Katherine Overture


Basic Information
Katherine Overture
Birth Date:
10, 8164
5'9", 175cm
Dark Elf
Dark Blossoming
Ochi Simera Aurea
Sweets, Meat, Wine, Knives, Humans, (Women, moreso than) Men, Women, Family
Herself, Perceptive People, Dark Elves, Reliur, Authority, Herself
Cruel, manipulative, and selfish. Driven, flirtatious, and doting.
A woman of indomitable will and unmistakable talent, if arrogant and set in her ways. Uncaring and disdainful toward those that draw her ire, but surprisingly cheerful, clingy, and affectionate toward those in her favor. Conversely, those that aren't in either of the two categories are treated politely, if dismissively. Her speech is unusually eloquent and wordy, oftentimes deemed either rigorously formal or alternatively uncomfortably close, in any language that she cares to speak in.
Katherine is a woman of many masks, almost always selecting the personality that she'll show to any given individual based on what she knows of the person in question and how much she assumes they know of her. Despite her core traits remaining the same, the minute mannerisms that define most interactions are a constantly shifting amalgamation, making each of her interactions a unique experience, perhaps even for her. This makes her surprisingly bad at interactions with with more than one other person, especially when they have exceptionally varied impressions of her, resulting in an exponential breakdown of her masks the more people she's forced into conversation with.
Under pressure from figures in power(be it physical, mental, or authoritarian in nature), she always reverts to a much nastier and crueler persona, doing away with all her fancy words and resorting to short, sharp phrases and rude gestures and comments, while always testing the boundaries to an almost suicidal degree. She becomes even more clearly perturbed when said pressure relates to her glamours or her condition, struggling any way she knows how in order to escape or overturn whatever force has bound her to comply, be it via insults, vain attempts at seduction, confusing illusions, or simply stabbing at the offending force.
Born in the Iadlish town of Duilliúr as the firstborn of the noble house of Shiansach, the babe Katherine's albino nature was a shock to her relatively free-thinking parents. Well-wishers were immediately barred from the estate, and relatives all gathered in their respective groups to discuss what was to be done. Albino children were unmistakably freaks among the dark-skinned elves, and the sentiment was almost unanimous. The family, all the cousins, uncles, grandparents, and even the newly blessed parents, felt that the newest Flaith Shiansach should be immediately be 'put down' rather than let the child bring about some of the horrors that the Iadlish region held in reserve for light elves.
And that would be the end of young Katherine, save for the pity of a childless human approaching his twilight years. A longtime friend of the Tiarna of Duilliúr, he protested vocally and eloquently to the dark elf patriarch, arguing about the freedoms of the times and the barbaric act that seemed to be justified by nearly every dark elf present. And finally, after days of argument that severed nearly every lasting connection that the human had made with the dark elves, he emerged from the hunched manor of the Shiansach with the albino child tucked away in his arms, under the geas that neither would ever return
And so began the life of the young Katherine of Garland, the oddly afflicted child.
She was raised in Koben proper, in a small but stately manor that her human caretaker had acquired over his long life, and for a time lived as the daughter of the once-celebrated Ser Joshua Garland. She was a bright and inquisitive youth, and, despite her condition, adventurous, always returning covered in sunburn, no matter what clothes the aging man clad her in to disguise her patently corpse-like coloring. He took precautions keep the young girl safely inside the estate. However, despite initial misgivings at her shockingly pale features, she proved to be quite the charmer, always aiming to please Garland's visitors and servants with sweet words and overly cute gestures of affection.
And so time passed for the odd little girl.
Honeyed words only got her so far, she found, and as tutors came and went, spurred by the aging Garland's drive to give whatever weapons he could to his adoptive daughter, her talent in the illusionary arts came to light.
At once, her horizons broadened and the young elvish girl was no longer the creepily pale figure who wandered around with a silver tongue, but a dark elf true and proper, her deathly pale skin and weirdly pink eyes hidden behind an array of glamours. She blossomed into a fine young woman, spreading her talents and greedily devouring more and more knowledge toward the upkeep of her illusions. With her mutation hidden, she could spread herself out and find more friends and even lovers, flaunting her power and her charm, lording her talents and, eventually, her upbringing.
And perhaps it would have remained that way, were it not for an incident that sparked in on the cusp of her twenty-first year.
An relative of the Shiansach house, one who knew of the mar that the Tiarna of Duilliúr had been struck, came to visit the once-powerful Garland with news of a new child, a Flaith to replace the one that had been so unfortunately lost years ago. The careless and caustic remarks, meant to provoke the old man for his seeming betrayal, roused anger from the young lass and sparked a flaming row that ended rather dismally for all parties involved and took the last of the spark out of Katherine's protector and savior.
The incident, heartrending for the old man, proved to be a final blow to his ailing vitality and Ser Joshua, last of the Garlands, died a few months later, leaving Katherine with both freedom, and what little money the man had left. His last wishes bade the young elf to take her pride and live as she wanted.
Thus began a life of petty court-hopping and seduction, like the dark elf had dreamed of from when she was small, tinged with the smouldering embers of dark hatred. She couldn't let go of her anger at this turn of events, how they'd killed her father.
Katherine, once Shiansach, and once Garland, changed her name for a final time to keep the name of her adoptive parent pure. She was now Overture- the common tongue's translation of Shiansach. Katherine herself gained many patrons inside of the Koben courts, as she kept well away from her own kind and those who would seek to peer past her glamour to reveal her 'true' nature.
But perhaps, even in the darkness, light can shine again. She found a friend, a sibling, someone she could call family once more- a roguish young dark elf called Ara. And so began an uneasy status quo, with Katherine's hatred festering and her love for her sister blooming in the cracks.
Current Story
Katherine has made a series of betrayals.
First, she went to Reluir to spend her hatred at being born different from others and hated for it, to repay them the hate she felt in her soul- and she lashed out at everyone involved, resulting in the death of a child by her hand and breaking her one true familial bond she had made, before heading to die in Reluir. But her sister was unable to give up on her, and she was yanked back from the brink. Unable to figure out how to make up for the sins she had caused and unable to take the easy way out of death, she was forced upon the long, long road in an attempt to right the wrongs she had committed.
Her second betrayal was one of trust, the prince in her and her sister's protection's identity revealed as Katherine arrogantly thought she could best a goddess. This hurt her sister even more and drove them further apart, even ruining her attempts at attonement. She kept trying, post that as she realised what she had done and the hurt she had caused. She had to try to be better.
Her third betrayal was a loss of memory, the progess she had made and the memories of those she hurt. The godlings saved her from losing it all but she was returned to where she was at the start, before she brought her hatred to Reluir.
She'll keep Wefan and Bythr close to her heart now. She refuses to forget again, her blade pointing toward the unloved and unwanted child, Dunor. As much as she recognizes how similiar they were, she wants her memories back.
Additional Info
Dark Blossoming: Sclera, Tongue
Her adoptive younger sister, it's no exaggeration to say that she's the last family that Katherine has. With all of Katherine's missteps and stumbles along the way of trying to be a better person, Ara's been the one she put the most pressure on. She loves her a lot, and can only hope that Ara knows that too.