Asha Maradhras

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Asha Maradhras
2nd Flowers, 8273
Light Elf
Animal Healer
Light Blossoming
Sweets, animals, flowers, the outdoors
Bugs, books, sour foods, oatmeal, meat (the poor animals...)
Asha is young, a child by elven standards. A kind and giving girl, she was adored by the tiny village she lived in both for her ability to heal people and animals and because she always kept high spirits. Some joke that she's made of sunshine, always brightening people's day and she takes this to heart and really tries to. Knowing she can make others happy makes her happy as well.
Because she's so young, she's inexperienced and views the world in an extremely idealized fashion. Never having felt the touch of desperation and true fear or sadness, she believes in happy endings and that fate will work things out in the end. She doesn't always think things through and often daydreams about where her path will lead her and what kinds of fantastic adventures she'll have along the way. One of her favorite musings is about what happened to her sister and why she never returned. While her brother Lucen believes Sarain abandoned them, Asha prefers to think something important and maybe even wonderful has kept her away.
Due to her positive outlook on life, Asha does not fear to approach complete strangers. She gives no second thoughts to their motives or personalities and has thus far never had a bad experience since her village doesn't have many visitors anyway.
The youngest child of Vernil and Erienne Maradhras, Asha grew up in a small village by the Delvan coast sheltered by an overprotective family. Her parents were still silently fearful after her enstranged older sister Sarain disappeared, and so they charged her older brother Lucen to watch over her when they couldn't. Lucen was just 14 when Asha was born, and it took him quite a while to get used to her following him around all the time. Asha adored her older brother, but it was not quite true the other way around. Lucen was always cranky and impatient with her, not quite understanding the amount of attention that children demand.
What really solidified their relationship was a scare Asha gave him when he took her out for a walk one day when Asha was 4. He grew impatient with the fact that she couldn't keep up and walked on ahead. He hadn't realized how far he'd gotten until he turned around and she was no longer there. He called her name and ran about searching frantically until he came upon a wailing tree stump. The child - scared and upset that she was suddenly left alone in an unfamiliar place - had found a hollow tree stump and crawled inside it to cry. Her brother carried her the whole way back and she soon forgot why she was crying in the first place, as children often do.
Asha doesn't remember that incident, but Lucen takes his role as her protector very seriously. She unknowingly shares with her sister the tendency to wander off, unnerving her family. She's lived in bliss and happiness up until the war decided to shake up her reality, and now she finds herself with a new purpose in attempting to make reality as bright as she dreams it to be.
Current Story
Asha found her calling in the plight and suffering of the Valski refugees. Leaving home without a backward glance, she made it all the way to Cantor and found fulfilment in being needed. She scraped by as a simple errand runner, caring for barn cats and livestock alike until Sarain finally tracked her down.
Her siblings' involvement in her life became a source of conflict; Lucen represented familiarity, duty and safety, where Sarain was freedom, adventure and risk. As Delverne moved to annex Cantor, Asha's simple rosy view of the world was shattered as her siblings came head-to-head on either side of the conflict. Deeply troubled by the decisions of her homeland, Asha chose to stay with Sarain rather than allow Lucen to lead her home. The Cantish people, shaken and wary, needed her more than anyone back home did.
She did not stop to consider her brother's feelings on the matter.
But it turns out her decision was based on shaky grounds when Sarain revealed her hand in the treachery that led to the slaying of the Ley Elk. That her own sister was capable of such betrayal... Asha felt there were few people left in the world that she could trust. It was high time she struck out on her own - for good this time.
The burden of fate was heavier than she could ever have imagined. Forced underground by the firestorm upon Aurea's arrival, Asha found herself part of a quest into the Telurean ruins that dwelled beneath Cantor since ages past. There she learned of the tragic history of the dragonriders, the conflict they had with her people and the mysteries of an even older civilization.
A decision was made to strike the heart of Delverne. Using the Telurean ruins and their ancient arcane technology as a means to access the capital of the light elves, the humans from the kingdom planned to cripple her people from the inside. Asha found herself deeply conflicted now that it was her own home on the brink of destruction. She had lived among the Cantish for years, fought with them, cried with them. She did not think they would do the same for her people.
In the end, she was no better than her sister. She returned home and betrayed her friends, trying to warn her people in time to prepare for the kingdom's attack. She was not welcome back, and no longer naive enough to believe she would be. A Delvan captive, she shared in their fate to be buried within the tomb of Telurea once more.
Additional Info
Vegetarian by choice, it doesn't sit well with her conscience to eat meat (she cries, everytime)