Kamon Intira


Basic Information
Kamon Intira
Mona, Meemaw
Birth Date:
16th Sun, 7965 (Caetus, the Selkie)
5'2 (157cm)
Wood Elf
Retired Apothecary
Wood Blossoming
Snapdragons, reading, cooking, singing/music, mid-afternoons
Cold weather, sweets, Large open spaces, crowds
Reserved | Easily Frustrated | Inflexible | Doting | Loyal
Kamon’s concern for others is an important trait of hers. It is this concern that leads her to dote on others, but it also makes her quick to gripe if they do not do what she believes is best. She knows a short temper is not befitting of a healer, but it simply frustrates her too much when people won't listen to her advice. Some of her patients used to find her snippy, and her otherwise quiet demeanor certainly doesn’t help. Outside of work, she is much more affectionate.
Once she comes to a decision, there is very little that can change her mind. Having spent several centuries in a very stable, unchanging lifestyle has made her stiff, and the current atmosphere of change in Alva is throwing her for quite a loop. She is finding it difficult to adapt with the times, despite her best efforts.
This dissonance has caused her to withdraw somewhat from others. She is not prone to sharing her feelings, and prefers to brood. Interestingly enough, since she is no longer putting up a professional, cool and collected persona in front of others, this has allowed her to be somewhat warmer around her family, and other’s perceptions of her have changed accordingly. No longer is she a strict healer, but more of a reclusive grandmotherly type.
Born to a pair of respectable innkeepers, Kamon was the first in several generations of her family to show any real magical prowess. This natural talent caused her parents to enroll her in one of Estraude’s many healing institutions. She quickly found her talents more suited to an acolyte’s path than many of her shamanistic classmates.
After her schooling, Kamon found a rather peaceful life as a healer eventually became too peaceful, and she elected to further her skills and experience through travel. Eventually, this led her to Nisalvini, where she met a fellow healer and her future husband, a light elf named Loukas Iordanou. When she left Nisalvini, he followed, and the two married and settled back in Estraude, when Kamon turned 160. They spent another 40 years in Estraude raising two children, before returning to Nisalvini to care for an ailing mother in law. There, they had another three children and settled in permanently, and she used her knowledge of plants in combination with the strange and powerful plants of Nisalvini to open an Apothecary.
While initially uncomfortable with such a distance between her and her homeland, the last two centuries in Nisalvini have shifted her allegiances, and this was only solidified when two of her children enlisted in the Miras Royal Military (though their choice was much to her dismay). Her youngest child, Ilias, followed her path of becoming a healer. Her and her husband became well-respected healers in Nisalvini, as Cleric and Exorcist respectively.
It was this healing prowess that led them both to remain in Nisalvini when the Ash Fever took hold of the remaining populace. They both combatted the fever as best they could (and befriended a young fellow healer, Atticus Leland), but Loukas’ age, light elf heritage, and means of healing left him more vulnerable, and he died during the outbreak, at a respectably elderly age. She fell ill as well, though the severity was less intense than her husband. Even after the plague had passed, Kamon remained shaken by her husband’s sudden demise. With most of her children and grandchildren having left Nisalvini, whether to avoid the plague and settling elsewhere or back in Estraude, Kamon no longer felt tied to the island, and left once more to travel and aid others where she could.
This eventually led her to join the second Leywood Expedition, at the request of Atticus. She was initially wary of wandering into the realm of the Ley Elk. The events that occured in the Leywood have shaken her religious beliefs as well - though she was raised with a strong belief of the gods, it had faded in importance over time. The death of Tharoneos certainly changed that.
When it died, Kamon was transported back to her old home in Nisalvini, and she was forced to reconcile all the change that has occured to her in recent years. The sudden changes in Nisalvini’s flora kept her occupied, as she attempted to assist her youngest son with running the Apothecary once more, and caring for her ill granddaughter, Chryssanthi.
Current Story
World's Wrath
It wasn't long after she was returned home that Nisalvini sank into the sea, and she lost the only home she'd truly known for the last few centuries. Fleeing the flood, she and her family ended up in Cantor, rattled and worn - the loss traumatized Kamon deeply, and she has continued to struggle with anxiety and other repurcussions of the loss since.
Playing Gods
All too soon, Cantor too, was all but destroyed by the wrath of Delverne. Kamon was grateful that at least this time she could be of some assistance, clinging to a totem that would activate Telurean defenses at Elentiya's behest. The burning of Cantor is simply the twisting of the knife as Kamon begins to question her faith in the gods of Alva, slinking into the lost and forgotten empires underground.
War of Ancients
The long march to Soloros gives Kamon time to reflect on the events of the last few years, and further question the wisdom of the gods who have lead them all here. Still, Soloros is as much a sight to behold as it was in the past.
Sin and Sacrifice (Current)
Kamon has aided her fellows - especially young Atticus - in their quest to revive the lost Tharoneos. She has long held her doubts about the wisdom of this quest, but she will not speak them now - when others faith is all they have. The revival of the Ley Fawns into the spirits they once were is most shocking - and moreso when one is her lost husband, killed by the Ash Fever that plagued Nisalvini what seems like aeons ago. She weeps for him, and weeps more when he truly passes to revive the lost godchild, but she thanks Therras for the opportunity to say goodbye properly.
Peace does not last long, though, and the battle with Dunor is as swift as it is deadly - she did her best to protect those around her, but still it is not truly enough. She is too worn and weary for the hope her companions feel as they settle in Miras, too lost to put down roots or long for Cantor. Where she will wander now, and if she goes alone, will change.
Additional Info
-She has a Mareus pendant that was a gift from a healer in Cantor when she was extraodinarily ill, before Ilias was born. That trip was also the last time she'd been in Cantor, until World's Wrath.
-Her maternal grandfather was a missionary from Delverne, but she's never actually had a strong connection to Aurea.
-She failed out of healer's school at least once - school was (and to an extent, still is) difficult for her.
-Loukas called her Dove as a nickname, because she would flutter around the house endlessly. She called him 'Meli' - Xechaesi for honey, after the color of his hair.
-She hasn't made a successful pastry dish in almost a century. Baking is her enemy.
-Found a book of knitting patterns for dragons in Riag, and set about teaching herself how to knit immediately.
Calliope Linden
Loukas Iordanou
Atticus Leland
A young healer Kamon considers almost a grandchild, Atticus and Kamon met during the plague in Nisalvini. She appreciated his presence and support following her husbands death, but worries greatly for his health as his parasite progresses. More recently, they've done their best to take care of each other following the fall of Cantor.