Owain Shiansach


Basic Information
Owain Shiansach
Birth Date:
13th of Rains, 8221 (10-13-8221)
6'2", 188cm
Dark Elf
Dark Blossoming
Atros' Favour
Pretty People
- : Stubborn | Egotistical | Careless | Impulsive | Shortsighted | Jaded | Fatalistic
+ : Patient | Charming | Bold | Genuine | Assertive | Brave | Principled
Owain has changed.
The horrors of the war have burned away that impulsive cowardace, and shaped his stubborness into a blade that he proffers at the world, daring anyone who comes near to try and throw more horrors his way. The world was coming to an end, and he knows it and treats everything that he does as the last time he may do as such.
But he's become someone more than he was before because of this. He now has actions that he must acomplish and he'd stay at the ends of the earth to complete them. He doesn't hold much hope for the future but he'll fight tooth and nail for the chance to prove that his newfound ideals are worth everything he can throw at them. He'll stake his life so he can protect those he loves.
The third-born(Or fourth, depending on who’s in the know) child of the Shiansach clan.
Born and raised in the quiet town of Duilliúr in the city-state of Iadlian to the local Tiarna and his wife, Owain Shiansach was never destined for great things. His eldest brother was the heir and apple of his parents eye, his elder sister was dutiful and married early, and his youngest sister was the family darling- A position that the young man was never able to claim. He was, plain and simple, somewhat unnecessary. A morbid, sobering thought that he never wanted to face.
So instead, he took his unique position as a lease to do as he pleased.
Without the pressure that weighed heavily on his elder siblings, Owain was left to his own interests and desires, and flaunted his youth and good looks to all that would give him the time of day; Finding partners was never hard when blessed with beauty and status in good measure, his craving for attention of both the positive and negative varieties pulling him farther and farther away from home.
It was the eve of his forty-third year that put an end to his wandering, and in a place that the young man hadn’t considered despite its proximity to his birthplace.
Reluir, city-state of dark elves. Where the rich and noble walked high above the rest, dark skin uncovered as they flaunted their beauty. For the first time in his life, he was among like minded people, a feeling that brought a new thrill to every day, that drove him to derive new sources of pleasure among the grand cathedrals and citadels of his people’s stronghold against the world. It was perfect. It was here he could forget about his nigh-nonexistent responsibilities and simply laze about as his fancies took him, the stipend that he got at the end of each month his family’s thin, mediocre way of saying that they still cared, despite what they actually meant by it. It was a comfortable life, alas, but not the extravagant one he had left.
For a time, it was life, sheltered from the rest of the world.
Until, after years of messing around the towns and cities, the unthinkable happened. The war that was going on, that had seemed so distant from the reclusive Reliur, finally burst to life.
For the first time in his life, Owain was forced to pay attention to something beside his own life; An utterly alien sensation that he justified by making it once again about himself. He finally had an important choice of his own, in face of this war that threatened to split apart his homeland and the place that he had chosen to care for. He could actually do something that had meaning, and prove to the world what kind of man that not just the third child of the Shiansach clan was, but what kind of man Owain was.
So he did exactly as he felt he should, without hesitation.
Caring more about his own personal situation than that of his family’s interests, the young elf simultaneously proved his loyalty to the Queen and protected his comfortable lifestyle by providing as much information about the terrain of his homeland as possible to the invading Relan forces. His family, notoriously lackluster in providing support for either side of the war, made no effort to reward or dismiss their youngest son save cutting the moderate allowance, leaving the Flaith to his own devices in Reluir. He had made his choice, and for good or ill, he would suffer the consequences.
As of now, he's cut off from his parents and their stipend, well and truly away from his family for the first time in his life- The money that he'd never cared to save dwindling quickly. A myriad of possibilities lies before him; But none will ever allow him to get back to what he once had.
Current Story
The years following Reluir's attempted annexation of Iadlain brought with them terrors that forced Owain to think for himself for the first time and ended up with him becoming something more than he was by paying attention to something more than himself. He's loved, been rejected, come to terms with it and moved on with his life while the backdrop of godly horrors killed hundreds of thousands around him and dwindled Reluir's population to a handful because of constant bloody attrition. He's become all too familiar with the stench of the dead and dying, and the biting chill of midwinter when it should be summer. But even still, he presses on with his life to protect those that he cares for. He's been forced to see them as the people they are and he'd do anything to make sure they're alright.
Then, in the middle of Atros' cursed eternal night, he and his fellow Atros Favoured Isobel were approached in their dreamscapes by Maera, a half-elf from Iadlain. She offered a chance to do something, to find this mythical creature called the Nothing that had appeared to Owain once before. They made their journey from Reliur with Isobel's childhood friend, Naoise, in tow, and braved the depths of the woods.
Only the Atros Favoured returned.
Additional Info
Dark Blossoming: Nails and Sclera.
Had long and flowing curls, but they were promptly cut upon his arrival to Reluir by a no-nonsense healer he was flirting with when she pointed out that they’d get in his way if he tried to flee.
Has finally come to terms with the fact that he hated his family with a sole exception of his younger sister. Luckily for him, most of them are now dead
Hasn't and still doesn't give a care for money. Despite everything, that hasn't changed.
He doesn't see humans as anything more than perhaps a good lay- he holds no interest in their goverments or as a serious romantic or intellectual partner.
Doesn't care about his race's divide between light elves and wood elves as much as he should, due in part to his contrary nature about what he should and is expected to do, and in part because he just doesn't care enough.
Rediscovered his reverence and interest in the Wispwood and has been practicing his forays into it in case he has to lead people through it. HAHAHAHAHAHA oh ow you sweet stupid boy