

Basic Information
Vesper, Vespy, Vespa
Birth Date:
Sky Oriad
Atroxist Acolyte (Previously)
Relan Church
Shinies, sweets, snow, songs, animals
Alcohol, solitude, ghosts, sand
Affectionate | Kind | Calm | Spacey | Pretentious | Vain
Vesperian emerged into the world full of starry-eyed wonder at the beauty that surrounded them. They harbor a gentle adoration for all living creatures and what they have created, longing to be a part of that. They care little for personal boundaries; their intrinsic need to be close to people causes them to seek out physical contact as a means of connection. They see the world as a privilege to exist in, and don’t take kindly to someone who disrespects that, often intervening in activities they deem destructive to the natural beauty of the world. Because they place such value in looks, they are extraordinarily vain and seem to enjoy decorating themselves with shiny accessories; which has been reinforced by how they’re treated by the church. Though they do their best to embody the teachings of Atros, they’ve developed a delusion that their existence is direct proof of the god’s will. Their earnest devotion is built more on a foundation that validates their existence rather than an honest desire to accept Atros into their heart.
They were discovered trying to break into a candy shop in the middle of the night.
The sweets looked so colorful and desirable, and they were by far the most interesting thing the oriad had seen since descending from the mountain peak where they had awoken. The only problem was they were behind some sort of hard, transparent barrier. Luckily for them it was well into the witching hours of the night; there were very few people about to witness their frustration as they pushed themselves up against the glass.
All except for the reverend of a small Church of Atros in the Relan countryside who had just finished his midnight vigil.
It took some bribery to entice the oriad into following him back to the church. He thought it clearly a sign from Atros that such an ethereal being of midnight and starlight should appear in these times. Worried about the fear and even violence with which people reacted to the awakening of the oriads, he resolved to protect and act as this one’s guardian for the time being.
Vesperian absorbed knowledge astonishingly quickly regardless of their short attention span, limited only by their need to learn the nuances of language to understand everything else. As the reverend saw them as a messenger of Atros, he spoiled them incessantly with shiny “offerings” and candy; thus they remained content enough to live in the church under his protection. However, their insatiable desire to mingle with other people often led to them wandering off when unsupervised, heedless of how people perceived their presence.
As time went on Vesperian integrated themselves comfortably into life within the chapel. Although initially unsure of who this Atros was and how they had anything to do with them, they began to grow into the role the reverend was so sure they played. How could someone who was nowhere and everywhere that they had never seen nor heard have a hand in their existence? But over time and exposure to the homage people paid to the god, Vesperian began to wonder if in fact the appearance they had was a sign they were meant to play a bigger role. They began to ponder the nature of their existence, and if they shouldn’t be doing more to vouch for the mercy of Atros.
Eventually, they decided to become an official acolyte and began to speak to worshippers on behalf of the church. Their serene demeanor and interest in engaging with people suited the role splendidly, and they took pride in the ability to ease people’s worries simply by listening to them and offering their best words of wisdom in return.
Current Story
Memories trickle back little by little as they make their way into the world. They have found kindred spirits - other oriads set adrift by fate, and just as lost as they are. The price was losing everything they had ever known, and the only home they ever had. Reluir was shattered, and there was nothing left to return to. The only choice was to continue to move on.
Chance saw them joining an expedition into Hangman's Cross, and then the Six Circles - a terrifying pocket realm that defied what they knew as reality and home of the ancient pantheon of Faldor. The expedition's mission became their mission: locate Iryneia. This mission then evolved and became more complicated than they imagined possible, and they quickly found themselves involved in a quest too large even for Vesperian's comfort.
... 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬.
After being lost for so long, it became like second nature to simply drift where the wind blows. Now, provided with a concrete direction and no opportunity to refuse, Vesperian finds themselves at a loss for what to do next.
Additional Info
Memory Shards
Playing Gods
The shattering of Reluir's lands brings terror to many, but there is a particularly cold feeling within Vesperian's chest as they watch the shadowy colossus rise. It is fear, pure and unbridled. They cannot name why but they feel a need to hide, to huddle somewhere no one can see them... and to hear a voice sing to them in a language they don't understand. Perhaps if they can listen to something similar, they will remember something about this voice - or the dread that plagues them.
The songs of their friends aren't quite like the ones Vesperian once knew, but they are sweet and comforting - and do share one thing perfectly. The silence that falls after the last song finishes brings a deep melancholy to their heart. They miss someone... and that jolts a memory to life. Tangled white hair, a voice crying instead of singing or laughing. Vesperian had spoken in rushed, terrified words that they would do something, they would fix it, everything would be alright. I want to hear your voice, they had said, again and again, for every day of my life. The rest of the memory blurs, as if a part of them is unwilling to recall it. Whoever Vesperian once was, they had known a fear even greater than the one that plagues them now.
As their experiences and lessons with the church of Reluir grow more distant, Vesper finds themselves swayed by a particular impulse with increasing frequency: the desire to simply take any shiny trinket that catches their fancy, regardless of who it might belong to. One day, without thinking, they cave and end up stealing a beautiful crystal vial from some researcher's alchemy kit. The act is subtle and seamless, as easy as breathing, and later when the researcher is looking for the lost vial, it's just as easy to smile and play innocent. Something inside Vesper thrives at the successful heist, despite what their conscience might say, as they remember feeling this same satisfaction many times in the past. They are experienced in light theft and deception.
Sometimes, when Vesper wanders through busy crowds or bustling streets, there is a feeling like they are looking for someone. There is a strange expectation to it, as if this elusive person is supposed to be nearby and it’s rather unfair they haven’t arrived yet. One day, while dozing off at the table after a satisfying meal, Vesper feels a hand pat against their shoulder firmly. Instead of startling, Vesper’s mouth curves into a smile and a wave of both warm amusement and mild annoyance passes through their chest. Before they realise what they are doing, they mumble sleepily aloud: “You’re late again, Kohar.”
They wake up properly and open their eyes. The person who tapped their shoulder is just a server who wanted to ask if Vesper was done eating. The familiar feeling vanishes, taking its memory with it. Yet Vesper's words still linger in their own ears, along with that fleeting, playful warmth.