times.
Loves to see how things are put together and taken apart, but is awful at putting them back together afterwards. The majority of her possessions have been defaced improved bc of this
Loves pink food...
Gigi is her mother's nickname for her, saved for when the two were alone. Upon becoming a sister, she began using the nickname with others as well.
Physically takes after her father, while her younger twin siblings strongly resemble her mother. A bit self-conscious about how light she is in comparison to the rest of her family.
Had a secret relationship a few years back that inevitably didn't work out.
Indeed has a sun tattoo on her right arm that she got during her more rebellious days, though it's since been covered up and elaborated on. She's repurposed it to help with summoning instead.
loves puns and silly voices