Cyrano Arcturan

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Cyrano Arcturan
11th Frost, 8194
Light Elf
Field Researcher
The Fintáni
Light Blossoming
Fish (to look at), fish (to eat), coffee, the beach, swimming, skytides (fascinating...), glasses (doesn't need them)
Stairs (exercise), organizing, early mornings, staring into deep water/down from a great height, the concept of reverse summoning (for the same reason as staring into deep water)
Cyan would like to have people believe there is a method to his madness; he has a strong work ethic that yields high quality results. Behind the scenes, however, his efficiency is due to the fact that he first and foremostly prioritizes his work. He tunnel visions his projects, working until he’s either exhausted or he finishes the task and requires persistent intervention to break him out of his rhythm. Though he produces quick results, he in turn leaves the other aspects of his life to be haphazardly navigated. As disorganized as he is, he must have several failsafes in place to make sure he doesn’t lose anything that would prevent him from functioning, showing at least a certain amount of self awareness for his flaws.
One flaw he has yet to learn from is his lack of foresight. He knows that although motivated, he lacks true initiative - which holds him back from distinguishing himself. He tends to bite off more than he can chew in an attempt to prove himself - to himself and to others - and easily becomes overwhelmed in the process. When pushed to the point that he must ask for help, he is a relatively poor team player and tries to clumsily micromanage without stepping on any toes. Even as he attempts to helm projects, he lacks concrete vision and fumbles his way through by trial and error.
Though he’ll forget birthdays, flake out on social gatherings and lose things he borrowed from others, Cyan strives to take care of those closest to him. He’s prone to dropping back into people’s lives out of the blue to check up on how they’re doing; he never forgets his friends, even if it’s been years since they’ve last spoken. Poor at reading people but with the best intentions at heart, he’s a wallflower socialite - though if the crowd he’s in seems happy then he’ll be content with that.
It helps to take things in manageable steps, and he values being able to spend time really focusing on a person. He will spend any hour of the day listening to a friend’s worries with as much comfort as he can muster, offering his honest advice where requested, though it may not always be the best to follow. His approach to social issues is not a graceful one either and more follows a scientific formula; he’ll mull over the issue, come up with a hypothesis, and find a way to get involved in others’ personal matters to test his theories without thinking of the repercussions. Half of this is that he’s under the assumption that other people won’t ask for help. Most of his willpower and justification for his actions is for the sake of other people, and he reserves a special steady determination to stand up for his friends even when he knows he’s out of his depth.
Cyrano is the only child born to the Arcturan name. His father Aeneas was a professor at Nisalvini’s most prestigious university, a druid researcher prominent in the western hemisphere of Alva. His mother Marella was a student of Aeneas’ who eventually rose to become his assistant. Even after Cyan was born, his father’s primary priority continued to be his research, and his childhood was spent trailing after him with new toys, creations or discoveries in hopes of getting his attention. His efforts were often brushed off, or even reprimanded as he interrupted Aeneas in the middle of something important.
As he grew older, he also grew aware of the expectations placed upon him by his parents’ peers in the academic community. He aspired from a very young age to be able to measure up as a great researcher himself, and he found many enthusiastic teachers in his mother’s college friends. For several years, as he took his first wobbly steps down the road to become a scholar, he found himself being pulled towards several predetermined destinations. He bounced from one apprenticeship to another, growing more and more anxious and disillusioned as he embarrassed himself in failing the simplest of tasks given to him. His teachers were always sympathetic and understanding, but he could never ignore the hint of disappointment that lingered beneath their words that he failed to truly engage in what they were teaching.
Primary Education:
The one exception was summoning magic. He began showing a talent for it at a young age and would pull small familiars from beyond the dimensions to show off as a new species he discovered in the wild. When he once presented Aeneas with a small pearlescent fish he’d summoned that was able to breathe air, he was promptly sent to the Academy of the Arcane in Miras. He spent the next several months coping with the displacement, assuming being sent away from home was a punishment for trying to fool his father. His passion wavered and his grades began to sink and he was assigned a tutor, his classmate Anastasia Umbrius. Her patience and kindness to his needs as a student and a friend began to rekindle his love for learning and he strove to make her proud rather than his parents or their peers. Focusing on his summoning magic but having no concrete direction, he filled his credit hours by dabbling around in various subjects for several years until he settled on marine biology.
