Sarifee Laemiril


Basic Information
Sarifee Laemiril
Birth Date:
28th of Mirrors, Year of Souls
5'3 ft
Half Elf (Dark)
Belport Performing Arts Society
Humans' Mindspeak
Ochi Simera Mareus
Aurea's Favour
Spicy food, Singing, Mead, Flow-y clothing, Chilly weather, Swimming, Sunny people, Learning how to read/write
Nosiness, Sleeping, Dreaming, Festivals, Feeling Helpless, Aurea, Memories from the past, Dance Practice
Compassionate, Protective, Observant, Blunt, Resentful, Stoic, Distrustful, Realist, Independent, Loyal
Because of the rejection and scorn she experienced in the past, Sarifee has a rather aloof, almost cold, demeanor about her. With an impassive expression perpetually on her face, she doesn’t make a point to involve herself in the business of others, nor does she allow them into her own. To her, there is little reason to blindly place trust on people, and although recent events have softened her mindset about never relying on others, personal struggles and fears are a different matter.
Not one for words, the few times she does speak is direct and straight to the point; Tactless in habit, rarely in malice- it doesn’t change the fact her insensitivity can hurt people at times. For better or for worse, she is one who has difficulty letting go of the past; years of grudges and bitterness fester in her. Alternatively, however, acts of kindness and favors given to her are things she strives to repay. To her few friends, loyalty is the greatest thing she can offer. After being closed off for so long, she is more open to learning about new things, the belated realization that she couldn’t stay the same forever.
Sarifee, in every sense of the word, is not the most friendly person- but she will not turn a blind eye to those who may need help. Now more than ever, despite her own fears, she does her best to practice empathy for when it’s really needed. In the past, she used to think she was mature, and had a good on her shoulder- recent events have given her a hard reality check that perhaps she just thought she was all that. Maybe as a coping mechanism- but it is something she has come to terms with. She’s well-aware she’s not the warmest, but through her actions does her compassion show. Through her own way she is attentive to the people around, after all that is one of the boons as one who stays silent and watches from the sidelines.
With a childhood filled with love and happy memories, if Sarifee wasn’t so in denial perhaps she could proudly say that her time in Nisalvini felt like a dream she never wanted to wake up from.
Both her parents were gentle, raising her with great care which in turn allowed her to see the world with bright eyes and an open heart. This coupled with the fact the people that surrounded her outside of her small family were also kind and warm, it truly felt like the perfect environment where a child can flourish.
Or perhaps this was because of her own young naivete.
As she grew older, and with the rising friction between the Empire and Kingdom, the worries of her parents only increased, for the identity of Sarifee’s father was that of a dark elf. A historian who escaped Reluir in hopes to travel the world, and broaden his horizon. A thirst for knowledge led him even to the side of the world where his kind was despised- and yet against all odds he made it. Even more miraculous is creating a home to call his own.
Yet with a war threatening to break the peace, and the possibility of being trapped in a place where dark elves were not welcomed, Sarifee’s father implored his wife to go to the Kingdom with him- she and their young child both. Her mother rejected this idea, fearing all they would leave behind and instead had faith all would be well. In the end however, her father’s cowardice won over and he disappeared without a trace.
Both were distraught, her mother most of all. A young Sarifee was confused as to why he left; she knew of what her father was, both adults making her promise to never spill this secret to anyone, but she didn’t quite understand what being a dark elf on this side of the world entailed. In the end, she explained her grievances to her closest friend; whether he was here or not, it hardly mattered if she shared this information right? This was someone she trusted like a sibling.
And yet.
No sooner did a day pass, the once warm greetings of her neighbors became absent and their eyes hardened like stone when they saw her. Gossips buzzed on endlessly, ugly words were directed to her and her family. It was only when she caught wind of the situation did her mother pull herself together, making plans to whisk them both as far away from Nisalvini- and possible authorities, as soon as possible.
Paranoia was what led her mother into changing their names and their journey led them to Belport. Their time in the port city was much more difficult than in Nisalvini. With no known connection, a community that followed its own beat, and her mother’s fragile health deteriorating further because of the stress, Sarifee had to grow up fast to help the only remaining parent in her life. Her choice to take up healing once she showed potential seemed like the correct decision if it can ease her mother’s pain. It wasn’t enough, however; A few short years after their relocation, her mother collapsed from overworking and soon passed.
With her mother gone, the young halfling had to find other means to survive. If she couldn’t find odd jobs, she’d sing in the streets to hopefully earn enough to eat; if singing wasn’t enough she would turn to stealing. This cycle continued for some time until she was caught. During the time, it seemed like a good idea to sneak into a tent set up by a performing group- blend into the crowds, let the rowdy cheering drown out her own footsteps- but as if he had been waiting for her, a large burly man blocked her path. Punishment was the next course of action she expected, but to her surprise- the man offered her a deal: a song for food.
