Walter Phillips


Basic Information
Walter Phillips
Birth Date:
8th September, 8249 (True Animal: Fox, Secret Animal: Salmon)
Governor of Linhythe
Theater Performances | Writing Music | Reading | Blood Oranges | Open Air Markets | Parties | Making Speeches | Meddling in Other Peoples' Business
Teenagers | Marriage Politics | The Countryside | Commitment | Lavender | Physical Exertion | Excessive Opulence
+ Luminary + Debonair + Patient + Perceptive + Playful
- Stubborn - Amoral - Flighty - Dishonest + Hypocrite
Time and experience have crafted Walter into a calm and graceful man who has a certain air of effortlessness that polarizes public opinion of him. To those who think well of his debonair ways, he is a patient man who is run-of-the-mill likable, well-bred, and doesn't take himself too seriously. Everything seems to somehow fall in place when Walter is involved, and his wild ideas and whims seem just in the realm of possible. Being a natural extrovert, he shines best around others, and is well versed in saving both himself and his company from any lapses in situational judgement. As a result, Walter is sensitive to even minute changes of peoples' expressions and behaviors, making him capable of adjusting himself accordingly to be agreeable to almost everyone no matter the mood.
To his detractors however, he is a lazy procrastinator whose lack of urgency and unreasonable plans inconveniences those around him. He has been labeled as ingenuine for his chameleon like ways, and his tendency to manipulate conversations can seem high-handed- especially so for a man who dislikes being on the recieving end of it. Perhaps not quite old enough to be called a stubborn old mule, regardless he is well set in his ways. Accustomed to being the master of his own life and decisions, Walter's greatest ire can be inspired by being pushed to do other than he chooses. He has a very strong will despite his otherwise easy-going image, and while he will never openly fight someone in order to maintain that facade, he can be quite underhanded when tested. He's not above sabotage or questionable methods to get his way- and being experienced in law and politics, will lie his way out or into anything without a shred of shame.
But as with all extremes, the reality is somewhere in between these two camps: Walter spends much of his time observing, preferring to act only once he has all the variables discerned. Though Walter seems like a procrastinator, this stems more from his distaste for focusing on one thing for too long than from him putting things off. He prefers to spread his attention between projects and hobbies, juggling multiple things at once. This translates into an inability to do things as quickly as most people would like him to but for Walter, success is merely a matter of time- and whether he has it or not.
The son of a wealthy Linhian factory owner, Walter was a strong-minded child accustomed to always having his way. From a young age his parents indulged his headstrong nature by striking deals, and so, when he found himself languishing under the isolation and limited social circle of home tutoring, he prevailed upon his parents to send him to school with other kids his age. Though it was more a method of killing time than any serious attempt at education (the insufferable private tutor was his parents’ end of the bargain), Walter was hugely popular with his class for being witty and fun. But the economic disparity between himself and his friends grew increasingly apparent as time went on, and soon it seemed his entire circle of friends was either a gang member or somehow otherwise involved. By his mid-teens, his parents became aware of these unsavory ties, and sought to remove him by sending him to relatives in Koben city. Though he initially resisted, resentful of their attempts to police his relationships, each rebellious remark only served to confirm their anxieties that he was being led down the wrong path. By the end of the month, he was very unhappily wrangled into a Koben-bound carriage.
Perhaps the only thing that made the change in environment amenable to Walter was being with his elder sisters again. They had been close in his earliest years, and they worked wonders on the poor attitude his friends had bred and encouraged. Through their regular attendance to concerts and the opera, Walter developed a deep love of music. But passion, Walter was acutely aware, was not the equivalent of talent. He knew that he could never make a proper career of music, as even with the best of his efforts, he was incomparable to the pros. To the relief of everyone around him, he resolved to keep music a hobby, and at 18 attended a university in Koben to study law. His diligence at school was middling at best, and with extended time taken off here and there to indulge his musical inclinations in Bratkowice, he spent a long 6 years in the academic trenches.
Upon graduation, Walter immediately returned to Linhythe- for while on the surface he had shaken off the questionable influences of his teens, he was still very much privately in touch with his old school friends. Though he kept a polite distance out of consideration to his parents' image, he was always available as legal counsel, and was instrumental in a number of cases. In return, his insider information enabled him to backpedal at the first signs of danger. When the gang wars in the city came to a head, it coincided with the misfortune of an ill-gotten child dumped onto his plate of responsibilities- so Walter swiftly changed career paths, switching to the safer realm of helping administrate his father's factories. By the time the dust had settled, the majority of Walter's friends were dead- and what remained had been splintered.
