Zeloph Altradide


Basic Information
Zeloph Altradide
Birth Date:
3rd Stars, 8234
5'8 ft
Wood/Dark Elf
Astronomer, "Fablehunter"
Wood Blossoming
Ochi Simera Iridus
Mareus' Favour
Ornithology and forest ecology | Cool, cloudless nights | Thunderstorms | Hearty foods and warm drinks | Adventure novels and history | Fresh parchment | Strawberry jam
Complacency | Sloppy penmanship | Romance novels and poetry | Perfume | Raw vegetables | Invasion of personal space | People who are scared to try new things
Curious | Intuitive | Loyal | Strong Willed | Power hungry | Authoritarian | Reactive |
Zeloph is known by most in Iadlain as headstrong and fiercely loyal. Though it can take a while to fully gain his trust and approval, once you have it - it's lasting. For those who know him a bit better, they would describe him as being notoriously nosy and chronically curious. Early on in life he developed a knack for eavesdropping and being exactly where he shouldn’t, and that's stuck with him into adulthood. His arrogance streak has come and gone (mostly) after learning his lesson the hard way and being humbled more than he’d care to admit. On occasion he can still be a bit overconfident, but it's not without reason. Zeloph prides himself greatly in his magical prowess and values it above all else. To him it's the one thing that will always ensure his usefulness, which he is desperate to uphold. Because of this he also has a tendency to disregard a person if they don't possess some kind of magical capability.
Zel is no longer concerned about keeping in good graces with everyone he meets, and he has stopped hiding his displeasure or dislike for someone. Instead he has taken to being open and forthright with people, about the good and the bad. He speaks his mind openly and distrusts people who aren’t open to hearing his opinions.
Zeloph was born into a well off and well respected dark elf family in Iadlain. His mother’s family, the Altradides, were powerful and resourceful mages who were making a name for themselves by being indispensable in battle and reliable. Like most in Iadlain, they prioritized the use of magic above all else and didn't tolerate anything short of exceptional. To their dismay Zel's mother, a young mage who showed promising talent, only wished to play music, see the world and do precisely the opposite of what her mother wanted her to do. She found a middling wood elf shaman originally from Estruade, eloped and had Zeloph a year later.
Though his parents stayed in Iadlain for the first year or so of his life, from what he can remember Zel’s early life was a blur of different places and people. All his parents wanted to do was get out of the hell hole they believed Iadlain to be, and do nothing except sing and play their instruments. The small family typically stayed in large, crowded cities across the Empire where they mostly played music and socialized with whoever they met that day. The huge cities were too crowded and loud, and his parents' friends were quite dismissive of the overly curious young elf. Even during these trips, Zel’s parents favored spending time with the locals, and he would often be shooed away from any interaction.
Eventually though, Zeloph was no longer brought along. He was told that it was because he too often strayed away from them and got lost, or he spoke to too many strangers. It was about safety you see. So they thought it best to leave Zeloph (about 12 at this point) to stay at home in Iadlain, by himself since they were still estranged from his mothers family, despite them being local. They left him with food, money and whatever else he might need and left again for another several months. In a way he did like to be on his own. He liked the freedom it entailed and the excitement of not knowing what was going to happen on the day to day. Eventually though, that excitement turns into nervousness, anxiety and worry about how he was going to make his supply of food and money last. Still not even a teen at this point, his management was bad and the supplies didn't last. He was hesitant to go to the Altradide manor for food, but he didn’t see any alternative.
In the in between times where his parents were absent and his extended family not willing to extend a hand, he was often lonely. Any kids his own age eventually had to go back home to their own family and home, if they were even allowed to hangout with a wood elf at all. So without much else to do and no bedtime except for whatever he decided, he found solace and entertainment in stargazing. The stars were beautiful, and they came back to visit him every night without fail. Even on cold cloudy nights if he waited long enough, clouds would part just so he could catch a glimpse of them, and that was enough.
The Altradides held prejudices against wood elves like most in Iadlain and had thus left Zeloph and his parents to their own devices, often only seeing them on major holidays where they would come for presents then promptly leave. However they weren't aware of the extent of their neglect towards their son and were appalled when the young elf showed up at their door practically a beggar. They hadn’t made a point to push Zel's parents to have him be included in the family more, and honestly didn't really want to until now. But Zelophs grandmother Maiara valued the strength of a unified clan, and realized she was doing her family and her young grandson a disservice by further pushing them away. He moved into the manor that day and a month later when his parents returned home, they didn’t protest. It was strange, having gained a family overnight. The change was sudden and a bit awkward, Zeloph hadn't interacted much with the clan of dark elves, and they were cold, intimidating and set in their ways. Though, surprisingly they were rather tolerant of him and were fine with allowing Zel to shadow them. His family was large, and there was always someone to watch him or close by and they made a point to include him in whatever they were doing.
