Carine Donadieu

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Carine Donadieu
5th of Flowers, Year of Souls (8212)
8'0" or 244 cm
Light Elf
Weaponbearer [Shield of Orana]
Templars of Aurea
Aurea's Ascended
Light Blossoming
Things that aren't Aurea
Dedicated | Passionate | Reckless | Dismissive
She's no longer shackled by her old chains of what was and was not pure enough for Aurea or her troublesome opinions on anyone who didn't have the fortune to be born a light elf- but as Aurea lies broken, slips and fragments of her old ways burn through with the half-remembered fragments of her past self.
Carine the half-wood elf may be gone but her remains smoulder on in Carine the Ascended.
Born out of wedlock because of a short tryst between light elf noble and her wood elf lover, Carine was destined to never hold a title. There was simply no room for a bastard child to the Lévesque noble family. The only option was to give this brown haired little girl to the church, for perhaps she could make something of herself there, and the family(especially her mother) could watch her blossom into a fine youth.
Visits from her mother aside, the young Carine was left alone to be raised by the church and its teachings. Despite her seemingly lofty origins, she wasn’t treated any differently than the rest of the ones given to the church. Her brothers and sisters, those she shared the name Donadieu with. They played together, learned of Aurea and her victories, trained and studied all under the same roof. They were the children of the goddess, and they would serve her faithfully. It was in this time that Carine’s talents for the healing arts were discovered, and she was praised for her powers, something that she took as a sign that she was destined for a higher purpose.
In this case, that higher purpose was in the form of an offer to join the Chaplains, the priests who worked alongside the Templar Order. People who worked with Aurea’s most holy warriors and defenders, something that peasants and nobles alike aspired to be. It was all she’d ever desired in her short life, and despite her mother’s worries, she took the post. She thrived in the increased workload, igniting a renewed sense of purpose to the young elf even as her muscles burned.
She was making a difference. She could be someone that the Templars could call upon to heal the wounded. She could be someone that preached for the betterment of her people, and inspire those to fight under Aurea’s banner.
It was all she wanted.
In her newly refreshed religious fervor, events outside Delverne simply passed her notice.
The human’s war didn’t even come to her attention until late 8291, where she was finally assigned a mission outside of her beloved homeland with the Dominus’ announcement that the Templars would go forth to provide aid and order. She puffed up her chest and proclaimed to all that would listen that now, finally, Delverne was going to show the world that they alone were worthy of being Aurea’s mouthpieces.
Her mother took this about as well as one could expect, and pressed her family to give something to the church as an ‘anonymous’ gift for Carine: A splendid suit of armor, fitted and adorned with as much love as her mother could spend- perhaps a way of atoning that she could never officially claim her child as her own.
It served her well in Amedra as she overlooked the masses fleeing from the evils of those that worshiped Atros. It gave her something to hold onto as Delverne annexed cantor, and it proved to be what saved her life as for the first time she tasted real combat. Blood, violence, war, from people she expected to be less than capable of it. She lost friends, she lost people she had grown up with- war was suddenly much more real than she’d given it credit for and all the fault lay in the humans who didn’t know their place.
But regardless, they held Cantor and they killed the monster Elk, and she knew that was just victory biding its time. Delverne would win this war as Children of Aurea, the prophets said so.
No matter the cost.
Current Story
She was one of the first to take the Oath and swear herself fully to Aurea, showing her devotion the best way she knew how- by throwing her entire being into this new way to dedicate herself.
Her faith and sacrifice were rewarded. Selected as the weaponbearer for the [Shield of Orana] in spite of her self-percieved impurity pulled Carine to new heights of devotion, unable to hide how happy this turn of events, that she, lowly child of the church that she was, could stand with the great heros of eld.
And when the logical next step came, she took it without hesitation, holding out her hands to bring her fellows with her all the while.
[Rains 8294 Ascension]
Additional Info
Bleached her hair, which is naturally a rich brown. She wanted to look as light elf as possible.
Harbored a not so secret and very hypocritical distaste for everyone who isn’t a full blooded light elf. Her mother had been trying to talk her out of her hatreds but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.
Had a good relationship with her mother, and it’s a bit of an open secret where she came from, made all the more noticeable with the generous gift of armor that the Lévesque family provided to her via the church. Her mother’s husband is a generally understanding sort, but warned his wife against showing Carine too much affection.
Has a younger half brother, the current heir to the Vidame Lévesque title. They’ve only met a few times, but she believed that he’s more suited to the role than she ever would be.