Sarain Maradhras


Basic Information
Sarain Maradhras
Birth Date:
22nd Stars, 8192
Light Elf
Weaponbearer [Sword of Varandis]
Templars of Aurea
Aurea's Ascended
Light Blossoming
Aurea's Favour
Sarain has tread down a complicated and brutal path. She has long since severed her ties with the circles of the underground where she was once an illegal street fighter by the alias of Silver. Sarain has retained her strong fighting instincts from her time as Silver especially prevalent in her cold, detached and reckless demeanor in combat. This allows her to remain level-headed under pressure and when faced with tough decisions, she won’t hesitate to do what has to be done. Bad decisions always come back and haunt her, and she constantly wonders going forward if she’s doing the right thing.
Though she’s still constantly fleeing her past she’s finally been able to get back on her feet. Due to past events, Sarain has molded herself into a loner by nature. In fleeting encounters, she is very amiable and her cheeky sense of humor often surfaces as well, as she rather enjoys flirting for the sake of making people flustered. She is a fierce guardian to her friends, usually very willing and often trying to pass on any knowledge she can to them since it was her own inexperience and naivete that dragged her down to rock bottom in the first place.
Sarain finds herself deeply troubled by the events that took place in the Leywood, and the choices she made that day. She put up a strong front for the rest of her crew to lean on, but she can sense something incomprehensible stirring in Alva and she truly believes that once it wakes, it will bring its wrath down upon them. Her beliefs have seen a drastic shift, taking to heart now all the superstition she once scoffed at before.
Along with her newfound superstition, Sarain has also found her calling. Invigorated by having such glorious purpose, she has returned to her homeland of Delverne. She strives to fulfill Aurea’s Plan, even if only to save herself from the wrath of the gods. Actually embodying the teachings of Aurea within Delverne is still a challenge, and she’s quite blunt and uncultured next to born and raised Delvans.
Once upon a time, two young elves fell in love. One, a humble deckhand in Delverne's navy. The other, a daughter of an ancient and noble bloodline. They eloped and prayed to leave all their troubles behind, that they would live happily ever after.
Many would say they were unprepared to raise a child, much less one who would inherit the powerful magic and unique talents of her mother’s bloodline; nonetheless they welcomed Sarain with open arms and glad hearts. As she grew, so too did her magic grow unchecked and a deadly new problem became prevalent: thymagea.
Sarain’s early childhood years were spent with many books and stuffed toys, dusty sunlight filtering through her bedroom window. The sounds of the nearby village would drift through in the summer afternoons, along with the laughter of children she could not join. Her parents kept her extremely sheltered - for her own good, they believed, and the good of the other children. Lacking the magical capacity to understand the nature of Sarain’s thymagea, they feared their daughter’s magic would grow beyond their meager attempts to keep it caged. And at the dawning of her coming of age, it finally did.
Not even a year later, an embittered Sarain - now permanently magicless as a result of the sealing measures it took to save her life - packed a few of her belongings and left home without looking back.
At first, she headed south towards Cantish lands. Life on the road was difficult, and she had to get by on the charity of others, learning quickly to forage and fight. She favored following caravans and working several odd jobs along the way; manual labor, driving the carts, babysitting, guard duty… whatever would earn a few silver coins to carry her just a little bit further. Her destination: Miras, shining capital of the Kingdom and land of possibility.
Sarain quickly found out that life as an immigrant in the city was infinitely harder than life on the road. In an effort to survive, she continued taking odd jobs from the wrong people and ended up running with the wrong crowd. It did not take them long to chain her by her debt and control her with addiction. For all intents and purposes at this point, this is where the story of Sarain Maradhras ended.
Decades later, a street brawling thug with an attitude problem named Silver sought urgent passage on a ship out of Amedra, crewed mainly by dark elves. Reserved, furtive and guarded, she tried to keep to herself, draw no attention and make no friends for the first few months of their voyage. But a ship is small, and gossip travels like wildfire. Her funds ran dry, and she long overstayed her welcome.
Song-Lu saw her come and go, as did Linhythe and Nisalvini, and the crew began to question the captain’s tolerance of this solitary light elf. She had both knowledge and talent for ship-work from bygone days of sailing with her father, and earned her keep well enough to keep eyes off her for too long. After proving herself in asinine contests time and time again, the crew finally accepted her presence aboard and earned from her her true name.
Sarain retired from sailing and ship-work when the captain decided to settle down and raise a family. With nowhere to go, she decided to return to Miras in hopes of a brighter future once again. Her arrival had fortunate timing; an old human friend of her father’s offered to take her on as an apprentice alchemist. Eventually, the man passed his small shop down to her so he could retire and move to live with his family in Cantor. She accepted this gracious opportunity to turn her life around, and cared for the shop for many years before the war began…
Current Story
Once the most ancient mysteries of the world began to stir due to mortal meddling, Sarain grew superstitious and afraid of incurring the Gods' wrath. She returned home to Delverne to seek new purpose and protection from the patron God of the light elves, Aurea. Dubiously welcomed by the very same relatives who had refused to treat her thymagea in her childhood, she made herself at home in their Chateau de Turrelle, regardless. Confusion and scorn turned into pride and jubilation when Sarain brought home the Sword of Varandis as its chosen bearer, and the Neuveignes celebrated on the eve of the crusade against the dark.
After marching to war at the Citadel of Crowns, Sarain has ascended and become the Blade of Aurea - at last achieving divine purpose and perfect freedom.
Additional Info
Sarain's extended family & noble lineage
The gang Sarain eventually joined in Miras was called the Furies, with whom she went by the alias Silver. During her time with the gang, she struggled with substance addiction and honed her skills as an ascetic to survive.
Her father's old friend was a human man named Olivier, who worked as a deckhand on a ship with him in his teenage years. Sarain may not have remembered him, but he remembered her from the few times he saw her.
She had three alchemy apprentices in Miras: Trace, Darts and Skip - all youths she picked up on the street. She knows they gave her fake names, but respected their decision nonetheless. Eventually, she passed the shop into their care.
Sarain's group adventure log