Tyrsten Tyrstenssen


Basic Information
Tyrsten Tyrstenssen
Birth Date:
22 Arrival, 8264 (Day 8 of the Month of the Bee, Year of the Incandescent Pearl Horse)
6'3" (190.5CM)
Helvarg Envoy
The Helvarg
Drinking | Flirting | Bantering | Hunting | Small, fluffy animals | Strong Women
Small children | Elves | Kobeners | War | Being away from home | Woodsmoke
Resilient, vengeful, merciless, calculating, patient, perceptive, loyal, driven, passionate, competitive, rowdy, raunchy/inappropriate, proud, charismatic, unyielding, judgmental, controlling, superstitious
He's not afraid to play dirty and will do whatever it takes to reach his goal. He loves to banter and will not hesitate to trashtalk, especially to get on the nerves of his opponents.
His experience handling all sorts of wild beasts while growing up has left him with the habit of seeing people as animals and grouping them in his head with creatures he's familiar with to remember them by... A result of this habit is that he tends to form rather quick judgments of people after observing them and can sound rather condescending when he feels like he has a good grasp of their character (especially if they are deemed weak in his eyes). Also, because animals can be trained to behave certain ways, he's certain that people can be manipulated in similar fashions.
Even though he's extremely proud, he also has a rather tight leash on his own temper and will often give the appearance of forgiveness when slighted. However, rest assured, he is already plotting his revenge in silence and will return whatever he was dished tenfold even if it takes him years to get to it. It can make him seem petty, but in his mind, it would have been justified.
He has a mulish streak, and when it comes to arguing with him, it's his way or the high way. If it's plain that he is wrong, however, he will be the first to point it out but typically he will feel that even if he was wrong, he made his choice for the right reasons and would never apologize for that.
Tyrsten is very committed to things that he chooses to pursue with almost singular focus. His mother beat it into him a long time ago that if he's going to spend his time doing something, then he better damn well take it seriously and end up being the best at it or die trying. He can be rather harsh not only on himself but also especially others around him if he doesn't think they are trying hard enough.
After years spent in the wilderness, Tyrsten's quick to think on his feet and remains calm in the face of danger. It's a habit he picked up from Tyrsten Sr. as his father taught him to laugh if he feels the need to shake off his nerves. Nowadays he's disciplined enough in fighting to remain calm and alert regardless, but still enjoys laughing at his opponents (a small gesture to honor his father's memory). #disrespect
Thoroughbred Valski. Grew up and was roughhousing with pups as soon as he was big enough to roughhouse with the pups in his family. Got a bit of his index finger bitten off (right hand) when he was a child from a pup's overprotective mother so it has always looked a bit stunted after...
Parents are both beast tamers of Valsk first and hunters second and prefer non-violent ways to subjugate wild animals outside of a hunt (if possible) and will only kill when the animals are deemed a definite threat to Valsk. Their methods shaped the foundation to Tyrsten's defensive style of fighting which focuses more on subduing his opponent than killing.
Influenced by his father's carefree nature, Tyrsten was an upbeat, eager young man full of charm during his teens. However, after his father died from a somewhat careless mistake approaching a rabid bear, Tyrsten changed. His mother yelled at him constantly to be more careful and made it clear that he must take over his father's responsibilities as the eldest as she would not able to support their family alone.
Seeking to flee from this new grim reality of a world without his father, he would ride off far into the wild for long hunts and found a companion in young Alis. He began fetching her every time that rare game was spotted and grew fond of the girl rather quickly. After a short courtship, he asked for her hand but was rejected as she was wise enough to see that they were only in love with the escape from reality they provided for each other. With his pride and confidence somewhat shattered, he chose instead to delve into honing his skills as a tamer and training his mind and body to become the best of Valsk, swearing to never make such a mistake again. After all, he, like his father, had underestimated his prey and overestimated his own abilities.
Afterwards, Tyrsten grew into a more serious man as he took on more and more responsibilities from his mother and watched over his younger siblings who began their own lives as well outside of the household. He was still particularly fond of the memory of the day when his brother finally bested him in a sparring match, even if losing to Tyrwen did sting his pride. (Fighting a man is not like fighting a bear, Tyrsten!)
When Valsk was invaded, Tyrwen quickly rushed to defend the city and begged Tyrsten to watch his back. Tyrsten agreed but promptly turned and forced Astrid and Tyra to flee. The decision at the time caused quite the shouting match but in the end Tyrsten convinced Astrid to watch after Tyra as his sister was by far the least well-versed in fighting in the family and had no business anywhere near the city should it fall. He grimly reminded his mother of what happened to young women captured by their enemies and packed some of their things for them before sending them off.
He unfortunately discovered that his experience taming wild beasts barely prepared him for the battlefield, where everyone fought tooth and nail to survive. Though his brother and he both survived the initial attack, they were both captured and harshly "disciplined". Confident that Alis would not abandon the city, he ordered his brother to swallow his pride and bide for the time when Alis would return and the two brothers feigned acceptance and went home where they began training much more seriously in secret to hone their combative skills.
When the whispers of rebellion came, the two were ready for their taste of revenge as they had much suffered under Aer's rules. Freedom, however, came at a cost as Tyrwen died as the city was reclaimed. His last words to Tyrsten were, "Protect Valsk. Protect our people. Do it... in my stead. Please."
Hellbent on carrying out his brother's dying wish as well see to his death avenged, Tyrsten immediately enlisted in the Valski military and worked tirelessly so he could gain a recommendation into the Helvarg.
On the appointed day where he had to prove his worth, he found himself facing Alis as his opponent. He had to defeat her to be considered, and he took on the challenge gladly. In the process, he insinuated that she was still failing in her duties as a margrave and living up to her people's expectations in order to bait her into close quarters where he had the advantage. He acknowledged afterward that he knew he probably hurt her feelings, but only because he wanted to see her grow stronger.
