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Lanier Cleyrendal

Lanier Cleyrendal
Resident City
Home City


Basic Information


Lanier Cleyrendal





Birth Date:

14th Mirrors, Year of Paths 8271


5'3" (160cm)












knightly ethos - making friends - seasonal festivals - travelling - being praised


domestic abuse - pirate ships - bitter foods - being alone - bright sunlight


headstrong - empathetic - intuitive - generous - judgemental - insecure - spontaneous

A person who is naive, spirited, but well-intentioned at heart. She associates with most anyone at all, and is eager to build relations - bearing a manner with warm humour, likeable. A second glance shows clear she's still lacking in life experience perhaps, but not arrogant. Nier values purity, courage, comfort and sincerity; she wishes such things for herself, and those she loves.

Nier craves kindness, sometimes employing energetic and charismatic pretence to receive a returning smile. Although she would try to keep a safe emotional distance from others, it has proven to be untrue - she has realised that many faces she meets she continues to keep in her heart, even unwillingly. It is not always expressed in words, but she becomes attached without much effort.

Intuitive and sensitive to the needs of others, she's able to give space when it's required - but finds it difficult to leave people alone, a strange sense of justice stringing her along. For people who have endured abuse or have been abandoned, the feeling is even stronger. Nier herself is deeply upset and shaken by her past experiences, and fears that when alone she will return to being unwanted.

She has a deep respect for knights and those living by laws of justice and strength - they represent the values with which she also aspires to live.


[tl;dr] Her childhood was mostly spent with her mother, who died in an accident in her teens -- her father often absent for work but due to old grudges held by his crewmates, was eventually convinced that she was the product of an affair. He became cold and paranoid, and often violent when drinking.

Managing an unsteady rapport with some of the unsavoury figures in town, Nier left the Cleyrendal house with few belongings and a heavy heart. She travelled away from the city, trying to find work and board wherever she went - eager to do anything and all, and desperately picking up whatever skills she could. Travelling was as difficult as it was liberating, so while among the places she went there were none she could yet call home, nonetheless she found new joys and forged new connections.

After her father's death, she returned home and shut herself away for a time. Eventually when she had to leave, Nier entrusted her Miras home to her uncle, her remaining support from the Cleyrendal family. For a time she moved to Delverne as a seamstress with Lady Bianca Dokeîn'Ma at her estate - and despite being nothing more than a human dressmaker, felt at home in the household.

Becoming a White Oracle was a sudden and dramatic development. However she took on the role quickly, and more eagerly than expected - as an only child Nier had always fancied the idea of siblings and so treated the other oracle children of varying ages, as real members of her family. With little support inside the palace but eachother, she took them under her wing and they likewise held onto her as a figure of leadership amongst them.

Current Story

Palace life became suffocating. Nier and the other oracles began to struggle with a lack of visions and no signal as to their wrongdoing, or why. During this time Triss chose to escape - and asked Nier to leave the palace with her. Unable to part with the other children, especially not with the King's (aggressively) unamused treatment toward them, Nier let her go quietly.

During the storming of the palace she followed the faction east to Amedra - some of the oracles parted ways while others suffered tragic fates. With family numbers reduced, Nier did her best to settle into their new home and began to heal away from the palace's militant control. Nier's thoughts went frequently to Triss. Would she ever return? Nier wanted to talk about what had happened in her absence - the oracles' grief, their bonds, their life now improved. That she would be waiting to welcome her back.

Having relied heavily on written correspondence while at the palace, she began to reach out more to her previous friends for news and updates. Concerned about what was happening further out west, she sought more fervently for updates about Delverne and Cantor.

Word that Triss had become a leader of Delverne was unbelievable at best. Wanting to confirm the stories for herself or merely to see her friend's face, Nier managed to secure space aboard an Amedran refugee ship bound for Delverne, disguised amongst the light elves smuggling themselves back to their homeland.

Suddenly on Amedra's coast, she stands alone. 

Nier finds not only that she doesn't know where she has been, but that the entire last fortnight is a willful blank. Certain that she had needed to go somewhere, she consults her pocket note for her diary - and realises that even the last entries have been cleanly removed.

She resumes her life haunted a sense of grim wrongness, and a hole in her memory she cannot seem to fill.

Additional Info

- Weaker in the sun. Nier can usually be found lingering in the shade.

- Physically active and not afraid of labour (within her means), she's more likely to get injured than sick.

- Eyesight in her left eye poorer than her right, had a perpetual emo fringe when young that has somehow carried forth to present day

- Finds chivalry to be her ideal moral system - her courtly manners could use some work as when the going gets tough she mostly forgets them

- Thin in frame and babyfaced, she tends to come across as younger than her age.

- Comforted well by physical contact



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