Being abroad combined with his parents lack of guidance, Zeloph hadn't had much tutoring or many lessons beyond reading and writing. But Zel proved to be clever, quick witted and very eager to learn. He challenged his tutors constantly and was rather unruly with them. Maiara and her eldest son Eamon found it better to tutor the young elf themselves and soon had him studying magic. Powerful mages themselves, they pushed him hard. Being around the Altradides, Zeloph had seen more magic than he ever had with just his parents. He loved every aspect of it and if he could, he would learn every single type of magic there was and be every class of mage but alas, he had to choose. Of course both Maiara and Eamon pushed for him to take up their own mage path but ultimately left the choice up to Zeloph. Though Maiara wasn't surprised in the least when he chose the Wizard path, just as she had. He studied, trained and sparred with the rest of the Altradides, honing his magic with the focus on being efficient and deadly in battle.
Years passed and he rekindled his love of the stars, and it turned into a profession rather than just a hobby. He drew star charts, crafted theories and published papers. With money he got from doing that and some help from his grandmother, he was able to build his own small observatory where spent most nights. Even though it was his job, he still loved it just as much as he did when he was small. He also spent plenty of time traveling himself, as he was naturally restless and could never sit still for long. He needed to spread his wings a bit and see the world, this time alone and through the lens of an adult. For his first trip out on his own he was gone for nearly six months, going to practically every city in the Empire. He never once ran into his parents in his travels, and he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to. Over the years they had stopped coming home to Iadlain at all, and eventually stopped writing as well. At this point he wasn't sure if they were alive or dead, but eventually he realized that he didn't care either way.
Up until pretty recently, he would leave Iadlain a couple times a year for a month or so at a time, more or less depending on how it would interfere with his coven duties which took priority over everything else. Cassair had asked Zel to be part of his grey coven a few years prior and he proudly accepted. He thought the young count to be quite odd. He was vastly different from how he knew him to be in childhood, but respected his ruthlessness and liked that there was never a dull moment when he was around and considered him a friend. Zeloph’s time in Cassair’s grey coven wasn’t as long as he thought it would be, and he's now left to figure out what he’s to do next with the gods awakening and the world seemingly ending.
Current Story
After the death of Cassair and the subsequent disbanding of his coven, Zeloph was left to figure out what he was to do with himself now that the largest portion of his life and duties simply ceased to be. In the coven he was useful, an asset to his White Witch and country by way of his brutality and resourcefulness. Now that was gone, and he had no choice than to move on.
By trade he was an astronomer and a scholar. While he loved it, studying the stars when the apocalypse is happening just isn't practical, and it certainly wouldn't be what keeps people safe. He fought the monsters back enough to save himself and his family, enough to live another day and to repeat that cycle day after day. Luckily, opportunities arose out of the ashes that was Iadlain. After the barriers around the city fell and monsters flooded the city, he made himself useful again. Unknown beasts now roamed the city, leaving death in their wake as none knew how to deal with them effectively. Except Zeloph did. They were familiar in a way that at first he couldn't pinpoint. He knew their weaknesses and how to properly deal with them while others struggled to even get away with their lives.
When he wasn't fighting back monsters, he thought back to idle times with the former count. Cass used to tell him stories of fabled monsters deep within the wood, deadly monsters not seen by people. He hadn't thought much about it back then, just fun stories to listen to. But he realized that it was these times he was recalling when facing these new monsters. And these monsters were much more than just fables.
Most of his time now is spent dealing specifically with these new creatures. He experiments with different methods of dispatch and pays close attention to their characteristics and behaviors, then compiles everything he learned to share with other hunters. Though he still does wonder how Cassair knew so much about these monsters in the first place….
Additional Info
In possession of the Star of the Circen: a very large, golden colored pearl that he often wears around his neck. Typically uses it to send and receive urgent messages.
His observatory is currently in a pretty bad way after the borders fell and it is currently not feasible to repair it.
Currently, when out hunting monsters he will either go alone or with his uncle Eamon or aunt Eirnin. They are very capable conjurers that he trusts with his life, and they can make use of their summons for an easy getaway. When alone, it's not uncommon for him to have a small long distance familiar from either of the twins that he can send back for help if needed.
His uncle Jerrik taught him how to play the piano and the violin. He’s quite good but has a tendency of only playing somber and depressing music…
Hes always a bit staticky and tends to smell like ozone.