Hajime Arakawa

Basic Information
Hajime Arakawa
Birth Date:
17th Rains
5'8" (172 cm)
Dark Elf
+Cheerful | +Passionate | +Independent | +/-Eccentric | -Reckless | -Unsympathetic | -Sadistic
Hajime is a loner by choice, though she doesn’t mind chatting with others. In fact, she’s quite upbeat and loves to butt into conversations with her unique, creepy optimism. While some may call it a lack of social graces, Hajime simply does what she wants, however she wants, regardless of what people think. Acting on her own intentions with little thought to how others may feel, though, has made her quite a few enemies.
She herself does not personally hold any grudges against others, however this is not due to her own sympathy, but rather a lack of caring about other’s well-being, good or bad. This makes it easy for her to be cruel to others, and even enjoys seeing someone's eyes get dewy, or rather, the jolts of pleasure she gets knowing that others are now feeling pain she once has.
A girl who holds a lot of passion for everything she does, Hajime is almost childlike when things don't go her way. When angry, it wouldn't be uncommon for her fit of rage to end in theatrics, violence, or tears. In the end, she looks out exclusively for herself.
Hajime was born as an illegitimate child between a charismatic Songluan songstress who followed a wealthy Relan businessman to his homeland, soon abandoned after her daughter's birth due to her lower-class background being unsuitable for the wife of a rich man. Aiming to marry into money while still young and pretty, Haji's mother was enraged that she now had the undesirable baggage of a child out of wedlock to put up with, hindering the success of her ultimate ambition.
Seeing her daughter only as a bitter memento, Kazumi Arakawa took motherhood poorly. Raising a child as a poor single mother in Reluir was difficult, and unable to find the will to move back to Song-Lu because she couldn't let go of the man who abandoned her, she ended up taking seedy jobs and often brought back many a strange man to the shack she and Hajime called home.
What time the mother and daughter did spend together was rarely pleasant, and was often filled with one-sided yelling and put-downs. Judging humanity by her missing father, bitter mother, and the shady men her mother brought into her home, Hajime had little motivation to go out and meet people, so instead she spent most of her time in the Relan forests. At first merely appreciating nature, the elf's loneliness escalated to a level where she began personifying the trees and pinecones, believing them to be inhabited by strange forest spirits she could converse with. One day, an older dark elf passed by Haji in the middle of talking to a tree, causing him to chuckle and call her a weirdo under his breath, but smiling all the same.
The young elf decided to follow the man, intrigued for the first time by a person. Without him asking, she introduced her forest spirit friends and explained how they 'talked back' to her based on her observations. While at first she was entertaining, he quickly grew annoyed by the girl's eccentricity and called her an idiot. Hajime was disappointed to hear the familiar word coming from yet another person's mouth and reached a breaking point, taking a moment before asking if the dark elf could help treat her idiocy.
He agreed.
For the remaining few years before she reached maturation, the dark elf Cynbel met with her regularly in the forest she frequented (though always at random times of the day). She was reintroduced to Atros and the queen and took a fierce affection to the Relan ruler, seeing her as the maternal figure she longed for in her life. Hajime was also taught how to fight with a knife, and one year, she even received her first birthday present: one of Cynbel's old rifles. What she took away from her meetings with Cynbel was that there was nothing wrong with being perceived as an idiot, so long as she could defend her beliefs and that they were worth keeping alive. In the meantime, she took up tailoring and discovered a demand in being able to mend the complex patterns of embroidered robes.
When Hajime was older Cynbel finally revealed his occupation to her as a member of the elusive Queen's Assassins, finally explaining why his schedule had been so unorthodox all these years. Hajime immediately demanded to be taken on as an apprentice, but he merely laughed and told her that with her maturity the closest she was ever going to get to the assassins was mending his clothes. And to this day, that still holds true. Deep down, Haji still desires to one day join the assassins, seeing it as a wonderfully loyal way to serve the queen. For now, though, she remains a tailor with great dexterity who hopes to someday mend the finely embroidered gowns of the Relan upper crust.
Current Story
Haji assisted in the soldier hunt during Possession, aiding Relan soldiers where possible. Devout to the queen and the church, she enjoyed the summer's events with St. Beitris' feast before once again heading to the Wispwood for Reluir's sake during Ambition- an excursion she never returned from.
Deceased as of Ambition and Risen as of War of Ancients- She had always been willing to give herself to the queen's cause, so she supposes this...works. She only wishes she could tell her mentor or her family and friends what happened to her.
Additional Info
Additional info:
Along with worshiping Atros, Hajime also seems to worship a number of forest spirits who may or (probably) may not exist. She possesses a deep respect and love for nature, and often writes her observations regarding it in a journal titled her 'Book of Shadows' when she can.
Often uses her tailoring needles and scissors to sacrifice locks of hair and pricked blood of fingers to 'forest spirits'.
Sadly, not an ounce of magic resides within the elf. Having no magical ability is a major insecurity of hers. Still, this does not stop her from threatening to cast spells on people unaware of this.
Has an obsession with pinecone collecting. She claims them to be 'her first love' and thinks of them as a good luck charm, even secretly desiring pinecone-brown hair. If she finds you to be in need of luck, she may lend you one.
The symbols on her face are markings for death, war, blessings, and healing. The one on her back is again blessings, with Atros' halo above it.
Her rifle has been modified by alchemy to coat bullets in a light layer of electricity, stunning and injuring the target. Intensity depends on the size of the person(a larger/meaty fellow might be taken aback for just a moment or two). The gun has purposely been fashioned to resemble a broomstick for Haji's witchy pleasures.