Marise Lucilius

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Marise Lucilius
22nd Thawing, 8281
145 cm | 4'9"
Princess of Miras
The ocean | Rock-climbing | Honesty | Being looked up to | Anemones | Folk music and dance | Chatter | Really salty foods | Small children
Heavy storms | Wine | Guile | Book lessons | Throwing away food | Feeling stupid | Perfume | Mockery and pranks | Deep silence
Stoic | Stubborn | Pragmatic | Wary | Forthright | Courageous | Prideful | Caring | Short-sighted | Unsympathetic
As a commoner, Marise is a capable and responsible girl with her head screwed on right. She works well independently and knows this; instead of shying from uncertainty, she takes initiative in challenges and tackles problems head-on. By the same token, being constantly aided or micromanaged grates on her immensely, and she hates being coddled. She is proud, likes her freedom and thrives on feeling useful. This makes her very bossy when put in charge, which in turn makes her prone to dismissing other opinions and options, and generally difficult to correct once she has set her mind on something. Used to having her pushiness praised as strength of mind, she has yet to curb it in favour of being flexible and considerate. That said, her heart is truthfully very big and she cares a great deal about many things. Softness is simply not her forte – actions are.
As a royal, things are very different. Qualities that fuelled her confidence in the countryside have become sources of trouble and embarrassment in the palace. Where she was once straightforward and practical, she is now rude and tactless, and her sturdy common sense means little in the face of her lacking formal education. This jarring change to her worth has left her reticent, chagrined and very stung. Never one to show or admit to weakness though, she weathers out high society with a stony face, and away from the public eye her true nature is slowly re-emerging to those she is comfortable with.
Marise was born in a small, rural fishing village in Amedra. Her mother was unmarried but belonged to a large, bustling family and close-knit community, so Marise was raised communally alongside many cousins and neighbours. The older she got, the more younger children there were for her to look after while the adults were busy, and so she quickly learnt to herd and care for them.
Her mother died in an accident when she was still very young. Such things happen in the rough countryside though so she was taken in by an uncle’s family without much problem. She continued to live a simple life, learning the basic skills of a villager and fisher, until she was 10. Her uncle took her on a sudden trip to sell fish in a larger town, and from there continued to travel south in a caravan. For a while, he simply told her he had important business in Miras, but closer to the city he informed her that her father was a Mirian prince and it was no longer safe for the village to look after her.
Marise was presented to the palace and her arrival – or rather, her very existence – caused a scandalous stir. The younger of the two Mirian princes, Vinicio, stepped forward to claim and protect her, and since then she has been adopted into palace life as a legitimate princess. The transition has not been easy and she frequently runs into problems thanks to her lower class upbringing. She is vastly behind on every type of noble knowledge – from history to literacy to etiquette – and the attempts to catch her up on them are often frustrating to both her and her tutors. She enjoys her riding lessons though and more recently her sparring ones too, now that she is old enough to take them.
Current Story
The civil split of the Kingdom saw Marise taken east to Amedra, which was declared the true Miras Kingdom and Vinicio its true king. In the political upheaval that followed, she willingly played a pawn in a game of alliances between the new East Kingdom and the Koben Empire. Things finally stabilised after the alliance was successfully cemented, and for a time Marise was happier than she had been for a long while. Here in Amedra, she had more cultural familiarity, more friends and more freedom.
One more political manoeuvre to solidify the Empire and East Kingdom's bond saw this contentment come tumbling down. Marise, as the crown princess of the East Kingdom, was arranged to be wedded to the crown prince of Koben when she was of age. Furious at having even this decision taken away from her, and stung that so many around her agreed it was a sensible move, Marise grew more bitter and stormy than ever.
Many venomous fights with Prince Sigmund later, the two heirs agreed on a truce where they would personally cancel the marriage in the future. Marise finally began to calm - only to be swept away by the fallout of the divine war now unfolding. A fiery fragment of Aurea snatched her from the streets of Amedra, leaving fire and destruction in its wake. Marise has been missing since.
Additional Info
The flower hairpins she tends to wear were Vinicio’s first gift to her. They’re shaped like almond blossoms, for 'new beginnings', and are made of silver and mother-of-pearl.
Her hair goes down to her elbows when undone.
She can’t fake a smile. If she doesn’t feel like smiling, she just won’t. She therefore tends to look sombre or unhappy even when she’s content. Similarly, she sees no problem when other people don’t smile.
She is very cagey about talk of her village, refusing to say much about it or give any details.
At the royal palace, she found support and friendship mostly in her guards - their rough, practical work was much more relatable to her than the activities of her noble peers. In the greater freedom of Amedra, she has met more civilians who are closer to her own age now and regained some of her youthful liveliness in their company.