His mother returned shortly after and brought him news that his sister would be staying in Valevo as she had found a new home there and that the elves were looking fairly threatening once again. Upon hearing that some members would be dispatched to Valevo, Tyrsten immediately requested to be included on that list to be dispatched as he feels like he had failed to protect his brother and must not fail his sister too, should the attack come.
Current Story
Upon arrival in Valevo, Tyr found his sister very, very pregnant. Immediately dispatched by her to fulfill various tasks in Valevo and around Cantor, he grew to become friends with many of the locals and secretly felt relieved to have found a new home away from the memories of invasion in Valsk. Despite finding the presence of so many elves disturbing, he'd learned to make his peace with it at the behest of his sister who constantly harped that they had to learn to live with the wider world.
After finding far too many strangers and even stranger things washed ashore one day, Tyr realized that something big was coming and frantically sought out clues for what kind of threat might have been looming over the horizon. Rumors of the gods waking disturbed him greatly, as these tales matched nothing of what he knew as a Valski growing up. Communicating with Alis that trouble may be afoot, he found himself dispatched by Elen to look for some kind of totems to prepare for the oncoming attack.
Despite the perparings, Tyr was stunned by the events that occured shortly after. Now trapped underground with many of Valevo's residents and his sister, he took it upon himself as the Helvarg envoy to look after as many people as he could, his heart sunken from the loss of their new home but nevertheless determined to remain hopeful as traveled the paths of Telurea. Hours in the dark grew into days and months, and eventually, he was somehow thrust into the role of a guardian for many of the younger adventurous spirits in their group much to his chagrin - it was truly baffling how these youths could be so ... lacking both in common sense and survival instincts.
However, it was in a moment of certain death when one of these youths - Anastasia - who showed a strange talent for manipulation of the earth saved his life and altered his view. While still somewhat annoyed that he failed to hammer any lasting lessons into his charges, he gained a small sense of respect for their power and began to pay much more attention to the events unfolding around them. Taking the time to learn the cipher for the ancient language, as he felt that there was little precious to do, he found himself reflecting often on the lore of Valsk and growing increasingly troubled as the days passed.
After a series of showdowns with ancient horrors, he longed for more than anything to return aboveground for a breath of fresh air. The opportunity came with a new misison - to infiltrate the city of light elves, who had long been viewed with suspicion by his people. While the thought of being an invader unsettled him greatly, the fact of the matter was this was a labor for the gods - who was he to say no?
Donning the guise of a grizzled woodsman who preferred the solace of the woods, Tyr entered the city along with many others and quietly carried out his mission. However, curiousity over the light elves' fighting style stopped him as he observed what he thought was a series of battle poses. Before he'd known it, he was dragged into a mock demonstration by the drill leader, Solenie, and it only took the exchange of a few blows for him to realize that she was far more skilled than he'd anticipated before he learned to take the spar seriously.
It wasn't until later did he discover the true identity of his opponent, and despite it all, found himself warming up to the enemy as she shared her troubles - she seemed fairly sensible, unlike some of her fellow elves that Tyr had the displeasure of meeting. While discussion their mission and may happen after with Nice, a fellow soldier, Tyr quickly realized that despite his personal misgivings, they would have to help the Elves too in light of the information they'd uncovered.
As chaos swept across the city with Triss forcing more people to Ascend, Tyr's path crossed once again with Solenie and upon making her swear an oath to not hurt any innocents, he shared a way for her to protect her people - by taking them to Telurea and hiding them from Triss. In exchange, he asked for her to take them to the Cathedral so they could accomplish what they came for - gain entry to the inner sanctum and reawaken Therras's child. With the Cardinal's aid and a bit of luck, Tyr found himself astride the back of the newly reborn Tharoneos... admist a city in ruins.
Shocked to have now completely destroyed the elven city, Tyr found no time to rejoice in the success of their mission. Reminded of the invasion on his own home, he struggled through the ruins with Solenie and returned to the portal to Telurea to find it shut, his sister unconscious on its steps. With no time to digest much of what happened, Tyr was forced onto an airship and soon, found himself bound anew for a battle against another God... one just reborn to Alva - Dunor.
Additional Info
Fighting style wise he is most practiced with pankration (mix of wrestling/boxing) but he has been training himself to use the binding attached to his top as restraining weapons of a sort (reminiscent of ropes he'd use on animals... yeah...). They are reinforced with super thin wire threads so are stronger than they look in terms of tensile strength.
He has an affinity for air ether, and often uses it to his advantage as targeted shields or to deflect/redirect blows in critical moments. He has tried to develop a method to use it offensively but found the precision required rather tiring. The most useful way so far he has discovered is using air ether to reinforce the edge of any tools he holds in his hands to extend the blade by a few inches so that the range of their strike is unpredictable, but as he prefers fighting weaponless, it's not a trick he uses often.
Has experience handling most weapons though in the Helvarg, and can use them with relative ease in a pinch.
Hyper aware of his weakness against people who far outranges him so he tries to pick his fights wisely and will do whatever he has to do to win.
Fond/appreciative of small, fluffy animals (as long as they aren't noisy) because of how harmless they are and how easy they are to train. Secretly thrilled by the existence of the yamben when he first arrived in Cantor and found their company relaxing... Though he relentlessly teased Ryanna about eating one during their time underground, he
Not so fond of small kids because they are so unpredictable.
Very good at training dogs.
His beard is a bit patchy due to a lot of micro scars left on his face when he was forcefully shaved after being captured during the initial invasion. It's a bit of a sore spot for him.
He has a tattoo on his shoulder that's covered usually by the armor! (DESIGN TBA)
His sister made his new outfit for him. The scarf has the crest of Valsk embroidered onto it.
Took from Telurea a set of dragonbone dice.
Has grown strands of gray hair since his time underground... too much stress, man.

