Dimitris Umbrius

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Dimitris Umbrius
69 (nice
14th Flowers, 8226
6'1" (185 cm)
Light Elf
Noble (Barone Umbrius, heir to Visconte Umbrius)
Mirian Royal Court
Light Blossoming
✓: gregarious, independent, adaptive
-: cocky, cunning, vengeful
Among peers, Dimitris is notable for his cheek and assuredness. He will break tension with an indifference that feels calculated rather than blunt, and go on to wander in and out of various social circles as he pleases. To him noble etiquette is a guideline rather than a law, and as long as his reputation survives it he will happily saunter into places considered beneath him... as well as those far above. His revolving interests imply listlessness, which is half-true in that he lacks passion but not dedication; as far as his station is concerned, Dimitris has every intention of inheriting the viscounty and all its wealth - he's just procrastinating while he's still young and hot. His other principles are ascribed to the same logic, just as his loyalties are obscure but deep-seated and ferociously defended. Similarly, he's willing to endure a lot as a means to an end, be it his noble duty to retain his lifestyle or public scrutiny to protect his family name.
On the other hand, Dimitris' nonchalance belies a pettiness has grown with him rather than out of him. He has an elephant's memory for slights and will unapologetically chase the last word instead of making amends. While he doesn't rely on bluster to throw his weight around, he has no qualms about making others feel small if he believes they deserve it. In a word, he's bold - in another, smug. Dimitris doesn't appreciate that his confidence is partially attributed to circumstance - his position, its means, and the weight of his family name - rather than wholly self-made, since he's never been without their leverage. Additionally, the things he gained from testing boundaries (his social repetoire) outweigh the things he lost (the respect of boring people), so he's grown cocky in his fearlessness. It will only take one misstep before he flies too close to the sun.
Dimitris Umbrius grew up a rather unburdened heir. He was bright and sociable and his parents were not the bridling sort, which allowed the boy to spend his youth romping around the estate, commandeering his father's orphyr, and generally being an adorable menace. His first real trial was the (unnecessary, who asked for this) promise of a younger sister in his tenth year. He had misgivings that she would infringe upon his monopolies, and spent a truly laughable amount of time plotting her demise. But because he was pliable at that age, little Anya would wear him down with her doughy hands and warm, helpless trust. His tantrum broke like a fever, or a tide, to be replaced by an equally saturing affection.
Still, all was not well. His mother never fully recovered from labor, and only became weaker with every turning season. Dimitris always knew she was delicate, but life brimmed so fully in her laugh, in the way she stretched his cheeks to bemoan his suppleness and her lack (so he better grow into the handsomest elf ever). He thought his mother was the sun when she was glass, and he wasn't prepared for her protracted decline. Thinking it was only a matter of time before the adults stymied the wound, he pretended not to notice her sallowing cheeks and called her radiant every day. Soon she would regain her vitality. Soon this would just be something to forget.
His juvenile hopes died with her in 8244. And it seems heartbreak was nearest death, because it leeched all the life out of his father too. When Dimitris realized he had lost not one parent but two, his sense of security was swept from beneath him. Worse yet, cobwebs of a happy childhood clung to him wherever he went, and its absence made him angry. No one seemed to know how to comfort him or quell his rage, and most gave up trying - except his sister, who held on even after he made her cry. His feelings for her were complicated: she was the reason their mother died, but so was he. They were both guilty of having been born, but she chose him when his own father couldn't. She was all he had left of a joy that grew more distant by the day. She would wear him down again because he loved her too much to hate her, and it turned out he needed her too. Tending to her gave him something to do, that he found he still cared about doing, until the siblings were sent to Delverne to remember the good things.
There, he found some peace in the land and people that raised his mother. All this was why he later returned to Miras the same young master he had once been, and why he eventually forgave his father (just half). Grief became a sad but faraway memory, and everything before was preserved...translucent but whole.
In subsequent years, Dimitris grew whichever way he wished, just as he had when he was a boy. He continued to entertain his interests, secretly nap through lessons, and grow his circle. Though he was successful in the social circuit and maintained enough respect to do what he wanted, he found governance, holding court, and all the official humdrum boring as hell. He was doing the bare minimum to prove he wasn't about to cede his title, but he might've been dragging his feet just a little.
Current Story
War brought few happy changes, but few tumultuous ones either until Delverne annexed Cantor in Thawing, 8293 (Holy War). All too swiftly to be unplanned, many noble light elf families closed ranks and fled across the border, leaving their fellows to face the nation's suspicions alone. Dimitris and his peers were corralled into the Royal Palace in the showiest arrest of the decade, then confined to lesser luxuries and unspoken restrictions. All of this was infuriating (on top of horrendously boring), but what's a few years in jail to an elf?
Of course, things only got worse when his sister disappeared after the disastrous Leywood exhibition (Ambition). Dimitris's relief upon her safe return was promptly quashed when she was identified during the Academy's insurrection (Shatter). Of course, he made an initial show of impartiality; of course, he planned to lie through his teeth to keep her out of pauper's jail, and he knew that his whole family would vehemently deny her participation as a matter of self-preservation. Together, their objections managed to deter her implication (but whether any of this could be credited the best performance of Dimitris's life is unknown.) Since then he's done little but watch and gnaw on his cell bars as the world, from law to firmament, seemed to collapse around him.
But now his sister has returned from a second expedition with pressing news...
Additional Info
Blossoming: glowing irises and hair
His middle name is Kaelan, after his paternal great-grandfather with whom he shares a striking resemblance.
Raised a pet Pyre dragon named Finneas, 12 years old! Finneas spooks easily and is pampered by everyone (except Dmi) so he's more glorified dog than trusty steed... But to his credit, he didn't leave with Maelog's procession bc u dont get honey roasts in the wild
Got Paladin lineage from his paternal grandmother, but continued along the path because a) it looked badass and b) he wanted to assume the role of protector. It's one of few things that felt worthy enough to see through. thanks weef for being sensei early on
Naturally left-handed, but became ambidextrous after breaking his arm as a kid. He had to do everything with his nondominant for a couple of weeks (natural healing was better for his age, so said family doctor uncle) and it was too cool to not retain. His right hand/arm is functional for most things but not a viable main swordhand :( little dmi wanted to dual wield...
Privately trained in swordsmanship, he specializes in the bastard sword due to nondominant dexterity (and bc its funny
He went through a tsundere 'no one gets to bully her but me' phase with Anya as a child, which their father will bring up to make fun of him. he will then bring up that dad was such a wife guy that he ditched his kids for a hot second :smiley:
A light sleeper who prefers his room darker than Relan Vantablack come nighttime.
Has good tactile perception and precision for stuff like origami, but can't art to save his life. Draws like a kindergartener still, he will exclusively send u bad drawings on ur bdays should u take the piss out of him