Virsche Champfleur


Basic Information
Virsche Champfleur
115 (Appears 20)
Birth Date:
31st of Stars 8180, Year of Paths
5’2 ft
Light Elf
Governess/ Researcher
Light Blossoming
Stargazing, Ballet, Painting, Learning new spells, Reading, Sweet Pastries, (low opacity) Mingling with others
Humid Weather, Being pitied, Crowds, House lizards, Cruelty, Greasy food, Her lack of experience
Empathetic, Determined, Resilient, Warm-hearted, Open-minded, Melancholy, Anxious, Envious, Repressed, Low Self-esteem
Mild-mannered and gentle in nature, but quiet like a ghost and one who rarely kept in the company of others, to others Virsche might be a bit of an enigma. An unknown entity, a mystery that was kept locked away for years. The melancholy demeanor may be reason to ward away those who don’t know any better, but upon interacting with her it’s easy to figure out that despite her lonely gaze, she is warm hearted and values kindness above all else. She’s well aware that her empathy can be cause for concern: A weakness that can be exploited by deplorable people. For the longest time she had used that same empathy to brace herself for the worst case scenario- to make her feel smaller lest she troubles others. And yet, after recent happenings, now more than ever she strives to see the best in people. She refuses to be cruel in the face of her own tragedy. Persevering, and though still unlearning her own indecisiveness, once her mind is set accomplishing something- very little can dissuade her.
Apprehension is a constant companion, despite her own determination. The crippling anxiety often weighs down on her, her lack of charisma or experience always the subject of her own internal second guessing. For better or for worse, she has come to terms that she will never be the girl she was before- that closure has helped her in some ways. And yet, in the aspects of her demeanor it did not, she still feels bitterly envious of those who can express themselves so freely. Who knows what to say, or what to do when she still feels like she’s hopelessly waddling around.
Despite all, however, she still strives to do her best. Even if her own idealism causes her greatest anguish.
The Champfleur name held the title of Magistrie over the land of Aramore in Delverne, and although not born to the current Magister himself, Virsche’s childhood was one filled with comfort afforded in part by the prestige of the main household’s name. It is her parent’s shrewdness, however, that was the true driving force on how their family was able to gain favorable opportunities despite their lack of title. Oswald and Geneva Champfleur, both too somewhat outlandish for the role of nobility and yet able to navigate around them effortlessly, always hoped for the best for their two children, each showing it in their own way. Love and affection was not something Virsche lacked growing up, despite how busy both parents were. If anything it brought them closer to each other, not just their family of four, but to the Magistre couple too; Her father’s older brother, Yves, often acted as her and her brother’s guardian- the older man having grown fond of the two due to the fact he had no children of his own.
As she grew older, Virsche discovered her strong affiliation in controlling ether- which led her to find mentorship from a Fridir Laedwynn, a close family friend. Further studying eventually led to the question of “What should I do in the future?” With slim chances of gaining any sort of inheritance from the Champfleur name, and finding no interest in either of her parents' work, the answer she sought for eventually led her to the Templars of Aurea after witnessing their noble hearts during a charity event. Young as she was, she was determined to join their ranks one day.
Years passed by in a blur, and she was soon to be considered an adult. And yet before she could pave a life for herself, did it all fall apart.
A great tremor ripped through the Champfleur mansion on the night Virsche and her family had decided to visit. What seemed like an earthquake decimated a major part of the area, the same area where she, her parents and Yves had been during the incident. All four were pulled out, heavily injured. Hours later, both Oswald and Geneva were pronounced deceased, while Virsche was left in a comatosed state.
The culprit for the incident was discovered to be half-elf, his actions fueled by revenge at the unjust ruling her father passed on a loved one. More on the case was never publicized, and the half-elf was never seen again.
