Lorna Gallanreul


Basic Information
Lorna Gallanreul
Birth Date:
10th Mirrors, 8266
5'10" (177cm)
Dark Elf
Former Princess of Reluir
Bluebells, being princess carried
Her mother
Determined | Compassionate | Romantic | Sensible | Guarded | Stubborn | Insecure | Sensitive
Once bubbly and carefree as a child Lorna has slowly grown over the years into a more steadfast individual. While still a romantic at heart, she has begun to develop a sense of responsibility to her position and her people—something that has fostered a more pragmatic approach to her relationship with others. Lorna is now careful to consider the potential influence of people she meets, and is sure to treat them with respect and formality in order to build as many bridges as possible.
With the goal of politics in mind, she is learning to keep herself level and grounded, preferring a calm, quiet demeanour and careful words over her childhood tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve.
As the only crown princess to Reluir’s throne, Lorna’s mother Morven had expectations of her since she was very little—mainly to not be a nuisance and to become a monarch who could do Reluir, and thus the queen, proud. To this end she was almost constantly criticized, but Lorna found love from the servants of the castle. They were supportive of the young princess, encouraging her sense of romance and compassion with fantastic stories and genuine words of kindness. Lorna took these experiences to heart as she grew, staying a softhearted girl who cried easily, loved ardently, and smiled brilliantly.
In her teenage years she developed many whole-hearted crushes and a sense of adventure, occasionally getting into trouble for sneaking away from guards and pining over the human count of Iadlain. These dangerous quirks were never looked on kindly by her mother, who did all she could to cloister the young princess and pressure her into the life of a proper nun at one of the Relan cathedrals. This back and forth continued for several years, tensions growing before Lorna, only twenty-six, was forced to choose a Relan bachelor to publicly court her. Lorna did as told, though it didn't lessen the conflict between the queen and princess. It wasn't much longer before Lorna overheard her mother planning war on Iadlain, the last straw for the young princess. Without warning she tricked her guards and fled to Koben to beg the emperor's help, though she was not fast enough to stop the war her country started.
Current Story
For over a year Lorna stayed in the country, developing a close relationship with Sigmund Roenach and growing increasingly distant from her responsibilities as a princess. Feelings eventually blossomed between the pair, and for a time Lorna was content with the life she had. It was only when the crown prince told her of his political engagement that reality sunk in. With her last comfort gone, Lorna had no choice but to turn her attention back to her own responsibilities, and with it the horrible state of her country.
Now resolved to change the homeland she loves and put an end to her mother's tyrannical reign, Lorna began to learn from the Tusar revolutionary (and current Yazgur) Shirin Khilen. She is in close contact with the Red Torcs, a well-known revolutionary group, and with their support Lorna is organizing a rebellion in Reluir to take back the crown.
Additional Info
Lorna currently resides in Tusa
She has been publicly disowned by her mother for speaking out against the Relan queen
Lorna has a tattoo on her forehead that marks her as the crown princess of Reluir. She no longer hides it behind her hair, out of defiance to her mother.