Noah Thelrin


Basic Information
Noah Thelrin
Birth Date:
9th Stars, 8205
6'1" / 186 cm
Dark Elf
Imperial Guard
Koben Imperial Guard
Dark Blossoming
Horses, festivities, night, oranges, thunder and storms, covert missions, honey
Eggs, arrogance, spring, beetles, mornings, small talk, flying
+ Ambitious, patient, loyal, humble, dependable, resilient, caring
- Headstrong, passive aggressive, audacious, impulsive, sarcastic, competitive, resentful
Noah is a headstrong person who will not cease to pursue his goals, he gets himself into trouble, and sometimes the others close to him, because of it. To others these goals may seem either too simple to even be called goals or far too ambitious to be achieved, but to him each one requires the same amount of determination and dedication. Beat him down as many times as possible and he won't give up on who or what he believes in until he finds a practical reason to stop. When push comes to shove Noah will follow through with any task, only quitting if he deems himself honestly physically or mentally incapable. He has a habit of pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion for something or someone he is passionate about or determined to help. Noah really is a mother goose, he cares deeply for people and gets very worried if he knows they are hurt.
When he is faced with quick decisions Noah will often go with the first option of thought that comes around. People have had to tell him to speak his thoughts aloud so they can find the flaws and dangers in his ideas if he doesn't hear them himself. He will willingly take bold actions impulsively and regret it the whole time afterward. He fully knows his impulsive but doesn't quite dislike that fact, he's found that some of the best times of his life have been because of these choices.
He's as loyal as a dog to those close to him, so long as they are to him. It doesn't take much to get on his good side but once you do something that goes against his morals you will likely never gain his respect again. Noah can and will hold a grudge against someone for months to years and is incredibly slow to forgive, though he may say he forgives you more than likely he will still be a bit resentful. When he feels someone is threatening a friend or colleague he will stay by their side and passive aggressively confront the person; when angry he will outright threaten or attack the antagonist.
While he is humble and quiet about his abilities and position in life he will not roll over when one tries to mooch from him or flaunt their own privileges. Noah will feel betrayed if someone he cared for was simply using him for his status and money or anything he didn't sign up for.
Born into a noble family of Reluir Noah was first in line to inherit his family's land and title after the death of his infant sister years before, or so he thought. For his first two years he lived within Reluir, knowing nothing but riches and privileges. Throughout the years of his mother, Bhan-Iarla Nesiara Thelrin's, rule she made several enemies, none she thought would take action against her, she was wrong however. An assassination attempt was made on his mother's life, but when that failed Noah was nearly murdered instead. Suspicions and paranoia flared in the household for months afterward until his mother finally had enough and sent Noah to live in Linhythe, where she felt it was safer with her cousin Laraela and her family. Decades passed and his five siblings were born: each arriving in to stay in Linhythe not long after, as his mother was still cautious. Family life was hectic and stressful on him as he grew older, his siblings were constantly on his back for something, literally. Their ages varied widely with the youngest, Emiel, being two and a half decades younger. Of course he loved them but Noah often found he needed a respite from the squeals and whines. He would take to the streets, find a secluded café, library, etc, to sit and cherish the quiet. Where he'd go the most though was the sea shore and watch ships cross the horizon. Looking back on this time now he realizes how unhappy he was until these small moments.
His mother was a Sage who strived for knowledge and expected her children to know all they could. Noah received exceptional education as a result and was expected to become a Cleric or Exorcist. He however, after watching a military demonstration found an interest in battle. Without his mother or aunt's knowledge he'd often go in search of the opportunity to train. When he did he found the help from a fellow dark elf, Helvai. After learning he was of noble birth in Reluir Helvai accepted him as her pupil, believing she’d gain favor with him and/or his family; upon a recommendation from Noah she was later employed in the Thelrin household guard. She offered him both a sword and a bow but he had no luck with the large blade, preferring the finesse of a bow and small knives, not to mention the silence. After explaining that he was going to study among the sages in Iadlain (he sees this as telling a half-truth instead of a lie...), he and Helvai went exactly there. He trained as a Scout with her day in and day out in the surrounding forest which improved his stamina and footwork. Once becoming a Hunter Noah left Iadlain for the navy base in Linhythe.
