Ruari Peshíghfhco


Basic Information
Ruari Peshíghfhco
Birth Date:
14th Gifts, 8169
5'11" (180 cm)
Dark Elf
Birchbird Receptionist
The Birch Nest
Attention | Gold | Big accessories | Overcomplicated orders | Weird people
Being Ignored | Their glass eye | Muted colors | Traditionalists
+Lively | +Attentive | +Daring | +Ambitious | -Distrustful | -Self-Obsessed | -Hedonistic | -Aggressive
Ponzi may give off a cool aura from a distance, but it takes only a few seconds for all but the very naive to see them for the silver-tongued disaster they are. As obsessed as they are with their own appearance, this only extends to themselves- Ponzi is surprisingly accepting and tolerant of weirdness. In fact, it’s something that attracts them.
Their greatest strength remains their unyielding ambition, boldness, and hedonism navigating them along a high-risk, high reward path that is uniquely theirs. At best, they’re vivacious and captivating, and at worst disillusioned and far too confrontational. Failure does not scare Ponzi, but trusting people does. If their Iadlish upbringing has taught them anything, it’s to trust sparingly, and as a result they are excessively self-reliant.
At times overbearingly social, Ponzi craves attention but avoids becoming closer than acquaintances with most. While they do keep distance partially for self-protection, what they fear most is losing sight of their ambitions by getting wrapped up in the pleasant mundanities of friendship. Nevertheless, deep down they desire more meaningful relationships, although willingly showing people your vulnerable spots remains a stomach-churning thought to them.
They are not as much of an opportunist as they used to be. The gold they’ve been lusting after has lost some of its brilliance after finally acknowledging the consequences of past actions. Ponzi has reset their sights on their original dream- to be a bigshot singer- and is characteristically moving towards it with all they have.
0-17: Iadlish childhood
The child of a Songluan shaman and an Iadlish hunter, Ponzi was born the second-eldest child into a long-forgotten Iadlish clan, only having a dingy spider silk farm left to their name. From a young age, Ponzi's singing talent was evident and it shoved them into the role of caretaker along with their farm chores, able to soothe a wailing baby to sleep with a lullaby. While they disliked the role of caregiver, it was worth the attention it garnered from their family. Sticking out in a family of 8 was hard enough.
Ponzi's parents loved to dote on their children, but they were also fiercely overprotective and put great emphasis on family being the only people they could trust. Even when the silk farm often struggled through rough patches, they were too skeptical and proud to seek help, so the family lived in poverty. While still weary of the dangers of Iadlish creatures and people, like any small-town kid Ponzi wanted to escape all of the spiders and meet some people instead, not to mention the burden they were imposing on their large, impoverished family.
18-32: Song-Lu mentorship
An opportunity presented itself in a letter from their Songluan aunt, a troubadour singer-for-hire, requesting a delivery of silk. Originally, Ponzi's mother was supposed to be the one making the trip, but in a moment of headstrong selfishness Ponzi stole her airship ticket packed the shipment and the rest of their belongings, and was well on their way to Song-Lu. The elf's lackluster communication skills and inexperience extended the trip a day or two, but they ultimately made it to Song-Lu in one piece. Though surprised to see them, their aunt pitiably agreed to Ponzi's begging for a mentorship and place to stay.
In exchange for singing/harmonic healing lessons, Ponzi would act as housekeeper and occasionally provide backup vocals in their aunt's shows. While grateful for the lessons, their favorite part of their new life quickly became the glamorous side of performing- the fans, the presents, the parties- all things they had never seen before, and it was irresistible. Living vicariously through their aunt, Ponzi's lessons started to take a backseat until disappearing entirely. Roughly 15 years in, Kazumi packed up and moved to Reluir in hopes of marrying a rich businessman.
33-51: Singing and con artistry
The next few years or so were also spent in Song-Lu, holding odd jobs as Ponzi sought out whatever singing gigs they could snatch up. While they actually made decent money from gigs, they blew it all on meaningless luxuries, a habit they still carry.
Though slow to trust, Ponzi still managed to obtain people skills by pure necessity- whether it be netting a job, a date, or a free meal. Towards the end, lack of funds pushed them to temporarily postpone their singing career and turn to selling counterfeit goods, such as fake jewels and overpriced water bottles. Seeing a comrade get prosecuted for fraud was the nail on the coffin for Ponzi, however, and they finally moved back home to Iadlain soon after.
52-120: Traveling merchant
The young dark elf returned to their roots and became a silk merchant, taking business trips to other Koben cities as often as they could since foreigners were much easier to exploit and make a profit on. For a time, their preferred method of transportation was the Jewel of Mareus, a pirate ship Ponzi had weaseled their way onto. In a way, selling silk was a performance in its own right, an outlet for their passion for song, and Ponzi found it a tolerable profession so long as it wasn't a lifelong one.
Despite being back home, their small-town family values did not return. The little spare time they had was spent finding whatever parties could be found in sleepy Iadlain, raiding antique shops for pretty trinkets to blow their paycheck on, and hitting up taverns that would take them as a singer.
Current Story
During the events of Ambition, Ponzi tried using the influx of visitors to Iadlain to their advantage to get their name out as a vocalist. Being a healer, they were popular but even they quickly found themselves exhausted due to the destruction of the wraiths. Shortly afterwards, they took what was suppose to be a short trip to Reluir to check up on their cousin's overdue silk embroidery job, though upon learning of her fate, their stay was unfortunately extended until the month of Stars. The following few months were spent in Iadlain before shoving off to Koben and then the Citadel of Crowns, where they took home a golden glass eye to covet.
When they returned to Iadlain, at a tavern they heard stories of a Tusar rebellion seeking to revitalize Reluir. Seeing it as an opportunity to introduce their music to a new working class if everything goes according to plan, they hopped on board. Their summer was spent in Reluir healing and helping with the general Torc effort, which included storming the castle. After helping guide some Relan friends to Iadlain, they briefly returned to Tusa with the Torcs. Regardless of their disbandment, it didn't take long for Ponzi to wonder off to Linhythe briefly, only to find their way back to Iadlain once more. Currently, they help at the Birchbird clinic and are routinely humbled by the medical field- but they're learning just in time.
Additional Info
Their favorite style of music? A new sort of genre. Poetry spoken to a beat has an empowering effect...
They probably sing like an indie girl. I am sorry
Androgynous in appearance and voice! Lists some more gender stuff here in case anyone's curious
Voice 3:53-4:11 look i tried my best
Their sex is female! Ponzi doesn't rly care what pronouns people use, though they prefer close friends using they/them. (your oc can refer to ponzi however is IC for them, i dont mind!)
It was their Aunt Kazumi who suggested the stage name Ponzi to them, in hopes of its ambiguous origins being more appealing to listeners.
Likes to read in their spare time!! Doesn't really have a preferred genre, as they mainly enjoy reading as a way to de-stress.
Prone to overly harsh gestures- Squeezes your hand off in handshakes, gives suffocating hugs, moves their arms and hands very quickly while speaking, etc
Their hair conceals scars and a glass eye they picked up from the Citadel. They've got a few scratches on their hands, too, but those are just from handling spiders.
Their citadel mark is on their right thigh. they've never been into tattoos but they like it tbh
They pay much more attention to the performance aspect of being a bard than the healing aspect, and as a result their healing skills are a bit rusty. However, they're willing to heal with some per$ua$ion
After a reunion gone very, very wrong on the Jewel of Mareus, they no longer care for pirates. yo ho? yo no