Noël Sauveterre


Basic Information
Noël Sauveterre
Birth Date:
21st Sun, Year of Beginnings 8264
6'0" (183cm)
Member of Agate Alliance
Agate Alliance
Humans' Mindspeak
drinking - money - people watching - weapon maintenance - city views
gambling - extortion - criminal networks - being watched - religion
industrious - stable - introspective - private - caustic - judgemental - distant - possessive
A straight-forward personality turned sarcastic, Noël is imperturbable - he maintains an emotional arm's length at any given time. Amiable, kind and even talkative when needed, he can switch between charismatic and discreet on command. While comfortable in his own skin, on a more personal level he is too distanced from others to form lasting bonds, estranged from the crowd. At his core he is much quieter and contemplative, accustomed to time alone.
Noel is not an openly prideful person, but simply knows that he is more capable and more handsome than most men. Despite this he also believes himself wretched in the eyes of God; a belief rooted less in personal self-esteem and more in a deeper, spiritual dearth.
He values life and will endeavour to ensure welfare of the people around him. Even for someone he trusts his life with, he can seem reluctant to nurture the emotional side of his relationships. Far from uncaring but reserved with his heart, he nonetheless shows warmth to those he considers family and would go to great lengths for them.
Through the cracks it's clear he's not a very good person and he is aware of the fact, unable to reconcile the time he's spent taking lives. As a sniper his skills are unquestionable, and has continued to hone his eye throughout the years. Noël hates seeing death up close but can kill without hesitation regardless, and feels a vile satisfaction in his abilities to do so.
Born in Amedra. His family were constantly on the move for his father's work, even to the point where they lived on the road -- there was never a sure home, no opportunities to settle. His mother, a fretful woman, would spoil her son to make up for the lack of stability in their home. In his childhood Noel was taught to put his family first, no matter what.
His father, a flighty but earnest man, found an opportunity in the trading haven of Linhythe -- to try and start a real business he moved the entire family to the bustling city. Carrying the promises of better income, Noel's mother decided to have a second child and hoped to settle the family somewhere in peace. In a struggle moment of peace, his younger brother was born.
Life was no less tumultuous after their move. His father was struggling with the pressures of larger business, and was rarely at home. As time went on, Noel grew to feel frustrated with their financial burdens and chose to find extra work outside the business, to his father's upset. His younger brother did his best to help the store front, his mother keeping them all fed and afloat.
Business seemed to recover quickly. Noel took the financial freedom in stride -- putting time back into his studies. However the business had actually become a front and storehold for fraudulent exchanges. When his father had been arrested and his building seized did the family learn fully of what had been transpiring. As the family fell apart Noel blamed himself for being blindsided, and resented his father for making such a choice.
He forced himself to work for money wherever he could, but quickly turning to criminal pursuits - petty theft, pickpocketing. The descent into violence, heftier crimes, piracy, weaponry -- as a desperate youth he was willing to try it all. So long as he could provide for his mother and younger brother, he saw no point in holding back. After taking his first life he could no longer face them, eventually distancing himself to the point of leaving home. He continued to send them money.
A need for strength propelled him into learning marksmanship -- under the tutelage of men he had formed rapport with, Noel quickly became familiar with shooting guns. When he joined the Corsairs he was already years into working with firearms, taking to the seas as an established gunner.
Against his better judgement he has sought information about his family whereabouts, but has committed to keeping his distance.
Current Story
Noel discovered the location of his family before leaving for Linhythe; he chose not to visit, or see them himself. It was after the Corsairs' violent departure from the area that he was able to put thoughts of seeing his family away for good, committing instead to accompanying Guen between Auraen and Amedra. With his life among the pirates forcefully shed, Noel found himself windswept by the speed and ambition with which she was moving forward into a new - noble - role, yet still hoped to stay by her side.
He would adapt before long - for Guen to maintain favour within the Amedran court Noel would be her eyes and ears around the city. In watching her face the scorn of the city's nobility, he questioned his home with her but emboldened by her will to keep him and other Corsairs close regardless, chose to forge different working identities and skill sets. Becoming familiar with areas frequented by workers and servants of the noble classes, he earnestly sought job and company among them, relaying information and sharing rumours of his own. He intended to find chance gaps, opportunities, and carefully work his way up.
However with war approaching, Guen's involvement in state affairs would take them away from the city - first to steal stained glass from a mysterious chapel (gaining an addition to the tattoo on his forearm) - he would then travel with her as they sailed north for an effort to seek god from both sides of the divided kingdom.
Although not unfamiliar with travelling in dangerous waters, the situation has been turbulent.
Noel has tried to stay grounded even faced with the gods and their vessels, but undoubtedly feels that whatever control he had over his life is almost gone. He hopes only to support his friends (until the world grinds to a halt) but after weathering the clashes of some of Alva's greater beings and seeing so many fall, fears his own powerlessness.
Additional Info
- He enjoys watching the sunrise, always an early riser.
- Ambidextrous with menial tasks such as writing. Prefers larger guns but capable with handguns and pistols
- A dab hand at most small crafts, fiddly things, from his father.
- Aversion to religion is based in his fretful mother's habits of prayer - he still prays privately out of habit.
- Had a short stint in the military upon leaving school.