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Daelan Voegelin

Daelan Voegelin
Resident City
Home City


Daelan Voegelin
Basic Information




Birth Date:








Daelan Voegelin


23rd Thawing, 8271 (Cervos the Stag)

5'8 (172cm)




Noble / Alchemist / Engineer

Wissen Fellowship




Introverted | Passionate | Resourceful | Singleminded | Unsubtle | High-strung | Volatile

Though passionate, honest, and friendly among family and peers, Daelan struggles with a crippling shyness and anxiety in front of crowds or at social events. He's quite content to leave the mingling and public speaking to his more well adjusted fellows, to the dismay of those eager to capitalize on his prominent family name. Raised away from the double dealings and duplicity of courtly politics, Daelan never learned to navigate that sea of subtleties. As a result, he is steadfast, loyal, and unquestioning, which makes him somewhat easy to manipulate from the right angle of persuasion.

When comfortable, Daelan proves to have a smart, level head on his shoulders. Thoughtful and meticulous, and straightforward almost to a fault, he is often the one to apply logic to his colleagues' (or in-laws') more outlandish ideas. (An offhand quip about sausage-launching artillery? Consider it done--)  He tends to hyperfocus, obsessing over a given problem until it's either solved or proven technically impossible.

When out of his element, Daelan dissolves into a stuttering, bumbling mess. Easily overwhelmed and agitated when uncomfortable, he shies away from large social gatherings and public speaking. Not to say that he is entirely docile, however. When pushed past a certain point, he has a surprisingly fierce temper, with a sharp tongue and a snappish wit to match.


Voegelin: The Voegelin family has a long and storied history of military excellence. Occupying the estate of Slattery south of Koben City, its flat lands ideal for industry and relative proximity to the city and rivers lent to its recent growth as a prominent manufacturer and supplier of weaponry to Koben's forces. They have sponsored the Wissen Fellowship for generations.

The youngest, and the only child born of the second wife, Daelan's childhood was filled with the muffled whispers of servants' gossip. He was certainly smaller, quieter, shyer than his half-siblings-- But the marriage between his mother and father was a happy one, and his siblings were kind, if distant.

As the youngest, Daelan was afforded a certain amount of freedom. Though there was an initial attempt to introduce him to the military arts, a near disastrous incident early in his training brought a swift end to those sessions. As his elder siblings trained for glory and renown to do right by their family name, Daelan instead took to his studies.

Though expectations of him were low, he surprised his family by displaying an aptitude for magic. Intelligent and passionate despite his delicate build, Daelan professed a desire to enter the Wissen Fellowship, an institution long sponsored by their family, but rarely with personal involvement. His parents approved, and with their support (and a hefty donation), Daelan became a Wissen Junior of the Fellowship at 17 while he completed his last years of schooling.

Current Story

- (8291) The Grand Fair -

A fresh new hire, Daelan attended the fair for the first time as a full fledged engineer, having received a position at the workshop of a longtime family friend. To his disappointment, he was given menial tasks, as his coworkers saw him as nothing more than a pampered noble. No stranger to unfavorable impressions, he resolved to prove them wrong.

- (8291) Darker Tides -

The far off war, with tales of glorious battles across the sea, seemed suddenly much closer to home after the Mutiny of the Corsairs. With his elder brother, a Lieutenant in the Navy, returned home to recover from injuries sustained in the attack, and restoration of the alchemical and magical kind, it was with grim determination that Daelan devoted himself to the reconstruction.

- (8291) Turning Fortunes -

The alchemy supply shortage saw no end. However, this was but an opportunity for the magically-inclined Daelan-- A chance for him to push new technologies that rely on magic as well as mechanics, in the absence of alchemical means.

- (8292) Beacon Light -

The alchemy shortages reached a critical head. Daelan, together with his elder brother in the Air Force and a select few members of his company, answered the call for support in repairing the Ostzepter.

- (8292) Extravaganza -

The Fair this year was held enthusiasm and pride-- Bolstered by his role in the celebrations, Daelan was able to achieve what he'd failed to do a year earlier: the approval of his associates. With his performance the year past and in the tower climb, as well as his accomplishments as a Junior in mind, Daelan was promoted to a full fledged Wissen Member.

- (8292) War Games -

Good times could not last forever. With their hold on the distant North loosened, and the aggression of the dark elf state, a discontent descended upon the land. Though the Emperor's call for researchers scandalized some, to Daelan, it is his honor and duty to volunteer for that cause.

- (8293) Firefall -

Under the most strenuous of circumstances did the tenuous lull in conflict end. Miras' fury ravaged Koben and Song-Lu with a fiery vengeance, and it was with sheer desperation that those involved in the Emperor's secret project unleashed their experimental power against the onslaught.

- (8293) Unraveling -

The chaos east of the Reign mountains does not leave the rest of the Empire untouched for long-- To Daelan's dismay and consternation, mana crystals across the land slowly begin to fail. The cause, and solution, yet to be determined.

- (8293) Cut and Cauterize -
The Prince's kidnapping comes to a close with both profound relief and shock. The perpetrator behind it, the Marquess of Alden. The balance of power among the noble ranks shifts and crumbles in a single day. With the notable absence of the Marquess' influence, the Voegelins move to secure valuable land during the political shift. 

- (8294) Tale of Two Courts -

Currently, the political landscape is in an upheaval following the reveal of the Marquess' scandal. Amid the chaos, the Voegelin family spies an opportunity, and extends a hand to the deposed Zimmermann family. With their wealth and influence, they shield the Zimmermanns from the brunt of public scrutiny, and secure a valuable debt to be repaid as such: a courtship between Daelan and Vienna.

Additional Info
  • Wissen Member: Daelan uses his knowledge of magecraft to imbue his work. His focus is on magical prototyping, his belief being that a marriage of magic and alchemy could prove to surpass existing methods. He is currently working at a workshop in Koben City, and is also involved in the Emperor's research project.  

  • The Voegelins recently acquired a portion of the Zimmermann's land after their fall from grace.

  • Born ambidextrious, but currently favors his left hand due to an old injury on his right.

  • He has heterochromia; his right eye is hazel, and his left is grey.

  • Keeps a gun for self protection and tinkering purposes, (but is hilariously terrible at shooting it)

Family Relationships

- Earl Gabriel Voegelin: His father.

- Ilyse Voegelin: His mother. Gabriel's second wife.

- Fiore Voegelin: (Champion) His eldest half-brother, the Heir. Married, learning the family business. Daelan idolized him growing up.

- Alois Voegelin: (Sniper) His elder half-brother, a Navy Lieutenant.

- Edwyn Voegelin: (Wizard) His elder half-brother, an Air Force Wing Commander. 

- Sofia Weseli: (Warrior) His half-sister. Closest in age, close friends growing up. Misses her now that she's married.


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