Lentia Renova


Basic Information
Lentia Renova
Ghost (Peacekeeper / during SLPC jobs), Nova (strangers), Tia (friends and family)
Birth Date:
17th Harvest, 8286
5.6 ft / 170 cm
Song-Lu Peacekeeper
Song-Lu Peacekeepers
Iridus' Favour
Spicy food, seafood, jjampong, shaved ice, Theo's vegetable soup | Jasmine tea & smell | Beautiful and expensive things (like crystals, gems, and high quality leather products) | Gentle rain | Being useful | Xiaobo | Children
WAR | Liquor (the smell and the taste makes her sick) | People who killed or hurting others for no reason | Mosquitos | Paying for others / lending money | Being cornered / feeling helpless | Heavy rain (triggers bad memories and makes her right eye throbbed. It doesn't really affected her feelings like it used to, but she still prefers to sleep in and wait for it to pass by) | Blood (same with heavy rain)
Curious | Observant | Composed | Witty | Loyal | Humorous | Affectionate | Overly Emotional | Overly Attached | Frugal | Loner
Lentia has matured through the wars. She's not vengeful anymore and her self decency improved over the years (she knows now that being pantless in public is a serious offense). She was originally curious and observant, traits that's proven to be useful as a Peacekeeper. Over the years, the job made her work methodically and trained her in noticing and recognizing patterns, though she still has her own ways of doing things.
Lentia was very impulsive, she would act based on her emotions and endangering herself or even her comrades. She's still overly emotional especially when she's attached to somebody. But lately she knows the importance to stop and think than heading head on. Two years of babysitting children is enough to train her patience. It's safe to say that Lentia is much more composed, even under the pressure.
She is a very loyal and reliable person. Sometimes too loyal that she can follow that person blindly, or have a little care for herself and protect that person even when that means getting hurt in the process. Fortunately, her common sense is stronger these days; you can't protect or help someone if you're dead.
Even though she seems to be quieter, Lentia still enjoys making jokes or witty remarks (yes, sometimes her intrusive thoughts win), even teasing people who are considered to be close or friendly enough with her. The difference is, she now does it without the hidden intention of testing boundaries or playing an awful prank on them.
She is also very affectionate and doesn't shy away from physical contact even in public. She would hug her friends (and sometimes co-workers) before she's being deployed or when they're about to enter a battle / dangerous situation. She would kiss her family or people whom she considers as family, like Rohayu whom she treats like her own sister (Lentia would kiss her forehead or cheek), and Tor'ang (a brief kiss on her knuckle, enough to pass as polite and uncreepy) whom she secretly adores like her own mother.
She's still the same frugal (borderline stingy) person you know, though. You will find her haggling for prices, and she would rather gather her own cooking ingredients from the wild than buying them (when the market prices are high). She's a fan of 'good deal' and her friends joked that it's gonna be her preference in marriage.
The other thing to note is that Lentia loves good company equally as she loves her solitude. She enjoys her time alone, sometimes too much that people start to wonder where she went. In the past, it was usually only her and her head thinking about how she can make Alva a better place, or how one day she'll be able to travel the world. Now it's just her and her heart trying to find inner peace.
Lentia was left in front of a farmer's house in Bratkovice when she was 6 months old. The farmer, Theo, had just lost his wife. In his grief, and because he's also compassionate in nature, he took baby Lentia in. Along with her were two letters, and a heavy, expensive looking leather pouch. The first envelope had an 'Open me first' written on its front. 'Please take good care of her' said the note inside, along with an instruction that the second letter should only be open when she was 18. The leather pouch had a large amount of money in it, enough for five years. Theo stored the three safely in the basement of his house.
And so, Lentia's life as an adoptive daughter of a farmer, and an adoptive sister to his son, Caleb, began. The three of them live in the area near the Molvahain forest. Theo taught her about reading tracks and basic self defense, making sure that Lentia can take care of herself.
Her foster family is extremely kind, but people in Bratkovice were never really fond of outsiders. In school, Lentia got picked a lot for being different and adopted.