But there was no respite; The attack on Linhythe left him injured in a revenge attack when the corsairs wreaked havoc in the city. His family's wealth and connections managed to spirit them out of the city before the Miran attack, but he himself was too deep in the battle zone to be immediately retrieved- and so he was resigned to spend over a week in the skeletal remains of the heart of the city with the other wretched survivors. He had the fortune of being whisked away before the situation truly devolved, but this short period of time left a deep impression on Walter, who had plenty of time to ruminate was convalescing on his brother-in-law's estate away from the city. For three months his family managed to insist on his staying put, but he was eager to be with the survivors who had helped him. He returned to Linhythe, determined to put his rusty bard skills to use- while also working to help rebuild the city with what was left of the government. While martial law was effective in the city by that time, Walter was keenly aware that the system would eventually need to be replaced when the military withdrew- and so secretly used his influence to aid in the creation of a new organization. With the covert cooperation of this new, unified gang, the transition from martial law to independence was mercifully smooth.
Two years on, with Linhythe's successful return to stability, Walter readied himself to return to Koben City for a much desired sabbatical, fully intending to soak up the last 15 years worth of opera and concertos. But the sudden disappearance of the governor stalled his plans. Without so much as the slightest hint as to where the governor had gone, the Linhian offices scrambled to find an interim replacement and put out a story to deter the story breaking to the public. But as time went on and no leads presented themselves, it became clear that a more permanent solution needed to be found. The city's appeal to the crown for a new governor was sent on the eve before the seas churned out a new land- and in a whirlwind of activity, the seat of governor was set on the back burner as the city went into a frenzy to help the Koben navy mobilize. With the new land safely in their grasp, Koben at last settled on the task of selecting a new governor-- someone who would be able to deal with newly displaced Bratkovan farmers, and develop of the new frontier. Uniquely one of the few Linhian officials with experience in Bratkowice and relatively popular thanks to his hands-on response to the attack three years ago, Walter was identified as a possible candidate. With perhaps a little unwelcome aid in discouraging his competition from the gangs, the appointment was settled.
Current Story
As Governor, Walter has endeavored to do as little to rock the boat as possible. He focuses primarily on local, city projects and rebuilding, but has on occassion been pressed to face the world outside of his self-made bubble. He was present at the Iridus Quest to oversee the launch of the mission, but returned to Linhythe City soon after and mercifully missed the chaotic and disastrous conclusion. While still in the midst of reparations and clean up, the tumult of political upheaval necessarily took his attention away from matters at hand. With the death of the Emperor, Walter made a brief trip to Koben in order to attend the funeral and the subsequent coronation-- secretly asking Cillian, the head of Linhythe's biggest gang, to join a mission to Hangman's Cross in his stead. Now that Cillian has returned with news of the hunt for a general, he is seriously questioning whether he gets paid enough to deal with the bureacratic red tape of the apocalypse. (But he is doing his best to help where he can.)
Additional Info
He was in the Wissen Youth Group during his time at university, dragged to join by a friend. He's hopeless with science however, and so mostly participated in the administration and bureaucracy of maintaining the group as a student leader.
His once conversationally fluent Bratibran has degraded over time, and though he still has an impeccable accent, he has to supplement his patchy vocabulary with Common.
His instrument of choice is a mandolin, but he is capable on the pianoforte as well. While he's no leading man, he's a pleasant singer in the tenor range.
His eyes are pale blue.
Cillian Reyer
Cillian was recommended to Walter during his years in law as a reliable informant with a large network and no affiliation. Later on, Cillian was able to carry out a great deal of his plans unhindered by law enforcement due to Walter's convenient meddling. They have a precarious relationship with each other in that they are as of yet unsure who holds the bigger stick- but they are happy to do favors for each other if it means a debt to be repaid.
Adele Roenach
Though only one of many lovers in Walter's life, he preferred her company above all the rest for both obvious reasons pertaining to social status, and surprisingly genuine ones regarding their mutual interest in music and poetry. He still considers her a valuable friend, but maintains a proper distance now that he is Governor. One of his chief personal motivations for journeying to Koben after the death of the Emperor was to visit and console her, but he decided it would be more prudent not to meet when it became known that she was comatose. After the supposed death of her last remaining son, Walter is sure that he'll never be able to look her in the eye again due to the meddling he did that may contributed to his premature end.
Sigmund Roenach
He arranged an audience with the prince for both propriety and to sate his curiousity when Balthazar brought him to Linhythe to be closer to the Citadel-- and was subsequently able to give the young prince some hints as to how he might get even closer, should he wish. He slightly regretted the part he played in this given how events turned out, but assuaged any twinges of guilt with the idea that Sigmund would've probably found his way into trouble with or without his help. However Sigmund's supposed death has cemented this guilt. He's yet to figure out how to make up for it.