

Basic Information
Birth Date:
10th Arrival, 8270
170 cm | 5'7"
Dried prunes | The smell of the sea | Boats | Jade | Suave ladies | Acrobatic performances | Generosity with no strings attached | Physical exercise | Well-applied make-up | Fish (both for eating and admiring) | Hardworking people
Cheese | Heckling | Debt collectors | Lightning | Entitlement | Bullying or taking advantage of weaker people | Laziness | Coffee | Absolute silence | Doing maths | People who see everything as either wins or losses
Aggressive | Hot-tempered | Blunt | Determined | Courageous | Reckless | Impatient | Protective | Unforgiving | Self-critical
Jin is very much a person of actions rather than words. She has neither the patience nor aptitude for subtlety and tact, though a childhood of highly valuing these traits has made her admire them in other people. For Jin herself, her temper is noticeably short and she has a bad habit of resorting to violence to solve her problems. Insults and injustices easily rile her, and she has a hard time being tolerant or giving the benefit of the doubt.
Her anger often comes from a good place, at least: her ideas of honour and fairness are strong and she is fiercely protective of her friends, so she is unable to let go of slights made against them. She is brave to the point of recklessness and this has gotten her into a fair share of fights – some justified, some not so much, but many in which she was the first one to throw the punch. Although she’s aware that starting fights isn’t exactly a good thing, such reasoning has little control over her once her temper is sparked, and a part of her does truthfully, simply relish the thrill of a fight.
Beneath her snappish attitude is a lot of uncertainty about herself, her worth and her purpose in life. Her lack of true self-confidence fuels how quickly she takes offence and makes her overly critical in her judgements of everyone, including herself. Weighed with her many dissatifactions with herself, Jin is sincerely driven to be a better, calmer and respect-worthy person, but it's a very clumsy process.
Jin was given away to Song-Lu’s entertainment district at a very early age. From what few childhood memories she can recall, she suspects her parents were poor fishers who couldn’t afford to keep her, but such origins have little meaning to her now. More importantly, she was raised by one of the many leisure houses in Song-Lu’s capital, where she and a group of other young girls were trained in the arts of performance, conversation and companionship. It was there that Jin met Ama, a talented classmate, and the two became good friends. Throughout their training years, Jin established herself as an earnest but not very good student, never developing much skill in any area despite her efforts. As a result, she was ranked low and assigned many of the house's menial tasks. She grew not to mind this though, since Ama was supportive, physical labour seemed to suit her, and during the many errands she had to run outside she would often find time to take detours and see snippets of a larger world. One of her favourite stops became a temple school where martial arts training took place outdoors, for anyone to participate. By pushing herself to finish her errands faster and faster, she slowly scraped up both the time and stamina to join in the occasional lesson.
Life unfolded in this routine until she was about 13. Very suddenly, the house was raided by a dangerous gang looking to collect a debt from the owner. The place was decimated and no one was spared from the violence. Barely conscious but desperate, Jin dragged a dying Ama onto the street to yell for help. Fortunately, a passing healer came to their aid. Unfortunately, this was not an act of charity and the treatment placed the two of them in a substantial amount of debt. A different leisure house that had had its eye on Ama for a while offered to take her in soon after the incident, however, and after much pleading from the two girls they grudgingly accepted Jin as well.
Their new house, the House of Gold Nightingale, was vastly better and more reputable than their old one. Ama excelled, and while Jin was still not particularly successful or profitable as a geisha, the house found extra work for her as a guard after she proved herself useful in dealing with unsavoury customers.
After the celebrations of Emperor Artur’s coronation, she and Ama parted ways to pursue their own, very separate goals - Jin to finally become a fighter, Ama to become a courtesan. It was a split they’d all seen coming for a while, and the house let Jin go on the understanding that she was likelier to pay her debts to them back if she pursued a different occupation. Their trust in each other unshakeable, Jin and Ama both agreed that they would have complete freedom as they chased their dreams, and would meet again someday. Jin struck out westwards to the Miras Kingdom for a while before rising tensions made her return to the Empire. Back in Song-Lu, she attended the temple school lessons she had so loved as a child, but the absence of Ama – who had already departed from the house on Jin’s return – in so familiar a place was a lonelier feeling than she’d anticipated. She moved to Linhythe and took up work as a dock labourer to support herself.
Current Story
After the Mutiny attacks, what started as volunteer work to put out fires and rescue people became a permanent job as many of the non-criminal population fled. Jin continued to work as a firefighter with a small, resilient company that stayed, even after Linhythe eventually returned to order.
Life went on for Jin in the way it does for those who live hand-to-mouth - immediate crises were tackled as they came, while the politics and divine machinations behind them continued, unknown. Hands full with her own day-to-day survival, Jin is in no position to be a hero... but somewhere in her, she dreams of greater things and the strength to seize them. Currently, she has resolved to finally reunite with Ama, alongside her friend Xander's own resolution to reunite with his sister. Though such a thing is beyond the means of people like them, she is determined.
Additional Info
There is a large scar and slight dent in the bone above her right brow, where her skull was beaten in during the raid incident. As a geisha she would hide it with her hairstyle, but currently she lets it be.
Her tattoos extend over both arms and shoulders, her entire back, and down the sides of her torso until her thighs.
The only performing art she was sort of decent at was playing the lute.
She's a bit of a misandrist due to a few too many experiences with disrespectful customers of that kind.
Since her current work involves a lot of rescuing people who've lost everything, she's accrued a bunch of connections with reliable, black market moneylenders, forgers and smugglers who can help them set up their lives again.