Roland Iredell


Basic Information
Roland Iredell
Birth Date:
18th April, 8168
6'2" | 188cm
Dark Elf
Former Governor of Linhythe
Affable | Composed | Pragmatic | Enterprising | Merciless | Self-centered
Roland comes off as friendly and outgoing, his congeniality honed to perfection. He is very practical, although seems to delight in discussing high-minded ideals right along with bleak reality. While he is quick to cozy up to some people, his actions make it difficult to discern if he actually likes them- or anyone else for that matter. He has gained a reputation for being deeply disloyal, yet, paradoxically, in some circles people hold the utmost trust in his word. He can be controlling, and perhaps is a little too fixated on the concept of power. Despite a reputation for being ruthless, he seems sort of playful in person.
Roland is enamored with certain scholarly pursuits, most specifically the study of magic, which he took up during his school years. While he made his fortune through business, it seems that his true love lies with the academic and arcane. He's more than happy to talk anyone's ear off about the subjects. He can get completely caught up in abstract concepts when he thinks them somehow relevant to summoning, and has been known to confine himself to his study for long stretches of time like some sort of recluse. Along these lines, he's surprisingly open to people of lower classes. Another person with his station in life could easily begrudge the masses, and yet he seems not to discount people based on their social standing. Anyone can be useful, after all. Then again, thinking of people as equals may be less-than-generous if it just means that they're equally disposable.
The Iredells were a minor noble line from Koben, established back when the preferred method of gaining land was through war. Though initially finding prosperity among humans, they would eventually watch their power wane when the family's patriarch lost his position on the emperor's high council. That was nearly three-hundred years prior to Roland's birth. Over the course of only a generation, the family had fallen into near-obscurity. Only the very old could remember a time when the Iredells had held prestige. Roland was the first-born son to his parents, to a father who was widely considered irresponsible, and one of the key reasons that the family had succumbed to disrepute. But while they held only a shadow of their former influence and wealth, they were still members of the privileged elite. Roland grew up in luxury, attending an expensive academy as a child. He began to consort with a rather unsavory lot while in university, although, to the relief of his relatives, seemed to abandon them after he left.
Once he came of age (and inherited a bit of money from a relative's death) he started to buy up disused property in the capital city. He built up the land with cramped, sprawling apartment complexes, letting poor human tenants flock in. Pockets of decay began to form in Koben, where cheap housing became a booming commodity. Roland funneled his money into further business ventures, buying up factories, shipping companies- nearly whatever he could get his hands on.
Rumors of shady business dealings circled around him from nearly the second anyone knew his name. He seemed to have unnaturally good luck getting other companies to sell out or merge, and reported no trouble at all with any of the rampant crime that pervaded so many of the impoverished areas that he owned. It became abundantly clear that he held sway with a few key criminal elements, although a number of authorities in the government were more than happy to allow this- or at least tolerate him.
His rise to prominence gained him a good number of friends in high society. If he couldn't get someone to yield to him with social sway, money would usually do the trick. But when even a greased palm couldn't get him what he wanted the people who stood in his way had a nasty habit of disappearing. It was an open secret that he was pursuing one of the ten seats on the high council, and for some time, it looked like he was going to succeed. One of the councilmen was old, nearly senile, and being pressured to leave. But there was a great deal of trepidation when dealing with Roland. Although he was the obvious candidate, his ruthless methods seemed to garner just as much distrust as they did admiration.
When the time to appoint a new council member came, the acting members knew that Roland couldn't simply be ignored. Instead, they graciously offered up the governorship of Linhythe, a position that was conspicuously subordinate to them. Surprisingly, Roland didn't resist getting shipped out to the impoverished city. In a few short years, his reason became clear. Rather than struggle to reform, as had been expected to him, he let the corruption fester- or perhaps actively encouraged it. In such a hostile and chaotic environment he could consolidate his power with ease. He sponsored the criminal organizations that were sympathetic to his role, quietly wiping out the others. It didn't go quite as smoothly as he made it seem, with the notable deaths of a few important statesmen going unanswered, but the results were impressive nonetheless. The new governor had decided to harness the rot of his city, rather than try to eradicate it. His reputation would suffer a hit, however, as he was gleefully recast in Koben as an incompetent buffoon who had failed to stem the tide of corruption. He still has an eye on a council seat, although he knows that he will have to curry favor once more with his newfound influence.
Current Story
Missing as of Frost 8294
Additional Info
- Avoids sick people, and is a bit of a germaphobe. He tries to downplay this, but he seems afraid of falling ill- even if the illness would be something minor.
- Deeply interested in resurrection, maybe obsessed with it. He privately holds the belief that summoning familiars from other planes may also lead the way into pulling the souls of the dead back into reality.
- Some people claim that he does live testing on condemned criminals or slaves within the labyrinthine confines of the governor's mansion, although of course there is no evidence of this.
- Keeps few ties with his family, although they have enjoyed some of the spoils of his success.
- Endured constant jabs about having light hair and light skin from the other dark elves he grew up around, and so has heard virtually every insult possible.
- Had a number of younger siblings growing up, most of whom have scattered, and at least two of whom are dead.
- His parents owned an expensive inn that was burned down around the time he was leaving university. It was fortunate, then, that his landlording began to turn a profit shortly thereafter, as the Iredells were on the verge of having a good deal of financial trouble.
- Has a number of intricate magical runes tattooed on his hands, used to siphon and control magic much in the way other mages use staffs or wands. The practice is riskier than using an outside instrument, though, and has thus never found common favor. Not wanting to seem barbaric, Roland has taken to wearing gloves constantly while out in public.