Calliste Mollaevis

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Calliste Mollaevis
7th Frost, 8000
Light Elf
Former Templar Grand Master
Templars of Aurea, Delvan Arches Courts
Aurea's Ascended
Obedience, playing mentor, sparring, fisticuffs as communication (i.e. conflict for clearing the air), meditation, reptiles, oranges
Idleness, lack of regard for rank, gossip and passive-aggression (she thinks it's cowardly), hot spices, capes
Chivalrous | Loyal | Proud | Rigid | Judgmental | Giving, in her own harsh way
Calliste is a firm believer of faith, chivalry and the justice of the law. Not only does she live strictly to the rules of the Delvan Church's teachings, she holds fast to a spartan idea of rightful living - she follows prayer and training hours with great discipline, shirks any form of decadence, and gives her entire being to her mission as Templar Grand Master. She has on many occasions wielded justice for the greater good even if she or her friends should suffer. Her belief in her people, her country and her god is immense - and the things she would do to protect them reputedly limitless.
She is by no means, however, easy company. Proud as she is of her own principled lifestyle, she can be superior and judgmental - unabashedly meting out harsh criticism wherever she sees a lack of 'character'. As a leader she is harsh and pushes relentlessly for improvement. She demands faith, even blind faith, as a marker of trust and trustworthiness; she has no tolerance for insubordination and considers cynicism a moral failing. Despite this she isn't wholly unkind - her harshness is her form of tough love, and she has plenty of it. Those who approach her the right way will find that she makes a discreet and helpful, if brusque, agony aunt. And any Templar who has seen her in action would realise that she cares, very deeply, for them and their cause.
The only daughter of a Templar Master, Callen, Calliste was born and raised into the Templar lifestyle. Her household was spare and her days disciplined but secure... that is, until her father died in battle when she was in her 20s. She was devastated but lucky in that he had friends in high places - a family friend, Magistre and Templar Master Taris Dormona, adopted her and provided for her every need from then on. Despite her grief, she accepted her new family and grew close to both him and his son Lumis, who she came to regard as a wise older brother. But even so she never forgot her father - she held onto the spartan life he taught her and committed herself to honouring his legacy. As soon as she was able, she joined the Templars as Page to Taris before advancing on her own. Her path upwards was smooth - not only was she devoted and brave, there were former friends of her father's at every turn who, impressed and sentimental at how similar she had become to him, pitched in with little favours in Callen's honour.
In her late 100s, now at Templar Master rank, the Grand Master of the time announced his intention to retire. She came up as a favoured successor alongside an older, far more lowborn elf called Orichar. After a reportedly close contest, she was chosen for the title. For Calliste it should have been cause for celebration - but it was far from. Orichar's allies were many and powerful, and they vehemently claimed that she was unfairly chosen. In between accusations that her accomplishments couldn't compare to Orichar's (true) and that she'd cheated her way up (untrue), the story emerged that her father had died in shame - turning his back on his comrades. She fought the rumours about her father fiercely, but with first-hand testimony and the contest for the Grand Master title inflating interest in the matter, it became a huge scandal.
Calliste was appalled and furious that Orichar - who she had seen as a friend and mentor - would dishonour her family like this. In a fit of rage, she challenged Orichar to an honour duel with the truth and the Grand Master title at stake - if she won he would recant his slander and bend knee to her; if he won she would accept his truth and relinquish the title to him. He, far more battle-worn than her, pounced on his chance. The promised day came, attended by an envoy of the Dominus, and unfolded as the most one-sided duel of recent history. She utterly annihilated him. The unexpected outcome was attributed to the hand of divinity. Her truth - that her father was brave and she the rightful Grand Master - became the accepted truth.
Soon after, though she had spared his life in the duel, Orichar died of his injuries. Word spread that he had been struck down by Aurea for his greed. One by one her enemies retreated or were deposed. She established herself with an iron fist and no mercy for disrespect. One day in private with Lumis however, it came to light that Orichar had been sabotaged just before the fight. She was livid at first, but quieted as he explained - an envoy from the Cardinals had gone to talk him down from the fight in hopes of a peaceful resolution, but he was furious and became violent with them. They were forced to subdue him, and in light of his actions throughout the entire ordeal - smearing the deceased to hurt the living, attacking officials who only sought dialogue - Lumis ordered him to be incapacitated before duel. Whatever he and his supporters said, Orichar had proven himself to be completely unworthy of becoming the Templar Grand Master. The rightful Grand Master could only be the pure-hearted Calliste.
She resolved to turn the energy from her frustrations towards becoming an exemplary Grand Master. In defiance to the rumours of cowardice in her bloodline, she stood on the front lines many times over and showed fierce loyalty to her troops, her country and all she had sworn to protect. And in defiance to her doubters, she made a point to match or surpass every one of Orichar's achievements. Time let admiration for her bloom as it let the scandal fade. In equal measure, Orichar's reputation sank to one of a fallen hero brought down by his fatal greed.
Current Story
Again leading by example, Calliste was one of the first to Ascend and now takes a prominent role in Aurea's army.
Additional Info
Though she is a hard master to swallow for the more prideful Templars, she has earnt enough respect for practicing what she preaches that they accept her authority. Anything that she asks to be done, you can be sure that she has done it herself before or is willing to. This doesn't mean there are no grumbles about her in private though.
As a mentor, she is known for giving harsh but fair advice and a mean temper if she's ignored or shown a lack of deference. As such, it takes a certain minimum of bravery to ask for her counsel and diligence to keep it. Her support can be won back by a changed attitude and sincere apology - especially if it involves fisticuffs and fighting spirit.
Her blade is designed as a sunray of Aurea's halo. She calls it the Light of Justice.
Has absolutely no tolerance for the mildest of spices.
Callen Mollaevis
Beloved father, a Templar Master in his time. He apparently turned his back on his knights before an enemy and was later found dead. Two surviving knights tried to denounce him for his cowardice, but were silenced as preserving Callen's legacy (including many other heroic acts) was deemed more important. Since Calliste's duel, that story is considered untrue but many still have some lingering doubts. Regardless of what happened, he was a strict but loving father who instilled chivalry in Calliste.
Orichar Feyon
Former rival, an older elf who was something of a peoples' hero for many rural Delvans. He had a reputation of being unconventional and disruptive, but with a good heart. Following the duel and its conclusion, he is seen as a fallen hero who started pure of heart but was corrupted by greed for power.
Taris Dormona
Adoptive father, a former Templar Master and Calliste's first mentor. She still respects him deeply and regularly visits his grave.
Lumis Dormona
Current head of the Dormona family, and an elder brother figure to her. He is known for having a lot of influence in the judicial scene, having risen as a judge to become a Cardinal.