Divyan Valerya

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Divyan Valerya
11th Harvest, 8136 (Venator the Huntsman)
6'1 (185cm)
(He / They)
Wood/Dark Elf
Patient (Stubborn) | Passionate | Devoted | (Selectively) Kind | Judgmental | Hypocritical | Selfish
On the surface an altruistic and compassionate man, his outward benevolence masks a selfish ego. Though he may appear kindly, his genuine consideration is selective, showing a certain disregard towards all who fall outside his circle. His selfishness is the result of many years of subtle prejudices-- a childhood faced with scorn and judgement has led him to in turn distrust and reject others.
Divyan's entire bearing is one of contradictions. Though tolerant in the right company, it's more accurate to say that he is too stubborn to budge on a given topic or issue until the other party has given up. Though refined at a glance, he is hot-headed and singleminded, and has a tendency to hyperfixate on the things (and people) that are important to him. Though he claims magnanimity, in reality he is insecure and quick to take offence, and craves affection and a place to truly belong. Because of this, he is fiercely protective of those he has come to care for.
Divyan has a genuine soft spot for odd ones, or those who don't quite fit into the mold society would make for them. For those few, he is a firm pillar of quiet support. On the other hand, his public shows of generosity are born from self-centered and admittedly petty intentions; how better to prove others' views of him as wrong than being a paragon of goodness? Ironically, in his outward displays of charity, he truly does leaves a better, more accepting space in his wake.
Youth: 0-18
Divyan was found abandoned as baby. The identity of his mother and father were unknown, but the child's coloration suggested that he was the result of a perhaps less than proper dalliance. By the benevolence of the church, he was taken in and raised by the presiding priest.
Adolescence: 18-40's
Growing up, Divyan was an astute child, well aware of the looks he garnered; a mix of pity and disdain. Frustrated by the perceived judgment and condescension he faced, Divyan spent much of his youth and adolescence as a rebellious brat. The temple's grace could only stretch so far, and after a time, they finally bore down upon their wayward charge to enforce upon him the teachings of their faith.
Adulthood: 40's-70's
With time (and the firm guidance of an iron fist) Divyan eventually settled down, devoting his time to the Church College's teachings. Still, he chafed within the confines of the church as the years wore on, and he eventually became a Missionary, eager to travel beyond the borders of what he'd come to know. Perhaps, he thought, there was somewhere he could belong out there. As he encountered new and interesting experiences across the lands, he slowly, unknowingly, began to come to terms with his mixed heritage as well.
Courtship and Marriage: 70's-110's
It was during his travels that he came to know and befriend an elf named Malory. As time went on, a friendship turned romance turned courtship became marriage. It was not without its own share of (many) obstacles, chief among them a renewed distaste for his dark elfen blood, but Divyan was nothing if not obstinate.
Travel and Idyll: 110's - 150's
Settled down with his husband at his side, Divyan slowly began to view his country with something akin to true affection for the first time. Happily, Malory too had a passion for travel, and the pair visited every corner of the wood elf kingdom in pursuit of knowledge (and it made a decent honeymoon to boot.)
Current Story
- (8292) And Night Did Fall -
Political and societal changes have shaken the world and society around them. Though Divyan for most of his life had held little love for his home country with all of its flaws, the changing views of wood elves abroad have instilled in him a greater patriotism.
- (8293) Southern Federation -
Though surely a cause for celebration, and obligated as a Missionary to embrace and observe new knowledge for the good of the Estran people, Divyan cannot help but look upon the new alliance with a cautious eye.
- (8293) Deal with Devils -
In the wake of the Whelcliffe debacle, Divyan cannot help but look upon the riotous changes of recent times with a distant aversion. Once more, Estraude reaches out to new and foreign allies, and once more he conceals his suspicions with a magnanimous display.
Currently, the quest for a Sixth god has drawn his attention in ways he hasn't felt in decades. The potential to unearth long lost knowledge, and to reap the benefits for himself and his country, are too tantalizing to resist.
Additional Info
The tattoos on his arms represent the god halos (with Atros' conspicuously absent). Those on his face represent sight and seeing that which others don't.
Divyan resents and rejects his mixed blood. He views dark elves with more animosity than is perhaps warranted, and fellow wood-dark elves with a fervent kinship and empathy.
Family Relationships
- Malory Valerya: His husband, a light/wood elf and a mask maker.