Camil Erasmus Leier

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Camil Erasmus Leier
The White Minstrel, Eros, That White Demon, Homewrecker, Mockingbird, The Lover, You/Him (derogatory) and many, many more.
15th Thawing, 8270
175 cm / 5'9
Singer/Minstrel (permanent sugar baby)
Jewelry, compliments, the scent of jasmines, getting his lute tuned, getting his hair braided
Bad smells, black coffee, having to fight, loneliness, yelling
Friendly | Laid back | Chatty | Charming
Cowardly | Self-absorbed | Hedonistic | Fickle
Light-hearted and lively, Camil is someone whose presence is bound to lighten the room he’s in. He’s not shy to approach people he doesn’t know and tends to make friends quickly, striking a conversation with just about anyone who piques his interest. His company is pleasant; he knows how to keep conversation going and is often sincerely curious about others’ lives – in his own words, he is a “lover of people.”
Though he is a good man at heart, Camil is an undeniable coward. He is terrified of any kind of danger, regardless if it’s to his life or even just to his livelihood. While he does care about other people and would prefer not to have anyone get hurt, he will always choose himself first. While he could be considered selfish in that way, Camil is far too kind to be seriously manipulative, the only manipulation he’s capable of being making others interested in him with his looks.
More than anything, Camil loves being spoiled. He can’t imagine himself living anything but a glamorous life and will not hesitate to beg if it gets him that. He thrives when in the center of attention, fueled by the praise and adoration of others. Though he’s not particularly proud of the reputation he’s gathered, Camil wears it like an armor. He takes criticisms and offenses thrown his way in stride, handling them with enough grace to irritate those trying to get under his skin. This is as far as his skills to irritate go though, as he’s unable to repay offenses in kind – any bad comments Camil makes come from comical innocence, not malice.
Many years ago, a baby boy was born in the backstage of a linhian opera house. The boy was named Camil, and he was happily welcomed into the world; his mother, the most popular soprano of the opera house, did not hide how excited she’d been her entire term. In a few circles, gossip stirred: due to her popularity, Camil’s mother – nicknamed the Nightingale for her singing voice – was a common sight among prestigious gatherings; her beauty attracted the interest of many suitors, from the common to the wealthy. Though she never outwardly accepted their advances, the birth of a fatherless son raised concerns about the identity of said father. Could it be a rich man? Or even a noble? Was Camil some big family’s bastard son?
But the answer never came, as Camil’s mother did not reveal the identity of said father and, with time, the gossips about the boy faded, the upper-class’s interest dwindling. Not that any of that mattered to the boy, who was too busy living what could only be described as the perfect childhood, surrounded by fancy costumes, breathtaking music, and the unconditional love of his opera family. It didn’t come as a surprise when the boy took an interest in learning how to play instruments, to which the house’s musicians were happy to help. Coupling his new skills with singing lessons from his mother, the young Camil was becoming a decent musician in his own right – duets between mother and son became a common sight during rehearsals, and the company had great expectations for him.
The dream came to an end when tragedy struck: unbeknownst to Camil, his mother had long been hiding an illness that, after a few last months of battle, took her too soon. Camil’s world fell apart, his mother the only real family he’d ever knew. He stayed with the opera company a few years more, but the hallways he once loved had become too sad to endure. Camil packed his things and prepared to leave, but with no place to go and no experience in the outside world, the future seemed grim.
Luckily for him, his mother’s reputation and connections reached him even after her death. Hearing about Camil’s plea from the company’s owner, a rich patron and lover of the Nightingale’s singing decided to take him in as his protégé. Though hesitant at first, Camil ended up accepting his offer, soon moving in with the man.
And so, Camil grew to enjoy life again. He soon learned just how wonderful it was to live in luxury and to partake in everything money could pay for: his “sponsor” offered him music lessons with the best musicians available, stylish clothes he would have never been able to afford otherwise and just about anything Camil could have ever wanted. With nothing to worry about, he thrived.
It was one of his mentors, an opera singer like his mother, that realized the potential in his voice. She insisted that with enough training, Camil might be able to become as successful a singer as his mother, even if his voice wasn’t fit for proper operas. Believing the woman’s words, his warden doubled down on lessons and the results were much more than satisfactory. With a few years of training, they were sure they could make him into a national phenomenon.
The prospect of having a name of his own in the world of music was exciting, and Camil poured his heart and soul into it. Once it was deemed that he was prepared enough, he began joining local festivals and the response was immediate: the son of the Nightingale, beginning his own career. Comparisons to his mother made Camil overjoyed, as did his sponsor who, on a whim, asked that the two become lovers. The move had been anticipated for a while, as the man grew interested in his protégé’s blossoming beauty, which coupled with his newfound popularity would make him the perfect spouse.
But this wasn’t the relationship Camil wanted. At the first opportunity he had, the young man ran away from his former warden, seeking refuge with another wealthy woman, an acquaintance he’d met in a gathering. The lady continued to sponsor his career and lifestyle in exchange for his attention, but this time he was willing to go the extra mile and become her lover in exchange of that stability.
That was a few years ago. Camil has since left her care as well, looking for new sources of income who are inclined to fund his lifestyle and offer him connections while he continues to build his own career. While this isn’t what he originally envisioned for himself, it has proven to be an easy way to live a comfortable life, even if it has attracted the anger of a few too many cheated spouses, abandoned fiancés and such. He plans to quit this lifestyle as soon as he’s able to afford his own luxuries, though the date for that be remains to be seen.
Current Story
Distraught with the calamities occurring around the world, Camil desperately searched for a way to leave Linhythe for somewhere safer. A stroke of luck made him cross paths with Milos, who invited the singer to live with him. With no other option, Camil took his chance with the stranger, finding out that both the scientist's offer and wealth were real. Not only that, but, unlike his previous sponsors, Milos asked for nothing in return.
With no obligations, Camil now lives a quiet life in Koben. Though he enjoys the stability, he can't help but miss the stage...
Additional Info
Singing voice + range like a male Joelle Strother.
Primarily a lute player, but he dabbles in other instruments at times.
Has a ton of derogatory nicknames around all of Koben, but Mockingbird is his least favorite, given how his mother was called the Nightingale.
Dresses mostly in pale colors just because he thinks he looks good on them. He dyes his hair white to match it, but his natural blonde isn’t that far off.
Is curious about his father's identity but not enough to seek him out, especially since his mother died.

Bastiaan Van Aalsburg
[ Human / 53 ]
Camil's first sponsor and the owner of a textile factory. A lover of the arts, Bastiaan sponsored the Nightingale for years and planned to propose once she retired. Though he never loved her or her son romantically, Bastiaan saw in both the image of perfect trophy spouses, fitting for his status. Though Camil still admires him, he keeps a clear distance when they cross paths and Bastiaan respects his wishes.
Miloslav Jarosh-Kraus
Camil's current sponsor and someone he was deep respect for. While he doesn't understand Milos's reason for picking him up or anything else that goes through his head, he is deeply thankful to the man and does whatever he can to earn his stay, from looking pretty to (attempting to) cooking him fancy meals.