Klaus Zimmermann


Basic Information
Klaus Zimmermann
Birth Date:
17 Rains, Year of Beginnings (5873) | Day 17 of the Month of the Salmon, Year of the Lambent Gold Silkworm
6' | 183CM
Noble (Former Earl Reunnicht) | Aide-de-camp
Koben Imperial Court, Koben Navy
Ochi Simera Aurea
Baking | Bacon + most animals | Physical activities | Outdoors | Social events | Bright colors
Hunting | Sitting still | Books | People yelling at him | Rules | His father, the Burggraf of Edelstein
Doting, affectionate, easygoing, responsible, free spirit, intelligent, curious, confident, flighty, hobbyist, casual, lazy, stubborn, eccentric, ill-mannered, temperamental, emotional
Extremely close and protective of his sisters, regardless of how much they bicker.
Very confident and self-assured in how he acts, both due to the privileges tied to his (former) title as well as his own stubbornness. Often fights with Elise who insists for him to act properly.
Hasn't changed much since his family's fall, but is somewhat more cautious around other nobles.
Enjoys fooling around with girls (especially those of lower class) because... puberty now he can!
Easily intrigued. Very whimsical in the sense that he likes to pursue very often temporary hobbies. Things typically comes easy to him but he doesn't like to work very hard to often gives up before he has enough time to master any particular skill (with the exception of baking).
Very easily caught up in his own emotions. Finds it extremely difficult to conceal his thoughts, which leads him to becoming very confrontational in certain circumstances.
Trustworthy in the sense that he is just a terrible liar. Can typically trust to be extremely upfront about his opinions except in the presence of his father...
Hard to motivate to do something that he has no interest in, but will feel duty-bound if it's a noted obligation.
Had always heavily resented his parents but been more conflicted about his feelings towards them since his father gave up almost everything to save their mother.
Zimmerman's History: Old money and time-tested lands are the trademarks of Edelstein, the crystal mining lands on the east of the Crown Ridge and the estate that has long been under the jurisdiction of the Zimmermann family. But with his wife heavy with triplets, it was clear that this was no place to raise a family- and relocating them to their country lodge south of the Sarl River, Wolfric thus took a backseat in his children's lives, electing to stay in the city. They had more contact with their mother, who stayed in the country with her children for a few years to recover from the difficult ordeal and delivery- but eventually longing for the city life, departed from the house and left the children to the care of servants, their harried governess, and the lord of the land, their uncle the Marquess of Alden. (Mostly) Peaceful days continued, with each child extensively prepped for their future lives. But the death of the crown prince Fabian presented itself to Wulfric as an opportunity to increase his political edge, and he summoned all three of his children to live in the city with him and their mother with the intention of introducing them at last to court life.
Klaus' History: Born the eldest, he always felt responsible to look after his 'baby' sisters despite the two of them only being mere minutes younger than him. Having spent the majority of his childhood in a countryside house with Elise and Vienna as the lone man of the house, he grew into an independent young man who operates often by his own rules than that of society. Servants are more or less considered by Klaus much more of an extension of his family, since that the triplets so rarely interacted with people from the outside world. Having suffered through his studies with Elise's help, he is by all appearances ready to make his entry into the emperor's court. Like his sisters, he is excited to be finally coming to Koben, though knows very little about the current situations in court and has largely relied on his sisters for information.
Current Story
Upon arriving in Koben, however, he's been disappointed to have been thrust into what could be considered the typical life for a young noble man - lesson after lesson and then enrollment at the military academy. He found himself in a life bound by expectations of others and found himself missing the countryside.
Cut and Cauterize: The triplets lost their beloved uncle to... well, politics. As a consequence of the Marquess of Alden's ambitions, the Zimmermanns (due to their blood ties to the Marquess) also became heavily scrutinized by the Koben court. Though they managed to survive the event and avoid the gallows, the family fell from grace and suffered heavy losses. Wulfric was stripped of his marquess title and instead demoted to a Burggraf, and Klaus similarly lost his title of Earl and simply became the son of a lowly-ranked noble, something which he celebrated in private. While the family was granted permission to continue the operation of the mines on their now much-reduced family lands, the taxes levied from their land also increased substantially. Unable to continue supporting the family's lavish lifestyle from previously, Wulfric decided that it was time Klaus got some discipline so that they could have some hope of reclaiming their family's glory one day when he becomes the head of the household. One talk lead to another, and it was decided (rather forcefully by Wulfric) that Klaus would join the military and hopefully make something of himself after a year spent already at the capital's military academy. Though Wulfric had hoped to secure a position for Klaus in the imperial guards, his lack of experience and the family's lack of favors meant that they had to look elsewhere. After a trip to Linhythe and a chance to entertain the admiral of the armada, Klaus decided that if he had no choice but to enlist, then he would join the navy and find freedom away from home. Though he would miss his sisters dearly, escaping from his father's surveillance and control was something he had previously only dreamed of.
Now diligently working as the Admiral's assisstant, Klaus has matured (somewhat) and has been thinkingly lately if redeeming his family's name should be considered his responsibility. With Vienna seemingly happily married but Elise's prospects looking somewhat bleak, he has to wonder if his sister's happiness is possible with the Zimmermann's current situation. However, the growing presence of the awakened gods left little time to consider such matters as he's dispatched with the operation to seek out Iridus. What he thought would be a quick expedition became a brutal massacre as he witnessed countless people fall out of the sky to crash into the ocean, many to their deaths.
Saving the few people he could, Klaus returned to Linhythe with a heavy heart. After all, this had not been the battlefield he'd expected to find himself on. Plagued with nightmares, he began taking shifts at the local hospital while the navy took the time to recover and aid with the repair of Linhythe. Unexpectedly summoned once again to Koben both by his father and to accompany the Admiral, Klaus learned that the former emperor had suddenly passed and left behind what could only be considered a mess. His father, neverone to simply let an uopportunity pass, quickly engaged in talks with Renata Kaspar and strongly encouraged Klaus to keep her daughters company. In exchange, Wulfric promised to stay out of Elise's love life so long as Klaus behaved.
While he chafed intially under his father's command, Klaus nevertheless enjoyed spending time with the Kaspar girls. Once Renata claimed the crown, the political affairs in Koben seemed more or less settled and Klaus returned to Linhythe to continue his duties serving the Admiral while returning to Koben on occasions to continue his courtship of Antonia. Things seemed to be unfolding smoothly until he received a strange bouquet from her and returned home, confused...
Additional Info
Excellent at baking. Resorts to it as an outlet for frustration or stress. Result of spending a childhood baking for his sisters to comfort them (after setting the kitchen on fire once...)
Scar on his brow is from Elise throwing a jewelry box at his face in a fit of rage after finding him snogging the jewel merchant's daughter... Also reason as to why she doesn't throw things at his face anymore.
Got another faint mark along his jaw after joining the navy (after the awakening of Iridus).
Shares a pet Couchonette named "Bacon" with his sisters. Takes off all of the accessories that Elise puts on the poor thing. Was the one who stole it for Vienna when they were much younger, right after Bacon was born.
Carries a ceremonial dagger passed down the Zimmermann line and jokingly calls it an emergency cake cutter (much to his father's displeasure).
Treats most girls with affection because of how close he is with the girls and the presence of women in their countryside household. Acts much more stiffly around men.