Dahlia Irmi Singleir

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Dahlia Irmi Singleir
227 (Looks 29)
4th Rains 8068
5'8 ft (5'11 w/ heels)
Dark Elf
Antique store Owner
Dark Blossoming
Animals (namely birds and wolves), Trinkets from different lands, Cooking, Gardening, Books/Scrolls, Earnest people, Smell of rain, Long baths, Hearing about people's day, Hugs
Silence, Cleaning, Spicy food, Half-assed attitudes, Hot weather, Restricting clothes, Anyone who persistently asks about her past, Strong scents, Tight spaces
Benevolent, Audacious, Quirky, Perceptive, Relaxed, Unforgiving, Volatile, Obsessive, Self-negligent, Enigmatic
A woman who treats others how she'd like to be treated, Dahlia is warm hearted towards the people around her, especially to the ones she considers friends. She is the type of person to go with the flow, never asking too many questions- and yet is always observing. Her demeanor is generally laid back; she understands people have their own quirks, and so does she. She herself is an eccentric person, with her open attitude towards strangers and her habit of talking cryptically. If, on the off chance, someone does cross her or her loved ones, Dahlia's warmth can quickly turn ice cold. Protective to a fault, if anyone causes harm to those she holds dear, she will not hesitate on retaliating. Her family motto is "Protect your own''- words she takes to heart- sometimes even taking things a step too far.
In the first place, after many years of heartbreak, her emotional stability is questionable at best; Her bouts of depression and loneliness sometimes pull her to neglect her own well being. And while her boldness makes her fear very little, it also contributes to her obsession in her own craft. When all is said and done, Dahlia can be described as a broken soul but one who still tries to pick up the pieces together. Surprisingly, despite her affectionate attitude, there's very few she'd open up to about herself; An attempt to minimize the people who might hurt her.
While she is a woman of intellect, Dahlia will drop pretense of logic at the drop of a hat if her intuition tells her to. She's not scared to take chances in following her instinct, and a number of times this has saved her- but has equally perplexed others.
Born into a humble family of alchemists, Dahlia had a relatively lackluster early life in Iadlain. Her relationship with her parents was rocky at best, but typical for families that voiced their disagreements with one another. Between her brazen nature and listlessness, a forced integration to the family business was a catalyst of sorts for the tense relations. Dahlia had first been interested with the process of crystallizing ether at first- but this slowly waned, realizing that beyond that, she had no desire to be involved with the machinations of their shop despite her ability to use magic.
Instead, through chance, she grew interested in healing magic. Medical books replaced magic theory ones and soon Dahlia finds herself volunteering at a local clinic, where she refined her skills. Her time studying under different practitioners allowed her to learn a vast knowledge in the medicine field, and with her hands-on-approach paired with her openness to aid just about anyone, led her to meet all sorts of people. One such person was a Relan whomst was saved from the foot of Reigns Mountain. His prolonged stay in Iadlain allowed time for her to better know the man- and despite the fact he eventually left for Reluir upon recovering, he visited time and time again. Sparse meetings became courtship and then marriage. Although her parents didn’t approve of the union, Dahlia still went through with it anyway and soon moved to the Queendom where she opened a clinic of her own.
It was far from an easy life, but with a partner that was nothing short of supportive, Dahlia weathered the rapid change in her life. Blissful years passed before it all fell apart. An unexpected visit from a Queen’s Assassin came along with the news of her husband’s death. As if his passing wasn’t shocking enough, the fact he had hidden that he worked such a dangerous job only added to her distress. The emotional toll wore down on her already fragile constitution after years of working as an Exorcist. There was nothing left for her in Reluir and she had nothing to give anymore due to her declining health, and so returned to Iadlain.
Opening a bookstore, Dahlia drowned herself in books to study magecraft once again, this time to become a Conjurer. . Her studies and research had become a sort of escape for the emptiness she was feeling and so had dove into it- perhaps too eagerly, too recklessly. After gaining her first contract, however, it helped anchor her emotions. The shop she opened was supposed to act as a distraction, but soon she found it attracted a number of characters, some genuinely finding interest in her books, but also some who seemed just as lost and lonely as her. Through time her little shop became a hub to those looking for a bit of sanctuary, be it through the ramblings of an eccentric woman and her cooking, or the comfort of being not so alone. It was for these sorts of people that she found a sliver of reason to go on with her life, no matter how insignificant the reason may be.
Decades passed with some form of heart break and then picking up the pieces once again, eventually a newly appointed Count Cassair invited her into the Grey Coven, one she quickly accepted. She had acted as the eyes and ears with her summons, reporting anything amiss in the city as well as conducting magecraft research when the war broke out. At the peak of Reluir's attempt to annex Iadlain, Dahlia had successfully summoned and formed an Ultimatum with the creature that once gashed her eye and used it to fend off attackers. Cassair's subsequent death had crushed her, and she had wanted to press for more proof- more proof than his hair that he was gone.
With the awakening of the dead around Reluir, she's come to notice she had not seen her deceased husband walking among the living again. And that in itself was a small consolation in her opinion.
Current Story
Salceus’ and the other Generals’ awakening is truly a sight to behold- and yet when you live in Iadlain, it is yet another supernatural occurrence that you must learn to deal with- that is, at least Dahlia’s opinion.
As someone who was formerly of the Grey Coven, she remains in Iadlain, aiding the efforts in suppressing the beasts of Wispwood. Although she has heard whispers of someone being brutally killed, a friend(?) of Owain, and yet she thinks it's another norm in their little city.
Additional Info
Due to being formerly an Exorcist, her health steadily declined and she can be quite sickly.
Has a habit of calling those that are younger than her as 'little one' or 'dear [name here]' This is often the case with humans or half-elves, but does it as well to full elves if the age difference is great.
Despite living alone, she overestimates how much she cooks for herself. Ends up giving away any extra food to neighbors or friends.
Can make simple medicinal remedies despite leaving her healer roots
Was known as “The Red Lady” because of how she formerly dyed her hair red.
Smokes almost every other meal, but takes care she is alone in the vicinity so no one inhales the smoke.
Most of her contracted summons have their respective glyphs tattooed on her body.
For normal summoning she uses her own mix of ink. The primary ingredient being aged tree sap from the Wispwoods. She takes a trip months at a time to gather this ingredient.
For the creature she has an Ultimatum, she needs to draw the summoning circle every time with her own blood.
She uses a bell to control this summon for easier maneuvering since she has no conduit (ie. her body) to properly control it.
She leaves flowers behind each time she visits the Wispwoods
Contracts (34/36 summoning points); (2) Class A Demon Types, (1) Class D Beast Type