Morven Gallanreul


Basic Information
Morven Gallanreul
Birth Date:
10th March
6'3" | 190.5cm
Dark Elf
Former Queen of Reluir
Atros' Ascended
Dark Blossoming
+ Disciplined, persistent, stoic, authoritative, pious, steadfast
- Prejudiced, unyeilding, impassive, strict, proud, humourless
Queen Morven Gallanreul is the stone-faced pillar of her people. Groomed to be noble from a young age and raised closely with the teachings of the church of Atros, she is an extremely devout and structured woman who values the purity of her people above nearly all else. Tradition is very important to her and she constantly nurtures the dark elf culture in Reluir, bearing the responsibility of her queendom with quiet dignity and poise. However, with this strong sense of cultural pride Morven continues to maintain the isolationism and racism that is a longstanding part of Reluir: only dark elves ever appear worthy of her time. She has a strong dislike of wood elves, hates light elves with a passion, and considers humans as hardly anything more than vermin.
Morven was born as the youngest of three crowned princesses to the former queen. Her father died when she was very young, and from the beginning this meant a very strained home life for her. Morven's sisters—the closest in age being several decades older—only ever saw her as possible competition for the throne and treated her coldly. She received little to no affection from them and possibly even less from her mother, who had no patience or use for the whims of a growing girl. Morven spent the first twenty-odd years of her life in the castle, smiling very little and going through the empty motions of her duties.
After this period of time Morven was taken into the church of Atros as per tradition for the royal family. She became a young nun, and while the usual order of things was to stay a handful of years at most Morven quickly took to the comfort which religion and magic brought her. She found solace in the smiles of her fellow nuns despite their nervousness around the royal family, and the love of Atros helped fill a need she'd carried for a long time. Morven readily took up the cloth, and for the next six decades served as a diligent member of the clergy.
Around eighty years old however, and for a brief period, the princess pulled away from the church. She still had no want for the throne, but this was a period in her life where she questioned herself. Morven became more defiant and slightly more temperamental, and spoke occasionally of wanting a simpler life. This caused slightly greater stress within the royal family but was luckily a rather short phase for her; soon the woman seemed distant and introspective when people saw her, and she was left to this quiet inward search alone.
It wasn’t long afterwards that she returned to the church with renewed vigour and diligence, finding a healthy medium between her growth as a nun and her duties as a princess. By the time she was over a century old she was stable in her life, and it was a blessing: her sisters had started showing symptoms of illness. They had periods of relapse and recovery, but by the time Morven had reached a century and a half of age they had both tragically passed. She nobly took to her duties and studied hard to become the next queen, as her mother slowly began to fall to the same illness as well. By the time she passed the whole country was already in mourning.
Morven has now been on the throne for nearly a century, and has held the position with poise and strength. Thirty years ago she took a husband and has born an heir since, though her king died recently of likely natural causes. Morven is proud of her life to date, and intends to rule her queendom for a long time yet.
Current Story
Additional Info
The tattoo on her forehead is both a symbol of the crown and the clergy, restricted to devout members of the royal family
Moren prays daily, and visits her former cathedral whenever she can
She is a wizard specializing in fire magic
She is very often seen with her staff, but on the off chance she is without, Morven wears jewelry set with Relan crystals to help her channel magic.