At the age of 7, Theo was tricked and went bankrupt, Lentia family became poor. The money that was left with her years ago was finally put to use. Years went by, they survived. On the age of 10, Lentia went to the forest alone. It's been a while since her family had any meat, and it's almost Caleb's birthday, so she thought she could surprise her family with steaks. She hunted for a deer but failed miserably. Her glorious failure was not for naught, for it caught the attention of a Wood Elf, Alvor, who thought that the girl was clever and had a lot of potential.
Alvor taught her how to hunt and survive in the forest. He taught her about the stars and how to find ways with them. He told her about the Gods and how large Alva is, that there's so much this world can offer outside Bratkovice. Under his tutelage, Lentia mastered the bow and could sneak behind a deer before it knew what hit it. She was heartbroken when Alvor had to leave not long after her 13th birthday. But they made a promise that one day she'll be strong enough to leave Bratkovice and find him in Estraude.
A life without Alvor was dull. Dealing with the uptight Bratkovan is tiring. Lentia was withdrawing a bit from her family and mostly kept to herself. She still hunts for money and food, and soon after someone notices her talent. Cid was a gang member in Linhythe who's looking for a new recruit. He was hoping to see a broken military guy or two that he can coax to join his gang. But he found a little girl instead.
Cid offered Tia all kinds of odd jobs, with a handsome payment. It started with small thieving jobs (which she wouldn't normally take if she was in her right mind) and slowly got more serious. Lentia delivered every task perfectly, so perfect that Cid asked her to come and work for his gang permanently in Linhythe. She refused because she doesn't want to leave her family behind. Then, not long after her 15th birthday, Theo caught her red handed and the two got in a serious fight. Too angry to use her logic, Lentia ran away from home (after making a certain missionary day miserable), and joined the gang in Linhythe.
That turned out to be the worst decision of her life. In order to become a full member of the gang, Lentia had to undergo numerous tests which was rigorous, dangerous, abusive, and downright torture. Traumatized and just trying to stay alive, Lentia's brain shut down as she's trying to move forward with the tests, as fast as possible. She was very good at it though, so good that the gang leader, Yuri, noticed and took her under his wings. Thanks to it, things had gotten a little bit easier for her. Other members left her alone, and she used this opportunity to learn how to make poisons, which she used a lot in her fights, especially when it comes to bigger and stronger opponents.
Eventually, her final tests failed. She was supposed to kill a merchant and his son, but chickened out at the last minute. Unfortunately, she fatally wounded them and they passed away in the end. Using whatever mental strength she had left and a lot of self convincing that she'd make it, Lentia planted some false tracks, and ran. She was 18.
The ship docked in Belport where she roamed the streets without proper clothing or food for nearly two weeks. Thankfully, a kind fisherman and his wife took her in. One day, she saw the Peacekeepers doing their work. After being in awe and doing research about them, Lentia decided that she wants to join the guild.
Her skills turned out to be very useful as a Peacekeeper, so they accepted her. She spent two years training before eventually being assigned Apprenticeship with Rohayu Shir-Del, a woman that she would soon see, loves, and protects as her own sister. She also returned to her family (who's never giving up on finding her), giving them the biggest relief of their lives.
Following the instruction on the first letter that was written years ago, Theo gave Lentia the second letter, which she didn't open until years in the future. She figured she's not ready to read what's inside, to find out why she was abandoned, why they didn't want her, or if her parents were dead or worse, still alive.
And so, Lentia's real journey on self discovery begins.
Current Story
Full Story
Year of Paths and Souls are the peak of Lentia's career. She was promoted as a Full Fledge Peacekeeper after her quick decision in alerting the Headquarters. She was assigned as a 3rd party witness in all Iadlain negotiations, and when she returned to Song-Lu, the Chancellor herself appointed her in the palace as a Spy Detector, at least that's how she called it. The job was nothing grand, but it requires full discretion that only the Chancellor, Orlan Chu'Wol (Peacekeeper Leader) and herself knows about it.
She made a lot of friends--some enemies too, moved in with the people she cares about, and was even in the beginning of a romantic relationship. She also adopted a dog! A stray fushi who wouldn't leave her alone.