His years in the navy were much better than at home. His love of the ocean and the natural rhythm he found on deck gave him the keys he needed to rise. After his ascension to Ranger he was made a captain of a ship. Noah was praised for the respect he received from his crewman as a compassionate and humble man. That year during a holiday he returned home in Reluir. Noah found his family's home to be nearly empty of people; three of his brothers had married and lived with their wives while the youngest and his sister remained on the estate. His mother was not faring well, she was weakening with illness. Noah felt the need to stay and help her but she urged him to continue with his rise. Years later the Admiral suggested him as a candidate for the Imperial Guard. Once informed of his acceptance Noah jumped on the opportunity.
Current Story
By dutifully remaining at his post, Noah has come to see many of the events of the world come to pass through the lens of the collateral damage they have caused for those around him.
When conflict between the Empire and Reluir picked up, the repercussions echoed through him. As a Relan noble in a daily position within arms reach of the imperial family, he felt the tension in the air around him thicken whenever the topic of the war was brought up. He wondered how many distrusted him despite his track record in the military and his involvement in defending Iadlain from Reluir’s first attacks. He wasn’t sure how many knew of his father’s work as a Queen’s Assassin, but when eyes fell on him, it felt like every soul knew. The arrival of Princess Lorna to Koben was a refresh he didn’t know he needed. The connection between Relan’s in a foreign land at such a time was not one that could be easily dismissed, and amidst it all, it made him feel less alone in it all.
Caught in the midst of the attack on Koben city, Noah was escorting Princess Lorna, Elise and Vienna Zimmermann as they shopped when the chaos began to reign. The ferocity of the attack and targetted poison against the dark elves truly scared him, for the first time in as long as he could remember, placing an even sourer taste in his mouth for the actions of the kingdom. The thought of a section of the kingdom, then, seeking an alliance with the Empire gave him a long, hard pause. However, an Imperial Guard’s duty is to protect the imperial family, so it was with zero hesitation that Noah took orders to join the rescue mission Prince Signmund and Princess Marise. He came to view them as the first test of whether this new Kingdom-Empire alliance could truly get off its feet, if they could cooperate against King Silvan.
The conflict between the nations unexpectedly brought him back into contact with his sister, a feat he didn’t think would be as easy as finding the letter slipped under his door. After years of spite and distance it took time and many letters but they reached a sort of peace, at least in writing. As quickly as the communication began it was cut off as the Relan lands shattered into pieces. The rise of Atros brought a lingering sense of dread to Noah, filling his nights of anxious stirring and constantly worrying about not waking up in his right mind as he’d already lost several dark elf comrades to the call their god. Still he wonders, with lack of any word from them, whether his family has joined Him.
He has always felt indebted to Koben for being a home when Reluir wasn’t, however that home he had come to serve has begun to change. For over twenty years he served the Roenach family as their guard, and he is not blind to the games of nobles when a morsel of power is up for grabs. He’s playing cautious, and keeping a wary eye cast over his shoulder.
Additional Info
While he has been trained in standard hand-to-hand combat and self defence his skill lies in long-distance weapons and the ability to detect a threat or trouble from a distance and eliminate it before it gets close
Suffers from migraines from time to time
Mild fear of birds
While he was younger his family was invited to quite a few formal balls across the Empire. He never really enjoyed the events but his aunt insisted on him learning ballroom dancing. He still remembers how but may not admit it
An extremely quick way to his good side is by giving him something with honey
Has a pollen allergy that makes spring nearly unbearable
As he grew up he and his brothers would travel from Linhythe several times a year to visit the family in Reluir. Much of the communication between them was during these visits, but other messages were sent back and forth by carrier pigeons here and there but these were mostly about news or birthday wishes. Since joining the Imperial Forces however the visits fell to once or twice a year during his leave.