Nasrin Paria


Basic Information
Nasrin Paria
Birth Date:
1st Arrival, 8261
Heneral of the Estran Army
Estran Army
Level headed | strategic | rational | stress resistant | morbid | independent | straightforward | decisive | Perfectionist | Curious | Reserved | analytic
If anything, Nasrin thrives to be the perfect leader and aims to make all the right decisions for the greater good. She is extremely devoted to her People and very aware of her responsibilities and is subtly trying to make a change in her reign compared to her predecessors and keeping the big picture in mind. Observing from the sidelines and keeping her opinion to herself is one of her stronger suits and enable her to make entirely rational and thought-out yet fast decisions. She has a counsel supporting her with observations from all parts and classes within the city and makes sure to take all of them into consideration.
Nasrins decisions are very final, partially due to the fact that she does think about them very thoroughly, taking in all the facts she can. She does pay close attention to her counsel as well, considers all opinions and possible perspectives. But once the decision is finalized there is hardly any going back. Nasrin needs fast results, she enforces her decisions with whatever steps necessary. Collaterals are being consciously acknowledged.
She can appear very mechanic, rigid and even morbid when it comes to her cynical sense of humor and for the most part that is exactly what she is. She rarely lets emotions get the best of her, allowing her to stand by her decisions, but it can make her appear quite inhuman. Which – in a way – is what she wants to be. Now despite all this calm demeanor and patience, even this patience must come to an end. And be warned if you are that end, you will end up in literal pieces at some point. When Nasrin gets angry, she becomes downright monstrous and petrifying. And there is no escaping her, she will pull all her registers and stomp your mere existence into the ground.
Aside from that, of course she has a friendly emotional side somewhere, one that mostly comes to light when faced with new machinery and technical advances. Her curiosity is probably the only thing to outweigh her perfectionism.
Also spices. She smokes a lot of herbal and spiced tobacco. Preferably in counsel or military status meetings.
Nasrin was born to the previous Yazgurs cousin, she was the second of six children and thus has one older sister and 4 younger brothers. She is a direct descendant from the First Yazgur who founded Tusa and her potential was discovered and furthered early by her uncle, over a chessgame that ended up taking them seven hours at the age of 8. Nasrin has been educated in Warfare, Strategies, Politics, Diplomacy and Technology ever since the age of ten.
Her uncle would make it his personal mission to educate his successor personally, not just in formal education but in everything else he deemed necessary. Such include a twelve year old Nasrin going missing in the eastern wastelands near Reluir for about two weeks, and a fourteen year old Nasrin taking over diplomatic conferences because her uncle suddenly refused to talk anymore. Having traveled all over the Koben Empire and briefly studied in Song-Lu she became well educated and is capable of at least tidbits of each speech. It was further made sure by her uncle that she joined the Military corps by the minimum age, which was fifteen at the time and has now been raised to seventeen. She does carry more will for change and more tolerance and lenience than her uncle in many regards, such as the freedom of expression and speech and furthers technological advance as well as the combination of technology with magic less suspiciously. He died four years later of a lung disease.
Taking over the post as a Yazgur at the age of 20, Nasrin does come equipped with all things needed to be a proficient leader yet unsurprisingly little friends. While well respected by her counsel and her Military personnel, there is no one she could have possibly considered close to, aside of Shirin. The girl Shirin used to be her counsel’s member responsible for representing the lower class, yet after violently stomping the revolutionary uprising into the ground and forcing the majority of the previous heads of the movement into low military positions, Shirin has become the new face of the now underground rebellion. If there was ever such a thing as affection between these two women it has been replaced by hatred now.
As if to replace that loss, Nasrin has employed the rebellions former spokesman as her personal Sergeant and representative for the forced soldiers within the army, as she truly believes that, even the unhappy voices need to be heard.
Current Story
------- MIDSUMMER-------
Post Revolution Nasrin has lost her life goal. The self proclaimed perfect leader has been de-throned and stripped of all her responsibilities, her power, her credibility and everyone close to her.
Mirrors 8263, Buried in Books
As part of the new contracts between Tusa and Estraude, the Yazgur declared Nasrin exiled and exchanged her for valuable Estran resources. Under Aalok, Nasrin now serves the Southern Federation as a Heneral of the Estran Army, where her skills as a strategist and experienced military leader are put to good use. She would like everyone in Estraude to know that she hates the sweaty weather.
Additional Info
Her family has denounced her and those that haven't turned on her have distanced themselves. She has no friends at the moment.