Graduate Studies:
Steadied by his new goal, Cyan enrolled in university at the age of 85. To his surprise, it was Aeneas who opened the door for him to attend, using his scholarly connections to pull a few strings in a show of support for his son. Still, Cyan insisted on completing the application process the same as any other student, preferring not to have his admittance misconstrued as nepotism.
As Aeneas belonged to a different department, Cyan found peace in independence during the years he attended Nisalvini’s University and looks back on them fondly. He threw himself into his studies of marine biology, impassioned by the idea that for once the path he walked on was the one he had chosen. Life was good for a time, and Cyan continued to work closely with the university after he graduated as he studied the effects of ambient ether on the ecosystems beneath the waves – a topic that mirrored his father’s research on land.
Current Story
When the plant life on the island began to change, Aeneas was one of the lead researchers spearheading the effort to figure out what was going on, and Cyan doubled his efforts to aid in his research and support it with his own expertise. Long exposure to the blackening plants eventually led to Aeneas becoming one of the first victims of the Ash Fever, and through his father Cyan eventually caught it as well. Their time together in quarantine was spent reconciling while they could before inevitably succumbing to the fever.
Cyan awoke months later, weakened greatly by the illness, cared for by a former university classmate and fellow researcher Helena Apostolos. He was shaken by the news that his father would not wake, but his research efforts were being continued with his passing. Unable to glean the comfort he needed from this fact alone, he spent the next couple of years recovering within the comfort of his home with his grieving mother. He watched the world slowly give to the upheavals of war and the stirring of forces not yet understood, ultimately leading to his beloved island sinking. Now, strength restored, he takes on a new mantle of responsibilities, employing his expertise to help Nisalvini survive the eternal midnight in the depths of the ocean.
Additional Info
He likes to dye his white hair bright colors, and has to work to keep it maintained so the starkness of his roots don’t show against the color he chose. Right now, he keeps it blue.
The family experienced rocky beginnings, as Cyan was an unexpected surprise and though rumor has it that he married her to avoid controversy, Aeneas has nonetheless remained faithful to Marella even as distant as he was.
Cyan keeps a collection of glasses with different colored lenses; fashion stops for no one.
He can, and will, go days on end without proper sleep. Once he crashes though, he can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.
He also sleep talks and sleep walks… He’s been found attempting to finish his work in his sleep, writing all sorts of nonsensical notes from whatever he’s dreaming about.
Everything has a specific place in his workspace and he knows with frightening muscle memory exactly where to reach everything; he could probably navigate his routine in his sleep.
He’s a chaotic note taker, and one can find snippets of scribbles on paper in every nook and cranny of his home.
He doesn’t mind taking on extra work to help others if they should need it. This leads to cycles of intense productivity followed by periods of exhaustion in which he prefers solitude, or the company of close friends, to recharge.
A low maintenance friend, he doesn’t require much in the way of contact and finds it easy to pick up friendships where they left off despite the span of years that may have passed since last they met. Unfortunately this means he subconsciously expects the same from others and will get offended if someone yells at him for being out of touch for several years.
He still sees reaching out as an admittance of incompetence in the realm of academics.
More a visual learner than an auditory learner, Cyan appreciates letter exchanges. Often he finds himself an accidental gossiper as he confuses stories told to him verbally by others to the wrong people. Writing and reading letters helps him keep track of what story belongs to who (as well as giving him physical proof to reference if he still gets confused).
He’s a hoarder. It stems both from sentimentality and the insistence that he’ll be able to find a use for everything, and the minute he throws it away he’ll need it. He only downsizes his collections when forced by others, or when giving gifts