It soon came to light that they were part of Belport’s Performing Arts Society and they had been hoping to scout her after word of her singing in the streets. The group of her performers and the large man (Alexander, she’d come to know) seemed eager and genuine with their urging for her to join them- but to her that had little meaning. She had no desire to become famous, or perform for others. No, what was important was that this was a ticket for her out of poverty, to have a warm meal and bed to sleep in. After sometime training in dance and refining her skills in singing further, she made her debut with great success. From then on she stayed with Alexander’s troupe in particular and even toured the Kingdom for a time.
It was in one of those tours did the Empire strike against the north, with Belport and Valsk becoming compromised. She and the troupe settled in Cantor, then Valevo, for a time to aid the refugees. It was only after the successful storming of the north did she return to the port city, determined to stay away from the danger. People like her had no business involving herself into something larger than life.
Current Story
And yet, for better or for worse- trouble seems to always find her.
Close calls facing Delvan templars on two different occasions during her visits in Cantor had her fearing for her life, the whispers of “what-if” ringing in her ears, the same voice as her own mother’s paranoid mumblings when they were on the run had only made her shrink away from the world even more.
It was with Nisalvini’s sinking to the ocean, did cracks appear in her resolve to ignore the world and continue shielding herself. Sadness and anger she had buried so long ago resurfaced; a trip to Cantor’s seaside facing where one would once see the island only served to further press into the wounds of her heart. This trip also entangled her in the middle of the Kingdom and Cantish’s struggle against Delverne’s attempts to annex Cantor further. Finding herself with no choice, she begrudgingly relents that she must help her fellow countrymen if she wants out of this situation. The clues given to her to activate a long lost totem reminds her of things her father used to study- the memory alone frustrated her- but perhaps the passionate emotions is what helps her successfully activate the totem.
Shortly after returning to Belport, stranger things continue to happen. She befriends a tree-like being, and starts feeling headaches that leave her winded, whispers in her ear urge to turn- turn into something, vivid dreams that make her heart ache- and worse still, a connection to a newly awakened Aurea.
The news of the King leading a charge to awaken Mareus leads her to offer her assistance as well; the god she favoured the most could well be the solution to sever her ties to Delverne’s goddess. The search for the water goddess, to her surprise, went smoother than she thought it would, but even Her arrival was not enough. With news about how searching for Iridus and Therras was still underway, she joins the group going underground- where she’s reunited with familiar faces. The journey eventually leads them to the solution on how to awaken Therras- the solution being that they needed to go to Delverne. Despite her own fears, she had resigned herself to going- but it would seem fate had other plans.
Accidentally touching one of the underground portals in Telurea whisks her into water caverns where she and others encounter a strange being, one she didn’t have time to understand before they’re whisked to Koben- where the Iridus questers were located. With Rushed explanation and hasty planning, it came to light that they were now in for the fight of their lives. The battle between two god-like generals and the near death experiences, both of herself and others, teared at her complex of being helpless- but with it came a small flickering fire. A tiny urge to stop running and to face the world once again.
Their victory against Velegor and Ursus didn’t garner any relief, however, as she witnessed those who made the pact with Dunor be ripped away from them, vanished in a spectacle of blood and dust.
It was only Maraenel’s words and guidance to the sky that she held onto the hope they would be able to reunite with those lost. Finally they meet Iridus at the edge of the world, and hand in hand they traverse dreams to create a path leading home…
Additional Info
Sarifee is not her birth name, and Laemiril is her mother’s maiden name. Only people from her childhood know of her real name.
Can still speak and read Xechasei, although at a very basic conversational level
Suffers from insomnia most nights. Currently she finds this a blessing because her dreams feel bittersweet. Can be found strolling around in light evenings.
The performing group she’s in is called “Argento Farfalla”. It’s well funded by the Belport’s Society of Performing arts.
Before her journey to help awaken the gods, she had been studying reading and writing more. She still has much to learn, but can proudly say she is no longer illiterate.
Her mother used to sing to her a lot, hence how she gained an interest in it.
Has extraordinary auditory memory, this was how she was able to learn music very fast.
During her training, it was required that she study music and the basics of multiple instruments. She’s an amateur with most, but if given a common instrument she’ll have an idea how to play it.
Since the battle against the generals, her fear of large animals has mostly disappeared.
She doesn’t glamor her hair as much anymore, but does keep the magical charm on her in case it’s needed.
A strong swimmer, she enjoys being in the waters.
Surprisingly more friendly when drinking alcohol- or is at least open to conversation.
Despite her feelings, she still holds onto the necklace her father gave her way back when.
Current owns a Cintamanis Vial. It was once owned by a childhood guardian named Cynn. Was eventually delivered to her in Belport.