Virsche would eventually recover from her physical injuries and awaken after a few weeks- but not without complications. At the age of 47, she barely remembers anything from her life; Amnesia from the incident being the reason. Shielded from the public, heavily monitored and few visitors being allowed to see her- all these were attempts to ease her back into her life as stress free as possible. Through time she remembers remnants of the past, mundane memories and old preferences, but nothing from that fateful night. Being treated like glass was supposed to be a sign of mercy and yet- it only serves to confuse her more and press on her wounds that she will never be who she was ever again. The latter became even more evident when she stopped regaining memories at the age of 59. The stress on figuring out how to act, added with her own interpersonal struggles with others and chronic headaches culminated in her failing health.
After a particularly dire dip in her health, Yves eventually sends her and her mentor to Estraude, where he hopes they can find medical help for her- or at the very least, pull her out from the taxing situation. A part of her was happy to leave.
Her time in Estraude had initially been a difficult one; after being sheltered for so long- to suddenly be thrown into a melting pot of cultures- it was overwhelming, and yet- also very liberating. She had different resources to pull knowledge from, and was able to interact with people unlike herself. It opened her eyes to a wider horizon, and with more possibilities. But through it all, her love for people back home was still unmatched- with new found insight she hopes one day Delverne can be open to new ideas as well.
It was the rising tension between the Kingdom and Empire that eventually brought her back to Delverne, the Consul’s announcement of the Emerald Masquerade sounding the alarm bells in her head. A neutral party it may have been, inviting both figures from opposing parties did not sit right.
A short while after her return when the turn of events felt endless. Delverne’s war against the Kingdom, Oracle Triss’ appearance, the deliverance of sacred gifts and the Gods awakening. All this felt beyond her, a small fletchling in this whirlwind of events. With loved ones offering themselves up for a greater cause, she’s reminded of her old dream of becoming a Templar. A quiet whisper urging her to come into Her embrace. The choice was hers- and Virsche chose to stay as she was; incomplete and different as she may be. With no oath and no sacred weapon, she races to where Aurea’s army gathers, determined to protect her own.
The fight against Atros’ army was nothing like she, perhaps any of them, ever expected. The initial clash of the gods unravels something around Alva, and in turn dislodges something within her too. Still there is no time to think in the heat of battle. She thinks back to her younger self and how foolish she was that this was what she aspired for herself.
When the Empire becomes involved and both parties dispersed, the oathbound and herself are eventually forced to return back to Delverne. Their cheers sound like white noise to her, and even in the midst of her own family’s worried coddling, she wonders if all that was sacrificed was worth it…
Current Story
The festivities that followed the heroes’ return hardly felt joyful as Virsche soon found herself pulled into a political game. With dark secrets of some leaders' pasts landing on her lap, her relaying the information to Lady Euphrasie hardly felt like it mattered- not with Triss’ betrayal coming to light, sending Delverne into chaos. The infiltration of Kingdom soldiers felt like someone pouring gas in the already burning room.
Her pacifist nature was tested after the encounter with Tatiana. Harsh words shook her to the core.
Everything felt like a blur after it was discovered the Kingdom army was nothing more than an illusion, all the while the Delvans were forced to escape to a mysterious portal, lest they all perish with their homeland.
Now underground, Delverne exists and yet it does not. As she sees the state of her home, she reflects on how they can recover from this- through this questioning her own values. Would her idealism be nothing more than a burden to herself and the future they wish to build?
Additional Info
Developed a hobby of painting during her stay in Estraude, she finds it therapuetic
Terribly ticklish, especially on her neck and her sides
Surprisingly between the two siblings, Virsche is the one that's more willing to participate in social gatherings. She's more than content to letting others talk, however, preferring to listen and people watch.
Previous knowledge on magic was one of the earliest memories she regained
Becomes unresponsive when she's absorbed with reading or doing her work
Is the governess of the Belrose's youngest son. She's glad they get along well enough!
Fluent in Estran after having stayed there for decades
Part of the reason she chose to pursue studying Sage magic is due to the regret that may be if she had known how to negate the spell the halfling tresspasser had used, tragedy would've ben avoided.
Still experiences chronic headaches. The battle between Aurea and Atros has her wondering if in fact there's something amiss with her head.
BIG WIP Champfleur Household information.
As a sage she specializes in Stasis and Dissection. Currently trying to refine her skill in Mageblight