Leo Binici
Views the kid as one of the only sensible ones amongst his peers, and therefore the only one worthy of being trusted with any kind of responsibility.

Elentiya Linden
Took a while to warm up to her because... elf... but respects her for her dedication to her field.

Tilia Belaire
Another unfortunate target of his harassment but he does enjoy bantering with her.
He'd be chasing her if she wasn't an elf, though still rather admires her from afar. Finds the circumstances under they met incredibly unfortunate, but as he'd said, he wouldn't have done anything different even knowing what'd happened.

Odvar Odvarssen
Tyrsten thinks he’s a complete oaf but still has a soft spot (as soft as it gets with him) for his cousin. In many ways, Odvar reminds Tyrsten of his father (mostly the upbeat spirit). A very, very small part of Tyrsten used to be rather jealous of Odvar's lackadaisy lifestyle but it faded after the occupation of Valsk.

Nienna Rafales
Cannot believe there is not one but two grown babieswho ended up underground in Telurea and that it must be a godly miracle for them to have found each other under his care. Considers her a child of fortune, but tolerates his duties as her guardian because of how well Nina treated Tyra and her family. He does find her singing quite nice.

Ryanna Geist
Finds it hilarious pissing her off because it's so easy, though does feel a little bad deep down since it was how he whiled away a lot of time while they had nothing to do underground. Imagine that they would've been good friends had they met in different circumstances.

Nice Espadas
Thankful that she was present as a fellow soldier by his side through Telurea. Values her input and comraderie greatly in battle, though thinks that she babies the girls too much.

Aliswen Eiragarth
They dated when they were young. He even proposed, but she rejected him. He got over it... eventually. Supports her as the Margrave, though their relationship is definitely not with out its ups and downs despite both having matured since their time together.

Anastasia Umbrius
Thinks she's naive and soft, and irresponsible for not staying home or at least somewhere out of the way. However, she did save his life, so he's toned down his criticism of her by a fair bit.