Unfortunately, war was very hard for Lentia. Her heart couldn't take that much violence, that much loss. Her sanity was hanging by a thread. In the spring of Souls, she conducted a private investigation regarding her biological parents. Unfortunately, it didn't end well. Traumatized by the events that she experienced for the past year, and horrified by the things she just did, Lentia's mind finally collapses.
She begged her family to let her hide in Bratkovice. She was too ashamed to return to the Peacekeeper and her friends, and after some time, those shame evolved into massive guilt. It wasn't until her foster father turned their home into a refugee camp that Lentia regained her senses. Helping the refugee, taking care of the children and the orphan had given her a new kind of purpose, and peace. Even when they can be a pain in the ass.
She sat through the wars and focused on the people she can actually protect. When Alva plunged into chaos and Molvhain began its rampage, Lentia was there to defend Bratkovice, be it with Bratkovan or outsiders alike. When the Serdar marched to seize back some land from Molvhain's fury, Lentia and her pup, Xiaobo, were there too.
Eventually, peace came around Alva. She heard things have finally begun to calm down. Everywhere, but in Song-Lu. After being encouraged by Theo, and after sorting her mind out. Lentia, for the first time in 3 years, finally left Bratkovice and stepped out to the world again.
Her goal is to reunite with the Peacekeepers and Song-Lu citizens who survived what they called, The Strange Madness. She just hoped she's not fired yet– and miraculously, she isn't! Everyone assumed that she was on a secret mission or some sort and are happy to have her back. Besides, they will need every available, willing body to enter Song-Lu.
And with that, Lentia only has one goal in mind; to get their city back. She will get Tor'ang and Orlan back even if she has to do it on her hands and knees.
Additional Info
As a Peacekeper and in order to protect others, Lentia has trained herself to be stronger in battle. She barely uses her bow, but her aiming is still pretty good. Her empty hand combat is also not to be underestimated, since she used to fight for her life back in the gang. She still uses her poison when she sees fit, but the most notable change is how she now wields a dual katana, Ken and Aki.
She spent a chunk of her fortune to have them crafted by the best blacksmith in Song Lu. She also has them enchanted with wind elements. Ken, the one with the green sheathe, acts as her defense. Its blade is covered with a thick, vibrating air, making Lentia stronger in blocking the opponent's attack. Its' attack is meant to knock out instead of cut / slash. Aki (the one in red sheathe) on the other hand, is her offensive. Sharp air swirled around the blade, and it can slash the opponent from a distance (A meter, two at max if Lentia swings her hand harder), making her attacks range wider.
She often uses Ken in her fight, and only uses Aki for emergencies. If she uses both, that means the situation is really screwed.
She also regains her eyesight, thanks to therapy with Kiyoung. However, it still hurts and throbs when she strains it in a long battle / uses her Marauder's Eyes. Side effects include nausea and even vomiting, in the worst case scenario, she'll faint.
- Playlist | Voice: Erica Linbeck (Black Cat, Spiderman / Jessie, FF VII) | Fighting Style with sword, bare hands
- She earned the nickname 'Ghost' because of good she is at stealth and because she was very discretive and swift at her job.
- The longest scar she has is on her back.
- From all the gods, Lentia favors and can relate with Iridius the most
- She has a tooth tattoo on the back of her left shoulder, a tribute for her ex-lover (still her lover back then), Andros Rhodon.
- She was sniped down in Belport and was half blind for a while before eventually regaining her eyesight. This led her to be very wary and cautious around snipers.
- Used to be afraid of mages because of her foster brother. Caleb was experimenting with a lightning spell and accidently hit her instead. He almost blew up their house too.
- Always gets seasick.
- She's not very paranoid about people finding out her name anymore. But she still uses her alias, Ghost, when she's working, and prefers to introduce herself as Nova to strangers.
- She has stopped faking her smiles, but they come off as a smirk because she's too tired to give a full smile most of the time. Same thing can be said about her laugh that sounds like a scoff at best. This usually leads to a misunderstanding because people think she mocks / taunts them.
- Have a new habit of cuddling Xiabo when she's in distress, even if it's in public or between battles. And like most dog parents, no matter how frugal Lentia is, she always spoils her pup with the best food, treats, and care.